Void elves can look like blood elves but not vise versa

In the Shadow of the Suyn with it´s condemnation and aknowledgment of Belves not being aware not much less accepting of Kael´s deal with the Legion says “Hi”.

Heck, both Taethelan and Liadrin mention in their dialogue several times their goal of taking Belf society FAR AND AWAY from the mark Kael´thas left on the kingdom… you know, the one related to him consorting with demons.

I repeat: and this concerns the Belves how exactly, dude? The demons pretty much IGNORED Quel´thalas during the whole freaking invasion o0f Azeroth, why would they care now?

Alleria´s opinion is just that: her opinion. NOT a “proof” the Blood Elves follow her sentiment -and considering most are happy to be were they are even post BfA… me thinks she´s still in the process of adjusting to the changes, nothing more and nothing less.-

You know what´s the big difference between BOTH cases? In regards to the Horde, the other HORDE allies joined in the efforts to dethrone the abusers… in the case of the Alliance and the Humans, NONE of the other races did anything nor gave a rat´s butt over the Belves.

The sky of difference between perceived betrayal and ACTUAL betrayal. Simply put it, even with antagonistic dictators, the Horde as an allied political entity came up to support the elves. The Alliance did nothing in the best case or outright validated the abuse in the worst case.

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Quel’thalas left, not ever high elf did. And to this day there are high elves firmly aligned with the Alliance.

I am not particularly interested in Silvermoon and as mentioned would prefer a new land given to the high elves. Having said that Blizzard loves a good civil war and considering Silvermoon is the last Horde base on the Eastern Kingdoms, would mean it would be a target of the Alliance.

The natural progression seems more like a civil war with both side trying to convince the super power they are aligned with to get into the fray to get the land they think belongs to them.

That does mean fel magicis banned.

Actually that is incorrect. We know the legion was attacking everywhere, just off screen. We know this after the good war novella/Jaina’s comic showing the Legion was attacking other zones we were never privy to.

Only time will tell what will happen and if Alleria will actually do something more aggressive/try to do something to convince more blood elves to leave the Horde.

Considering the Silvermoon elves left the Alliance when it was convinent for them there was no incentive to actually help them. And even then that is not totally true considering both Velen and the Alliance did help them stop the Legion back in Sunwell.

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Sad how some people just ignore the lore because their stuck in WC2


This is correct, what´s NOT correct is to imply Quel´thalas should had rolled Alliance back in TBC taking into account THIS premise.

A military conflict involving ALLIANCE High elves and HORDE Blood elves is NOT a “civil war”… literally both groups are affiliated to different political entities, with thye firsts abandoning any claim to the nation since WC2 -suck for them, but that´s what happens when people decide to ignore their King´s orders in a medieval inspired narrative-.

Also, you forgot to mention how Blizzard loves to apply the Civil War angle ONLY in the Horde side of the story (no seriously, remember the old Dwarf inter clan issues? Solved by the Humans and now all the Dwarves are happy followers of Ironforge, centuries of disagreements erased with a line in a book and a scenario in MoP).

When have High elves apart from the deranged Windrunner sisters mentioned they want to get Quel´thalas back by force? At the most they WISH they could make “the Belves see their angle”, but not one of them -not even Umbric- has come to say they are desperate to remove the Belves from Quel´thalas, this is Helfer headcanon.

It would have made just as much sense as them joining a group they were mortal enemies with. Not to mention Tyrande did help Kael. In an alternate timeline Tyrande could have easily vouched for them.

I don’t think they have abandoned their claims to their homes. They however no longer follow the edicts of a king/appointy. That is sort of how civil wars work.

The Windrunners are the leaders of the two Alliance elven aligned factions. I doubt forces is what they would use but is probably not off the table depending on the circumstance(like another world war lead by the Horde).

