Void elves can look like blood elves but not vise versa

I disagree, no matter how you look at it. Nobody can really stake a claim on hair colors. Especially if blizzard decides to make their own natural/lighter hair colors for void elves. But come the next customization wave in an expansion or two and they include natural velf colors and nothing desirable for blood elves. Y’all will only have yourselves to blame.


There is no hair dye in this game, everyone that keeps trying to make that argument has no leg to stand on because Blizzard has always limited every races hair color options. Get real.

Thats an interesting take, aren’t bottles of hair dye what your desperately trying to get?

So which is it I have problems or you do? Because your side is arguing for the same thing BE fans are the only difference is you’re Void Elves so you’re reaching for something that BEs already fulfill and isn’t yours to have.

You can’t desperately seek the hair colors and then paint BE fans as irrational for defending visual uniqueness that is left.

I’ll tell you what my problem isn’t though and thats access to the natural hair colors that BEs have always had access to as the Elf that delivers the generic Elf fantasy.


Cool, try to hold onto the identity as the blonde haired race as best you can.


I’m glad you brought that up, that statement Ion made still holds true doesn’t it

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“We did have a lot of discussion about it, ultimately we might do more in the future, but for now we’re providing the option to have a few High Elf customizations available.”


And you think more HE options in the future was meant towards VEs?

Not BEs the actual HE race?

Lets see they can give BEs farstrider tattoos of WC2 that fulfills HE options in the future.

Give VEs some void jewelry and new void options, and see how they maintain their statement but the statement wasn’t meant for you?

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Oh you sweet youngling, I’ve been playing since Warcraft 1, son. I can tell you that the High Elves left the Alliance in the aftermath of WC2 and then WC3 happened where the human prince genocided the Thalassian elves and then a human general tried to finish the job.


Only half truths. Not every high elf agreed with Silvermoon and those that are to this day call themselves high elves(most of them anyway) are the very ones who decided to go “Screw what Silvermoon thinks, we are not changing our names to blood elves/not leaving the Alliance”.

Not to mention they were tossed out by Lother’mar from their own homes.


1% of the population. It’s unclear if it’s 1% pre-pop wipeout or 1% post pop wipeout.

Nobody said anything about those who remained behind. I’m saying officially Thalassian elves stopped being an alliance race at the end of WC2 except for a statistically insignificant number.


Actually we were told it was 10% of the survivors.

Considering we were also told the void elves are as numerous/if not more so then high elves. That means at least 20% of all surviving elves have joined the Alliance. Not to mention the fact the blood elves have lost people in a civil war with Kael’thas, the War Against the Lich King and whatever other war the Horde keeps dragging them into.

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they did actually. the high elves left completely. high elves and the alliance were fair weather allies, only interacting during times times of war. so withdrawing from the alliance was as simple as their army going back home and cutting ties as they couldnt care less about the alliance and their plights and contact would be limited to dalaran which was as much theirs as the humans who lived there and where high elf prince kael spent most of his time

a couple priests stayed to help heal the wounded. thats it. and who knows how many went back to help their own people after what arthas did

and as always, its fun to post this so here goes

However, a few high elves did not rename themselves blood elves. High elves and blood elves are physiologically the same race, and the difference between high and blood elves is only political.[10] When Quel’Thalas left the Alliance, some high elves chose to remain with their allies over their kingdom, and to this day still support the Alliance.(a couple priests, alleria) Some high elves were exiled from Quel’Thalas after the Third War.[11] (lodge hermits)Other high elf remnants have chosen to rejoin the Alliance in recent years, arriving to a cold reception.[2](the 4 named ones added to SW and Boralus over 17 years, yes 4) Modern high elves are a rare sight, and are commonly mistaken for blood elves.[12][13] In consequence, there are very few high elves left on Azeroth today. High elves did not gather in any significant numbers and are a very small group of individuals

thats pretty much why they werent a core race for the alliance in vanilla :blush:

development even reflects this lore today when they say that theres only a couple and that they arent out there supporting the alliance like alleria and the void elves. blood elves are high elves and high elves are a horde race :grinning:


Except the point is not every high elf left. The fact we have Silver Convenant Elven and non-mage elves as part of the Alliance to this day means plenty still remain. Not to mention the schism was made so that plenty of other elves were kicked out of Silvermoon for not using fel magic.

