Void elves can look like blood elves but not vise versa

Really. Magic.

Because unlike your argument Blizzard has slowly given bit by bit to make Alliance players have the ability to play high elven looking characters.

Because I don’t want to play a blood elf. I want to play the high elves who are literally part of the Alliance like Vereesa. That would be like saying I should just play draenei if I really wanted to play lightforged.


Awe but you aren’t you’re a “Void” Elf :slight_smile: I would personally get used to the implications that has and that theme that is yours vs the BE visual theme and lore all being the High Elf theme and lore.

Blizzard literally sat and said they discussed the options at length, you have RP tools because you no lore to go with them, and you seem to think the inclusion of the hair wasn’t intentional if they discussed the options at length you think they just forgot the hair? They left visual distinction in place, you will never ever be the HE you want to be unless you take advantage of the RP element in this MMORPG, something that BE players achieve easily because it is the BE narrative.

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Yeah, you’re wrong:

Characters in Azeroth don’t think in terms of customization options or gameplay choices.

Alleria is a child of Quel’Thalas and a solider of the Alliance. She returned after 1000 years to find most of her surviving kin switched political affiliation. Didn’t change who she is.-Danuser

By the same vein any blood/high elves that did turn into void elves can still consider themselves high elves if they so choose to.


Your argument is that you aren’t a VE but in fact a rare sited few and far between Alliance HE? :roll_eyes:

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Skintones are nothing compared to actually having all the options, it’s one option in a pool full of options that we actually have but keep reaching it’s kind of funny.

Then accept what you have which is Void Elf, you are what you are High Elves AKA Blood Elves are a Horde race.


Again there was already green blood there. The sulfur compound simply was introducted with it preventing oxygen-iron bonds which creates the red coloration to take up as the primary color. The color green was already in the human blood with people that have Sulfhemoglobinemia

This again? Magic.

Why not? The lore supports this considering we have high elves studying the void in Telargus rift right now. There is nothing that contradicts any know lore.

To quote Overwatch: “Never accept the world as it appears to be. Dare to see it for what it could be.”

The fact is Blizzard has slowly caved over the years about this whole void elf issue to the point we have high elven looking skin tones/eyes. For all we know next expansion they will just outright give us high elves.

Also, considering all void elves are/were blood elves/high elves, the blood elves are no longer just a Horde race!


You aren’t a HE on your VE character, blizzards official word is they aren’t recruiting.

They’ve never commented on the status of Wayfarers don’t you love that :hugs: enjoy your RP tools.

Notice how this is a named NPC not generic “wayfarer”

The real HEs are and always have been Horde and you were never entitled to have them on Alliance.

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Yup your reaching is unreal and I’m done wasting my time because posts like this and some of your others will show Blizzard when they read them how ungrateful you and other Alliance players are and why you shouldn’t have gotten anything to begin with like children with toys.

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If one’s blood was going to become purple forever along this would suggest that it’s more of a genetic change to the ABO gene entirely. As there is no purple in blood so it isn’t a change in a bond or compound but rather the entire process itself.



First person in awhile I have seen who thinks VEs aren’t VEs but thats the HE community for you, poaching from BEs hijacking VEs, but I’m glad this piece of visual distinction isn’t shared and with Blizzard after discussing the options at length would mean they left the hair out intentionally.

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Exactly Zerde, MOST High elves -starting by Anasterian Sunstrider the KING of Quel´thalas- left the Alliance as per and their king´s intention portrayed in page 60 of “Beyond the Dark Portal”. And this nartrative choice was reinforced in Chronicle vol. 2. Anbd we haven´t evn reached the whole Third War can of worms and WC3:TFT.

Which means your cute little salty bit about “High Elves should had been playable for Alliance since the beginning!!” is VERY OOC following the coherent development of the story. And why the actual Helf Kingdom was ultimately left to be implemented in the Horde side of things, cause there were more things to overcome and retconn lorewise speaking to justify the Blood Elves (who are basically High elves who took in a new name for political and cultural reasons) rolling Alliance -the fact too that Belves would increase the Horde playerbase population was an additional perk too-.

“Rise of the Horde” would love to have a word with you, especially the part in which the Nelves SPIED on the Belves BEFORE Velen et al arrived in Azeroth (as per that novel, the Belves were already part of the Horde by the time the Draenei reached Azeroth… which means the Nelves had NO personal reason to spy on the Belves and that they acted basically like sociopathic a-holes for the lols).

Above is the reason your credibility is trash in SF, Zerde. You don´t even try to justify your arguments nor jmuch less quote the lore sources ffs…

Errr… Blood elves are still very much part of the Horde, dude. and I wouldn´t feel proud -narratively wise at least- about the trash tier writting used to implement the Velf race in the game (I meant, it basicvally humiliated you guys, that deffinitely was NOT a good write to make up a story about how void infested elves came to Azeroth).

You guys getting High Elves is not an issue, but I bet a lot of the hardcore anti-Belf ones on the Helfer crowd WILL raise another temper tantrum worthy of a colicky baby if this implementation does NOT magically give you people the kingdom.

From a storyu perspective, the High elves only have one path of actual viable development that IS coherent with their lore: and that is to integrate with the Human kingdoms and leave Quel´thalas behind once and for all -no seriously Zerde, think about the post you made and that I quoted: we´re talking about the people that CHOSE to leave Quel´thalas to stay with the Humans in their kingdoms; those same elves suddenly developing a nostalgia and love for the country they didn´t bat an eyelash to abandon for entire decades in literal BS writting-.

It’s absurd like I can’t even believe the reaching from him, I mean saying Void Elves are a mistake and somehow Blizzard is going to see them that way even though they are who designed them the way they are like all the other races in game, it’s just unreal.

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Umbric points it out. We have changed.

What we don’t know is if there are any second generation void elves. We have no information on how any are made or if they can be.

Fel never altered any blood elf player character or most blood elves. Green eyes is a minor change like the green in orc skin. Both will dissipate.

Fel magic alteration in high/blood elves is what a Felblood elf is.

They change. They will not go back.

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It’s magic. We have people who can turn into werewolves and still have normal children.

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There’s also demon hunters, who have a demon soul inside of them. But not all of them visually change other than their eyes which was just part of the ritual.

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Magic that changes the genes which then in turn means the DNA. You see since there isn’t any purple blood inside your body regularly what this means is that genetically speaking your ABO gene has to change to make room for the foreign object now inside your body. Otherwise it would attack the new purple blood cells. This means that the ABO gene has been changed in void elves meaning their DNA was changed.