Void elves can look like blood elves but not vise versa

Void Elves are nowhere near as close to High Elves as Blood Elves are they are tainted and infused by the void Blizzard has even said this we aren’t.

Also them adding skintones for RPing which is what you and many other say they do isn’t saying you made a mistake it’s exactly that for RPing because you aren’t a Blood Elf or a High Elf you are a tainted void infused Void Elf.

And people like me don’t agree. Blizzard has thus far sided with people wanting more high elven cuztomization and even left the door open for it.


I assume the Story Forums would explode but that might not be so bad.

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I’m glad you pointed that out they did what they did while leaving visual distinction in place, I wouldn’t count on them siding with you again they have other fan bases to attend to and your request is a detriment to BE visual distinction.

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This is a fine stance to have but at this point it’s pretty clear that blizzard is willing to give high elf stuff to void elves. To be frank, asking for customization that furthers blood elf visual distinction would be a better way to waste your time.


I think you may just have to settle for a high elf who has mastered the void.

Like oh my gosh, you mean there’s more people than just me like oh my gosh, I can’t believe it.

I wish I could post pics because I’d totally use a Kardashian meme or GIF right now. :yum: :yum: :yum:

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You literally can’t tell different between a blood/void elf unless they were in combat and that different can easily obscured by any number of magical spells.

Or they might think there would be more people pleased by adding more HE
customization then upset by it. Only time will tell what they end up doing.

Or they might just cave and realize WoW would have been better if high elves were a thing. A


Yet the decision was discussed in length and there’s no hair to show for it on VEs.

People who value visual distinction still have a voice in this conversation and the fact that visual distinction is a valid argument reminding that to HE fans seems to really just upset some of their takes on the situation.

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Lol, it was already established earlier today you don’t have nearly as many customization options as Blood Elves on Void Elves because you aren’t a Core Race or are you backtracking on that now.

Let’s be real here, they haven’t even released the next patch content much less invested work in race customization.


And at the end of Legion it was decided that high elf players can have the high elf look just with a voidy look. And at the end of BFA it was decided that void elves can have regular skin tones just with voidy hair colors. See where this is going?


And when they do, why would you think Void Elves would be first up for anything given they were just given stuff in the last patch before the xpac was released.

You should check my post, I never said anything about Core races because as far as I am concerned the allied races should get the same amount of customization(and will hopefully get them someday). I specially said they are now part of the Alliance.


ill throw this up because I feel like this would be us when we do disagree on the rare occasions


It’s going nowhere because it seems odd to think one fan base is more important than another and at this point natural hair is the visual distinction left that VEs should never get :confused:

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I can totally see it even though some people say we always agree on stuff. :wink: :wink: :wink:

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That may be your stance but as it stands in recent years blizzard has changed their mind time and time again. It’d be best to focus on blood elf cosmetics at this rate.


Natural hair colors are BE cosmetics its the visual theme that BEs embody the natural generic fantasy Elf

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If your substance boils down to a bottle of hair dye, you’ve got problems.