Void elves can look like blood elves but not vise versa

If thinking that helps you sleep at night :man_shrugging:
I glance at it often, but few threads peak my interest enough to reply to.
Are you really trying to dictate where I can and can’t post? Not everyone gets speculation correct, it’s literally impossible to be right all the time. If this is referring to the sister thing, I mention again that many people felt it was Eonar and still feel it’s better story telling to have it be Eonar. Even the fairy tell book has a story that implies in at least one culture that the winter queen and elune aren’t sisters. Regardless, you’re just making an off topic comment purely to antagonize me.

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Where would that “corruption” come from, Zerde? No seriously, why waste time with stuff that doesn´t make sense in the story when there is stuff ALREADY in the Belf narrative that can be used instead?

Heck, devs even used Blood Magic stuff cosmetically in Nazmir… “green skin” wasn´t even used in Felblood Elf proper NPCs on Sunwell Plateau, THIS is nothing but going the same atrocious way the devs followed when implementing the Velf race narrative background.

I won´t expect for you to actually suggest sensible stuff that Blood Elf fans would like (after all you hate the race), so maybe just step away from the “suggest stuff on exchange” part?

The bitterness from me? I’m not the one that’s complained and still complaining about what I want, what I expect, what I supposedly deserve, that’s you dearie. Try not to blame others for your own unhappiness.

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I was just throwing out a random idea that just because the void elves might get more light skin tones does not neccesarily mean Blizzard will just give the blood elves the void elf skin tone. That Blizzard might just give them something totally different.

Also, considering some blood elf fans think they have lost their teeth because of the re-egnited sunwell, a potential storyline where its get destroyed by fel magic/gets corrupted again, could easily change that dynamic.(maybe a fel explosion cause any blood elves who were near that explosing to get fel skin)

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Sounds like fan fiction to me.


said without any hint of irony while playing a game that anyone who played Warcraft 2 back in the day would think would be fan fiction

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It’s like exhibiting the behavior you’re accusing others of having is going to go unnoticed but it really isn’t Zerde.


I mean, honestly they are reaching the bottom of the barrel of unique things to give blood elves and even fewer things that belf players would even appreciate.

You still fixate on WC2? Most of us you know moved on, I’m sure you can replay it.


I think expanding on the blood elves blood, light, and fel themes would more than pay for void elves simply getting their normal hair options and silver jewelry options.

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What are you going to do with blood though? Felblood elves are already red.

There seems to be a big disconnect with you. I am quite happy with what I have, that doesn’t mean we should suddenly stop asking for more. And yet here you are thinking people who want more for themselves are children/think that the void elves getting the skin tone are a mistake?

Oh, I have no qualms about using such dirty tactics. If you want to try a low blow and claim this entire is childish, sounds like said person deserves a taste of their own medicine.

Not at all. However considering Warcraft was built on it/build on the rts one can actually connect the two.

And my saying it seems like “fan fiction” compared to Warcraft 2 is not a slight at all. Just to point out how rather unlike lore that noone who had just played Warcraft 2 could have imagine Warcraft evolving into. That using that as a defense that what I post is totally out of the realm of possibility seems abit naive.

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I frankly don´t care dude, you do you. I just find it hilarious for you to try to imply SF was irrelevant to the discussion when you usually try (and fail a littyle bit) to use lore as the basis for your arguments.

Your comment was antagonistic by default, if you don´t want to get called out on it maybe next time don´t make the comment in the first place?

And it sure as hell shouldn´t, Velf skintones on Belves make literally ZERO sense as per canon lore.

OP frankly was trying to bait people and nothing more…

I repeat: coming from where, Zerde? No more BL, no more canon use of Fel on Quel´thalas -I mean I hoe you are aware the DH are Illidari and NOT part of Quel´thalas canon army-, ergo nonsense. You are NOT a GD dweller, you are a SF one, I expect better from you and will hold you to our standards, ergo, if you feel like putting in the mental work, DO it, not just pretend to.

I repeat: if you don´t like / don´t care for the race, then don´t suggest anything, nothing says you have to do it.

Dude I have zero issues with losing the Sunwell (that fount is nothing but a glorified handicap on the race and a giant target for enemies), but I hate suggestions that reduce the race to only a theme.

And trying to pass Belves as “Lightforged” IS one good example of reducing one race to only one theme (you guys hated to be reduced only to Void, pray tell why would be ok to reduce us to "only"Light, hmm?).

Belves have a rich lore, taking advante of it seems infinitely better than reducing the race to only one thematic and calling it a day.

San’layn options


Better as an AR though.

So you aren’t here to argue in good faith is what you’re saying?


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Which again, are reductive cause those only apply to UNDEAD mages and maybe hunters.

I rather get stuff that people from different class combos can use (you know, like the leave stuff the Nelves got or their tattoos)…

What does it matter if people think giving velves the skin tones was a mistake. It’s already done. People can be as angry about it as they want. It changes nothing.


How about the orbs that kaelthas had.
Multiple colors, maybe even multiple shapes/designs.


Do you really think Blizzard wont suddenly free Sargeras from his prison someday? Or that whatever remained of the Burning Legion wont suddenly become a topic again/raid expansion? The fact is there are still plenty of fel forces out there and considering Warcraft is apparently in a 6 way war between the elements led me to think Blizzard will use a fel menace again someday. Assuming WoW lasts long enough.

And yet some people are here suggesting what they think should happen to the void elves skin tone. I’d also point that is literally impossibly considering the factions keep intersecting.

I am not even angry about it. But my point was Blizzard added the changes/gave new skins tone to correct what they perceived as a mistake.

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