Void elves can look like blood elves but not vise versa

If that happens so be it, but at least it wont be under this inane argument that somehow the void elves own the blood elves something. That “fairness” somehow justifies the void elves losing more to blood elves who clearly have more to begin with.

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You guys should swing to SF from time to time -I mean I know we have our usual spats in there, but you can go a check without posting at least to update on story stuff…

I´m more worried about using Veeresa as some “positive” example of the High Elf story… gal has been consistently portrayed as a trophy wife and an airhead (I mean she literally dedicated herself to antagonize the Belves because her cousing -ONE blood elf- became a psycho -who she rationalized it was perfectly A-Ok to judge an entire race thanks to the behaviour of her cousin paints a not very nice picture regarding Veeresa´s mental skills).

Dude I wasn´t the one getting a commentary about “everybody hates the Human Potential effect in the Alliance story minus Zerde” in our own “fix the Horde thread” by other Alliance posters

Your infamous regarding this (and predictably, have corroborated your stance several times in this thread), so own to it and move on. Cause my post has no lies in it, and Naughtymoon -as someone who is NOT accostumed to deal with people like you- was getting too worked up unecessarily. You don´t see a problem telling people their fgave race is a “mistake” -according to your own biased PoV ofc-, and some people DO get offended when posters make remarks of this caliber, period.


Maybe. And maybe by then they’ll give Blood elves proper light elf customizations.

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There are several potential customization options that can be given to blood elves and kept exclusive to just them.

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Don’t forget your the Allied Race it makes sense this isn’t tit for tat.

Core races can get work done further and a second thought doesn’t need to be paid for VEs :slight_smile:

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from some of the night elves fans who have their own little issues? I checked the people who like the stuff I post. Not everyone agree in this whole “human potential” narrative you are all so convinced is a driving force of Warcraft’s lore.

I have seen your post. You dont exactly exude unbiased either. I have always said what I thought, if people are offended by it that is their problem. Element knows how many thing certain players have said to try and offend me. (some in the SF have turned me into a boogeyman)

The fact you cant see the irony of how your post exudes your bias view on me is just funny in its own way.

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What’s SF?

Would you like a halo maybe? Light runes? Sparkles? I’m afraid they’ve already given wings

I mean you think SC isn’t neutral so that’s the first issue.

But the main one is the fact you think you’re not a VE when you choose the natural skin tones

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The SC is literally part of the Alliance reputation bar. They were the ones handling the Argent Tournament for the Alliance and the moment Jaina wanted an army to purge Dalaran of the Horde she turned to them.

Just because neither the Sunreavers/Silver Covenant are fighting in the streets of Dalaran does not mean they don’t have loyalities to the Horde/Alliance.


Preach because this is exactly how it should be if Void Elves ever get natural hair colors where they can only use them with void skintones and only use natural skintones with void hair colors. :yum: :yum: :yum:

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Story Forums

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Does it bother you VEs aren’t HEs, and HEs are returning home to their people, and the aesthetic visually and lore all belong to BEs? Just curious the way your post is phrased it seems like it bothers you.

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Light elf customizations as a broad theme don´t make sense for the Blood elf race as a whole… no real lore to support it dude (not even the Golden eyes are an “effect” of the Sunwell ffs).

What´s with people trying to reduce the Belf customization potential to some fanfiction based “Lightforging” BS only, omg…

I dig going the “Blood Magic” theme route cause THAT one actually is VERY exclusive to the Blood elves, and has been a thing since TBC. Also, it´s the one with the biggest story AND customization potential.

And Worgen fans and other Human fans and Dwarf fans -yes Zerdfe those exist apart from Aihn-… I´m sorry Zerde, but that wasn´t precisely a “cry of war” that came from the NEFPAs, it came from people of different backgrounds.

I repeat: own to it, no reson to feel “bitter” for the fact I gave heads up to one poster in GD regarding your posting ways, chill.

Your bitternes perfectly embody the name of your toon… cause the tone implied when mentioning all those “suggestions” is yuck!!!

The place you didn´t manage to survive for long.

But I have the mental acuity to NOT tell people their favorite race sucks while I attach myself to the middle of the story (WC2) and refuse to admit the continuation exists (WC3).

Everybody IS biased in different ways, the thing is keeping some modicum of self awareness when making comments, Zerde.


Or they will just give new skin tones. Fel, they might just give a fel/greenish skin tone to blood elves in some lore event about the Sunwell getting some corruption.

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Well, I suppose you are entitled to your perspective. I’m just too amused.

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I wouldn’t care for them personally but I also wouldn’t be complaining about them because like I said in an earlier post I’m not ungrateful for every little thing that I get given in this game.

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I think you see people standing against your request making logical statements and your response to that because it bothers your feelings on the topic is to make nonsensical ones because that’s how you view what we’re saying but deep down you know it isn’t true.

Enjoy what you have Zerde don’t focus on what you likely won’t ever get and arguably shouldn’t have :slight_smile:


LMFAO! The day anyone from that side ever actually appreciates anything they get will be the day because it’s always going to be me, me, me, more, more, more.


And there are those who like some of my take, which range from people who play the races you just mention+some night elf fans.

Again, the irony of saying my view are bias while potraying a view you yourself are biased on is just laughable.

Or I can enjoy what I have(i have two void elves, which use both light and voidy asthetics) and can hope for more. A personal can multi task you know.

And the bitterness keeps dripping from you.

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