We were given a percentage. 10% of all elves alive after the Scourge rampaged still remained high elves.

We have literally had high elves in every expansion sans WoD helping the Alliance.

We even have an entire camp of them helping us stop Elisande. Their numbers maybe small but so are people like the gnomes(had 80% of their race killed in Gnomeragan) the draenei(most of their race were killed by the orcs). And now the night elves(dealing with the aftermath of Teldrassil)

If anything, being an endangered species is a feature of many of the Alliance races.

Void elves are blood elves and high elves and are now an Alliance race. Regardless if you like that fact or not.


the SC is not alliance you are now entering fanfiction territory. development confirmed what many antis and people without an agenda already know, the SC are just a sanctioned militia by the kirin tor and serve them and dalaran NOT the alliance. im not arguing this point anymore. the SC is not out there like alleria and void elves and only a couple elves live in alliance territory this is straight from development

only a few are said to have never renamed themselves blood elves. 10% of the surviving high elves is far more then ‘a few’

we dont know who these elves are and it doesnt make them automatically ‘alliance aligned’ most ‘high elves’ live in dalaran and dont care about either faction and go back and forth from quel’thalas as they please and imo identify as such to avoid unwanted political confrontations in dalaran. 10% could be a reference to where it stands now. it could be referring to alleria and all the other elves not even on azeroth. it doesnt even make sense for any high elf on azeroth to refuse the rebranding after the national tragedy

quel’lithien hermits also identify as ‘high elf’ but we know for a fact they were around helping rebuild and reclaim their land with blood elves, because the blood elves exiled them. either way you still lose because most modern ‘high elves’ arent even alliance with every lore source and crucially development disagreeing with your interpretation


His “Burning Legion” was literally dealt with as per Legion canon lore.

The organization Is destroyed, it´s generals DEAD. No moar Burning Legion dude, and the fact the ONLY story scenario you can imagine involving both the Belves AND the BL is basically a “lul, stupid Belves get owned and get corrupted” says all I need to hear about your ideas.

For the third time: if you don´t care or worse, actively hate the race, then please do the sensible DECENT thing and simply keep yourself out of “proposing” stuff for that race, period.

Quote the canon lore source involving the Belves, cause as far as I know this is headcanon. There´s NO open aknowledgment of “Warlocks” as such in Belf society.

I´ll wait.

And it ended right there. Nothing else happened, Alleria deviated her attention to the actual problem a.k.a. her sister.

What´s with you Helfers desperately trying to reattach yourselves to Quel´thalas once again… you sound incoherent: “I like Helves cause they were 100% Alliance fanboys to the point they preferred to leave their kingdom over leaving their Human buddies” “I want the story to continue to involve the Helves wanting to go back to Quel´thalas cause they love Quel´thalas cause I say so!!”.

Pick a side Zerde, both narratives cancel each other… either Helves loved their Human buddies more ort loved their country more, period.

Yes I´m aware, that´s EXACTLY what I said. But the bulk -starting by THE FREAKING KING- did leave. Sorry your LoTR cheap copout got obliterated lorewise by WC2 itself, but that´s the story since more than a decade AGO.

Well dude, that´s the ocean of difference between having someone trying to rob you (Orcs) AND having YOUR best friend actually rob you (Dalaran et al)… betrayal is a waaay better precursor of hate.

And the Belves NEVER felt betrayed by the Orcs… however, the Humans (particularly, the ones on the Kirin Tor) had already done so twice.

Oh, we´re perfectly capable, problem is there´s ALWAYS a poster coming to poach the stuff we want under the “but Velves are Belves too” BS argument.

I have zero issues if you people want to channel the literally worst incarnation of Thalassian speaking elves on this game and want to look like them, but I hope in the case this DOES happen that you stop right there. Which means no runic tattoos for you nor any other Belf exclusive stuff we get in compensation, for example.

What, him blaming the elves cause they didn´t jump to sacrifice themselves and acted like Helves act? (a.k.a. like a-holes)

This is the game that took a female character whose trauma was coded as metaphorical sexual assault and villain batted her to death (we will be raiding her in 9.1), what makes a grade A racist a-hole like Garithos “worthy” of getting “redeemed”?

Headcanon alert, post the lore canon source supporting this claim, Zerde.