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jaina also refers to what she perceives as betrayal by the sunreavers as being betrayed by her ‘own kirin tor’ as well as crediting the sunreavers with being productive citizens for thousands of years and the ones who helped humans discover magic in that scenario. rommath and lorthemar acknowledge that aethas IS kirin tor. but the sunreavers consider the horde as their family? blood elves sure, but the horde their family?

this is your sides own invention. the neutral ‘high elves’ in dalaran all service the horde in the same capacity they do as the alliance minus any elf in greyfang enclave

we know they are free to revisit their homeland. if you played a hunter or mage in legion you saw ‘high elves’ and blood elves happily working together not missing a beat. esara verrinde and ravandwyr for mages and vereesa and halduron in the hunter campaign respectively. auric sunchasers last lore location is back in quel’thalas as well. vereesa herself even tried to joined the horde at one point

so did aethas sunreaver and liadrin. they all went in individual capacities. whats your point


Quite the contrary, that pretty much means that… if your military leaders tell you they want to get far and away from demonic association, guess what is their opinion regarding Fel -the magical source associated WITH demons-, hmm?

Jaina was in Alliance territory dude… and sorry but your wild speculations are NOT canon lore.

As long as Blizzard doesn´t come out to tell us the Burning Legion attacked Quel´thalas, then sorry but they didn´t attack it, period.

Speculation is NOT lore, Zerde.

Dude, the more aggresive she acts towards them, the better for me AND the worse for the Alliance.

The difference when you go back and see those “mortal enemies” actually help while the supposed friends kicked them while they were down. Don´t try to handwave WC3 Zerde, cause THAT is the issue: for your argument to work the story literally needs to erase the fact WC3 happened.

I wonder what WC3 Malfurion woould say taking into account he wasn´t a fan of his dearest brother, and that Kael was in cohoots with said dearest brother.

That´s precisely my criticism on the Nelf attitude regarding the Ghostlands quests… that isntead of actually helping while they “tried” to reach the Belves, the Nelves decided to do nothing while the Belves suffered and only limited themselves to follow in the political machinations of the Dwarf spy. That´s cold and anything but empathetic.

They did. The moment you ignore the claims of your King in a Monarch society, you basically become a traitor to the kingdom, dude.

What some deluded Helves like Veeresa believe is frankly irrelevant to this fact. They may be aknowledged as “Children of Silvermoon” but their actual political influence is ZERO as far as the actual government of Quel´thalas. They MADE their bed, and they WILL have to lay on it.

Entertaining open war against the lawful rulers of a kingdom to catter to people that basically chose to leave decades before is foolish, not something I´d expect of actual sensible leaders on the Alliance side. Also, the fact they literally gain nothing of value while they would be investing resources for nothing is important to take in mind too -no seriously, what gains do the Velves or the Helves get from “kicking the Belves” out of Quel´thalas? The amazing scourge infested territory? a huge battery that WILL explode at the contact with a Velf? What, Zerde? What actual GAINS do the Helves / Velves get out of owning Quel´thalas?

Apparently considering that was the reason why the Sunreaver never renounced their Horde membership.

Remember this guy? https://wowpedia.fandom.com/wiki/Archmage_Lan'dalock

He also gave quests to both sides and is marked neutral now but he is proof that just because the high elves are acting in a neutral capacity now does not mean they themselves are neutral.

Except all three were working under the banner of their respective faction. Vereesa no less mention to her sister of what happened to their people.

Didn’t you just say wild speculations are not canon lore. For all we know if just means no fel magic near the Sunwell/fel magic in the city proper but not an outright ban on fel magic users going in and out of the city.

Actually the comic does not specify WHERE she was when fighting the demons and aside from the demons the place was was never drawn. I thought speculation is not lore?

Right now she isn’t doing anything.

The problem here is the elves were the ones who left their supposes friends first high and dry with the most ridiculously excuse that they could come up with.

I am not ignoring Warcraft 3, I am however saying the Horde did worse that whatever the Alliance did and still the blood elves choose them.

As oppose to Sylvanas apperently only getting them to join the Horde so she could add them to her quiver to use against the Scourge?

