Void elves can look like blood elves but not vise versa

We have had high elves walking the streets of Stormwind long before blood elves were ever part of the Horde.

Danuser has literally said you can considering yourself however you want. And considering all void elves were either blood elves/high elves, that means that you are just as much a high elf as any blood elf that claims to be high elf.

That fact “Generic wayfarer” exist means any void elf player who does want to RP as a high elf learning void magic is possible. It means anyone can study void. Blood and high elf alike.

And yet players like me still got what we wanted. Which is more high elf looking customization. If anything, I am hoping the oppose happens \and we get full on high elves just so bitter people like you get some well deserve egg on your face.


Ok, you got me there.

Big caveat though is they use a very specific ritual to do that. It’s different than standard fel alterations. (such as into legion demons)

And yet they are a rare site.

It’s not disputed you have a few and far between number of them. What’s interesting is the new NPCs reflecting the blue eyes like the HE trainer I linked means their returning home to their people.

Which means there’s even less for you to claim how about that.

He confirmed RP tools and the ability to RP in an MMORPG that’s amazing.

Or magic just turned the blood cells purple because there’s purple colored magic in the blood. It’s magic.

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I wasn’t going to reply to you again but really if Blizzard wanted to give Alliance High Elves they would have they had more than one chance when they were added originally in BC and when they added Void Elves in Legion but they didn’t. Did you ever think there is a reason they haven’t given Alliance High Elves? I mean hello I get you reach and reach and reach but you have to have some common sense.

If that was the case as I said before the blood inside the void elves bodies would be rejected. AKA they would all die.

magic is magic

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Welcome to Zerde, we have been dealing with him for a decade at least in SF.

Mind you, he´s particularly attached to the WC2 aesthetics and ideas, and a hardcore pro-“Humans are the best at everything on WoW and I have no problems with this” poster (ergo you will ALWAYS hear him saying stuff like “Blood elves are a mistake” and so on…).

The thing about Velves managing to perfectly replicate Belf visuals is that from a purely business and commercial PoV, the Belves WILL need other exclusive features (whcih means that no, Velves would NOT be able to get them ever) to once again become their own distinct product inside the game.

A lot of people -myself included- worries about you guys continuing to trying to poach Belf aesthetical (if not downright gameplay) stuff from our race the more Blizzard caves to your demands. I have no issue with you guys getting “normal” hair colors IF we Belf players get some other customizations that A) make sense for our race from a lore PoV and 2) CAN´T be replicated EVER for you guys.


You decided to bring this into the conversation when you tried using real life conditions to explain void elves purple colored blood :slightly_smiling_face:

He confirmed that our definition of race is not the same as what characters in Warcraft think.

I doubt this matter. Especially considering void elves are suppose to be a relatively small group and yet it can field as big as an army as the blood elves. The oint is void elves with high elves/blood elven looking skin are canon.

I doubt many are actually returning. People like Vereesa and the high elves that continue to live in Silvermoon have a DEEP hatred of the blood elves. To the point some of them were literally feeding blood elves to sharks(or was it crocs) during the purge of Dalaran.

Also considering we have blood elves going to Telargus rifts means some blood elves are actually leaving Silvermoon.

There will always be enough to fill the ranks of the Silver Covenant and void elves.


Duly noted dearie, duly noted and I appreciate the heads up.

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Aren’t you confident, I doubt blizzard is going to add those hair options though so you didn’t get everything you wanted let’s be very clear, but don’t worry the forums will always be here for your request to be heard to all but never acted on by Blizzard any further than what’s been done. :hugs:

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The silver covenant is a neutral group within neutral dalaran Zerde


Don’t be so sure either. None of us knows what Blizzard will do, hence why there was an entire flurry when void elves did get the skins. Considering they have said they will improve the allies races customization options(who know when but it is their plan) I expect void elves will get new things.

You are not even paying attention. The Silver Covenant has always been Alliance just as the Sunreavers were Horde. Dalaran’s neutrality does not mean its citizens are neutral.


Ah always a pleasure to see you make another snarky but ultimately hollow post.

But we do all know is Blizzard said they discussed these options in length before doing so, and yet not a natural hair option for VEs in sight, no commentary lore on the wayfarers, some RP tools :slight_smile:

So we establish the hairs are left out intentionally with the visual distinction argument Blizzard has always upheld and you think you’re going to be catered to more so than you already have to BE players detriment? Enjoy the forums where you can dream I suppose.

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Sounds like what people told me about the void elves getting more high elven skin tone. And look what happened? Again, dont be so confident you know what will happen.


They also said hair options in the future wasn’t off the table, so I don’t see the point of this arguing.


Awe well maybe in 10 years then they’ll add natural hair options but to the VE skin tones only, that’ll be something.

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