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The Alliance Vanguard oversees the forces of the Alliance that have established themselves throughout Northrend. Spearheaded by the Valiance Expedition, the Alliance Vanguard consists of the following factions

I would add there is a base in Crystal Song Forest that is Silver Covenant aligned and is outright hostile to Horde players.

Actually a good chunk live in Stormwind, as show by high elves living in the mage district. We also have few high elven outpost like Alleria’s Outpost, Queldanie Lodge and the like openly supporting the Alliance.

Also there is no particular lore about how many high elves support/don’t support the Alliance in Dalaran. Any attempt at such is just your head canon.

Actually we saw them to field an army during Legion. The fact is, a good chunk of them are decidedly Alliance. On that note, the Silver Covenant were decidely fighting under an Alliance banner during the events of Suramar.


Yes Zerde, her point is the High Elf Kingdom a.k.a. Quel´thalas LEFT the Alliance and joined years later the Horde. And has been Horde since a decade ago. And WILL continue to be as such for as long as the factions exist on this game, so probably forever taking into account devs mentioned NEVER erasing the faction system cause is a staple of WoW.

Get your playable Helves, don´t get angry when the devs refuse to take the stuff (territory, characters) of a freaking Horde core race to give it to you guys too simply cause you refuse to aknowledge WC3 happened, period. (And yes Zerde, they will refuse, especially after the disastrous player reception of stuff like the loss of Teldrassil / Undercity).

Move on from that… get your Helves and ask for them to get developed as much as you want IN your faction´s territory, following YOUR faction´s narrative. Stop trying to drag the Horde Blood elves into that business, cause guess what? It is NOT required. For once follow a coherent narrative and yes, explore the potential story about High Elves integrating into Human society, cause THIS is basically the natural consequence of WC2 in regards to Alliance High Elves.

first the vanguard isnt a thing anymore. we arent fighting arthas the LK still

second, even this description still calls them part of the kirin tor and says they are teaming up. why do they have to team up if they are alliance and why are they described as a miltant faction of the kirin tor and not you know the alliance? which they were free to do btw just like the helping the horde with zulaman as it doesnt break neutrality. theyve always represented themselves as members of the kirin tor and here to help when dalaran was active in the story and when the northrend campaign was over they went back dalaran and neutrality

you have elves meeting with void elves in back alleys. and they only even appear if you have void elves unlocked. then you have a mage who interestingly enough is friends with other mages and canonically probably treated coldly by non mage citizens in stormwind. wow what a huge chunk

its the other way around if development says theres only a couple elves thats it. the dalaran pop constitutes far more then a couple, but there are a couple in alliance territory and i would definitely describe them as ‘not out there in the same way as alleria’

actually they were there were as part of the kirin tor force led by khadgar


And there is no open acknowlegement that fel magic is banned in the city. In fact, what is your source exactly for that?

We stop it for now. That does not mean he wont escape in the future. And just because his Legion was stopped does not mean the demons all went away. We don’t exactly know what the rest of them are doing.

Who says I want Quel’thalas back? In a perfect the rest of the high elves/void elves would just make their own new city. Alleria does think the blood elves might just be convinced to turn on the Horde and considering they nearly did in MoP might mean they can be connived to actually do it.

Except they have been here and continue to get stories involving them/there two most prominent characters, Alleria and Vereesa. Again, even back in Suramar Elisande address them as a people.

And Garrosh and Slyvanas both threw them to the wolves as it. Twice from the Horde they have been used by two warchiefs as pawns.

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Because Dalaran has a weird state of affaire were one can be neutral and not at the same time:

You’re so passionate for your cause and clear in your convictions. Believe me when I say that the Sunreavers are the same. The Horde is their family.

Not all of them support Garrosh. But they’re not about to abandon their own people… I couldn’t ask them to do so without tearing the Kirin Tor apart.

The Kirin Tor is sacred to me. We need to stay united.-Jaina.

We have high elves walking the streey of Stormwind. Heck, we actually had a high elf recruiting for the Strands back in the day. Speaking of:

Clear proof the high elves were aiding the Alliance against the Horde.

Again, that couple is apperently 10%. Not exactly an insignificant number. And considering nearly every high elven representation over the years has been positive with the Alliance/neutral/negative to the Horde, it is further proof most of them are siding with the Alliance.

Vereesa was literally trying to shoot Rommath/counciling against working with blood elves. Vereesa, the head of the Silver Covenant, was even the NPC the helped transport the PC to Exodar.