Void elves can look like blood elves but not vise versa

Umbric says it changed them… We bleed purple now…

Come on.


LOL, someone who clearly did not know the lore. The Silvermoon elves LEFT the Alliance. Not the other way around. Those that are high elves to this day were the very ones who ignored the edict of Silvermoon.

Because the blood elves were using dangerous magic, that suprise, nearly ended the world by bringing the Legion back.

And I disgree. The elves should have been Alliance/neutral altogether like the Pandaren and from the looks of it Blizzard has more or less gone the way of the Pandaren.

We were literally given the skins and have been given carte blanche to role play our elves the way we want to: https://twitter.com/SteveDanuser/status/1267309601021542402

The blue eyes were given to both sides. I personally don’t care if the blood elves got it. You are free to roleplay/imagine your elf as a high elf who went back to Silvermoon. I am free to imagine my void elf as just a high elf who is learning some new void magic.


I’m just glad they fixed the mistake of putting belves on the horde.

Hey, we were just visiting our lost brethren. Spying? Nonsense.


Difference is I can actually look 100% like a High Elf on a Blood Elf you can’t on a Void Elf.

What mistake, we still look better than you by a long shot, you don’t have the proper High Elf customizations and you glow while in combat and bleed purple so.

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Outright sabotage? Elf please.



Oh please, my void elf literally has the light skin tone with blue hair. He is as high elf as anyone else. (being blond is not a requirement to look like a high elf)

If my elf is combat I am actually too busy looking at my skills. Besides, its not like various trinkets don’t change how we look. I just think it a slight effect of some trinket or something.


Guess what? Humans can bleed green. It’s called sulfhemoglobinemia. Doesn’t mean they don’t have human dna. It’s literally involving magic with void elves.


Haha, I don’t buy it because just a few posts back you were complaining about not having our eye colors, hair colors and hair styles.

I guess if you like reaching good for you, if anything you’d macro it so it didn’t proc anymore but I guess I’m ahead on you with that one.

That’s quite a reach you’re going for.

Just accept the truth.

Void elves were changed by the process that made them.


I don’t particularly want your hair color/eye color or hair style. The entire post was a rebuke of using some sort of “fairness” as the excuse for getting void elf skin tone. Again, if you want void elf skin tones under the guise of fairness then so should the void elves get what I just mentioned.

I am not going to macro away anything that add dps. And again, half a dozen trinkets thoughout wow’s entire life changes how the player look. It doesnt mean it changes their race.


I don’t because unlike you and many other people I am well aware and I accept that I can play a Void Elf and if I want to play a Void Elf I will, I don’t feel that I need to take from another races identity to pretend I’m something I’m not.

The difference is it’s actually a racial not a trinket, it’s supposed to signify that you are void tainted which is something you are supposed to be okay with if you are playing a Void Elf but the vibe I’m getting from you is you aren’t actually happy with being one because you prefer to be Blood Elf Lite.

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The truth is that we don’t know to what extent they changed or even if there is one in the second generation void elves until it is pointed out otherwise. Furthermore, magic alterations such as fel absorbtion have been shown not to be passed down to offspring… so meh.

Since we’re looking at real life equivalents I’ll mention this to play devils advocate, there is always a bit of green reflected by light in human blood. This becomes incredibly apparent in deep divers who report bleeding green blood. With the condition you are mentioning some blood stops carrying oxygen making other pigmentations in blood more apparent which is why humans can be seen bleeding green blood. So it doesn’t really prove anything because green blood is already there.

And so we’re back to square one I see.

WC2 was some time ago the arguments are dated it’s not Blizzards fault if people felt entitled to what was never theirs to claim.


If I had the choice I would play a high elf, not a blood elves(which would be equal to saying Kul Tirans/Stormwind are the same thing). But that is not what Blizzard has given us thus I will play the next best thing. The fact Blizzard has even given high elven looking skins to void elves makes me think that they either regret void elves/might someday actually just outright add full on high elf customization to them.

It wouldn’t even be too hard. Add a questline like the black eye color for night elves. If you complete said quest chain, boom, you can change the race name to high elf and have arcane sounding racials/colors that does the same thing as void elven ones.


And Blizzard has slowly changed their stance considering were literally half a step away from just high elves.


Thank you for proving my point.

Why would they regret something that they made a certain way intentionally? That’s like saying some day they will change Orcs or Humans completely because they aren’t liked by certain people.

Again why would they give you something that’s already in the game and free for anyone to play that wants to including you, you just choose not to play it.

Not really, there isn’t any purple blood.