Not neccesarily, usually when that happens a civil war occurs, especially if you think such an order was unjust. Particularly being tossed out of your city for not wanting to drink magic like a vampire. Also, Kael of all people didnt turn on the Alliance and was very much part of it means that there was no particular consequences for ignoring such an order from Anastarian.

Again, the blood elf fans like to point out the injustice of the Purge while actually doing the same thing to the high elves beforehand.

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They are not any more holy then any other race that is not lfd.

Best as an forsaken customization or a seperate race.

Undead paladins is not appropriate btw.

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Certainly she wasn´t in the middle of HORDE territory. Also, Liadrin et al wouldn´t have traveled as relaxed as they did IF the Legion would had sieged Silvermoon OR Quel´Danas (I mean Rommath traveled to Suramar Zerde as per the in-game quest chain… and according to current canon lore, the Grand Magister (in this case, Rommath) IS the one IN-CHARGE of the military defense of Silvermoon as per “Blood of the Highborne”. Therefore, if Rommath traveled to Suramar, then Silvermoon wasn´t being attacked, period).

See the diference between wildful baseless speculations AND actually using the lore to make an argument?

Prepare yourself to see her follow this narrative direction in the future… cause the last thing the devs are interesting in doing regarding the Alliance is aknowledging questionable behaviour from it´s NPCs.

You DO, cause your argument is literally “Kael´thas returned back to the Alliance after Dalaran tried to kill him and his subjects; also he doesn´t care nobody complained over this in the Alliance side!!”.

The Orcs that offered the help were NOT the same Orcs that attacked, Thrall had nothing to do with the Old Horde; meanwhile, Modera and Magni ARE the same people that were the leaders of their kingdoms at the same time Kael almost got assassinated by Garithos.

Well dude, yes. Casue in the second case the rest of the Forsaken basically stepped up to help (do you need me to put on Velonara´s BfA dialogue to remember?)

THAT´S the narrative difference brought by WC3 you REFUSE to aknowledge… mentally speaking, the Belves ARE different from the Helves. The traumatic experience Arthas put them through caused a change in mentality on the race, anhd this change is NOT present on the Helves -reason why they actually keep their ridiculous pompous pride while the Belves HAD TO grown up and learn that sometimes one has to accept help even if it comes from green monsters that were enemies a decade ago-.

Cause ignoring military orders and becoming a hurdle over mana veganism is much better? Get real Zerde, the only exiled subjects as per canon lore were the Quel´lithien ones… who raised a storm over having to suck mana from critters, SUCH a “sin”.

Meanwhile, the other debilitated Belves still had to take into the weight Renthar et al refused to take in the aftermath os a zombie apocalyse that killed 90% of their race, how entitled of them Belves to pretend pretentious military comrades to pull on their weight and actually fulfill their jobs!!

Light, arcane, fel, void… All these forces can be corruptive. The only pure beings in azeroth are those who haven’t been changed by any source of magic i think. If you use too much of a source of magic and it changes your appearance, i think that could be considered corruption?


Well, the loss of his family and him turning his grief into outright racism , blaming the elves for diverting resources as his home burned. I mean if Sylvanas is worthy of a redemption, he is.


That’s pretty much just Zandalari and they’re juicing Loa magics all day erry day.

Titanforged races were corrupted by the Void, orcs are little bits of earth elementals corrupted by Life, elves and tauren by the Arcane, Draenei have been pumping Holy energies for millennia, goblins by Kaja’mite. And that’s before we get to aftermarket additions like Death to Forsaken and Void to void elves.


Blizzard has never said that about any other playable race regardless of magic or magics used except Void Elves so I can’t say much past what I already did earlier.

Yes, and I think it speaks to the greater nature of grief that is worthy of discussion. It can lead you to some very dark places.

I’m only here to say to change your title to vice versa, not vise versa

Yeah I’m sure Blizzard is just chomping at the bit to do a storyline explaining why a character whose primary character trait was racism was a victim.


That already happened.

Garrosh? Garrosh died. Garrosh died good.