Void elves can look like blood elves but not vise versa

Horde got shafted with the Nightborne model for sure. What really gets to me is Blizzards whole. We cannot give anything to Blood Elves without first considering those poor Give us High Elves NOW!!! void elf players.


I can only imagine the threads about that and I say that literally given how many Void Elf/High Elf threads are going every day anyway and how often a new one is made by someone.

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Oh tell me about it. the sheer amount of entitlement that is on display here about this shows me alliance players are all about me me me me me me me. Other races need serious help and updating the Worgen players have been asking for tails for years and yet it’s ignored.
same thing with Taurens they need way more options . Answer Ignore it.

Void elf player… I can’t do my lord of the ring fantasy cause i am too purple. Answer here is some light skin tones.

Nightborne. Can we get some love? Answer Blizzard Art Team BEGONE FOUL CREATURES we must help those poor void elf players first.


This is so legit because Blizzard had said they weren’t going to do anything or give anything to Allied Races in the so called Core Race customization pass then they gave Void Elves all kinds of new stuff including more stuff taken from Blood Elves and then right after it’s like nope nothing for any other races including Nightborne the so called Horde equivalent to Void Elves because we aren’t going any new customizations anytime soon and it’s like okay what?


Not only didn’t they not do the same for the Horde parallel in the Elf Swap but the options they gave VEs directly impacted BEs a core races visual distinction and it really was a two fold issue imo.

And no giving Horde Horde requests isn’t going to make up for continuing to ask for a visual theme that doesn’t belong to the Alliance. I see so many “I want you guys to get San’layn and ogres and dark ranger” those are all valid horde requests with no visual distinction being poached from the Alliance, stop piggy backing on other peoples valid requests because you all feel you need to poach our visual theme.

If they were asking for unique options I would support that. But complaining they don’t have the options when they exist in BEs and trying to phrase it as “more is always good!” This isn’t more it already exists you just refuse to play the options and what you’re actually doing is detracting from the chances that VEs actually get attention for unique options.


All Void Elves are Blood Elves but not all Blood Elves are Void Elves.

Just like

All Blood Elves are High Elves but not all High Elves are Blood elves.


HEs returning to Quel’thalas I wonder if it matters if they take the name or not


I guess it would depend on their political alignment. Are they Still Silver Covenant or do they now Join the Horde?

The silver covenant isn’t alliance they are neutral through dalaran who is neutral


Never said they were Alliance, just said they were not Horde

Oh here a fine pot the SUNREVERS are not horde but the alliance claims they are.

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From a lore standpoint, not taking the name Sin’dorei is poopooing on the tragedy of the scourge genocide.

It’s the real life equivalent of desecrating the World Trade Center memorial on the anniversary of that attack in front of the families that lost people.


I’m not sure if he was even talking about Silver Covenant. I think he was more talking about those returning from Outlands. However I cannot be sure.

I’m just saying them returning home at all would indicate not many left for the Alliance to claim, if they are a few and far between rare site, the fact we can see a new HE mage trainer etc as well as it not being the first time a HE has returned to Quel’thalas that pattern / that trend, really reduces the “not all HEs are BEs” if they return home I was asking if it mattered they’re returning to their people in Quel’tahals and Quel’thalas is Horde.

But Zendrae brought up a good point it probably would be imo bad if they aren’t taking the name, I would assume they would personally but thats just assumption on my part, they may not care even if others see it as an insult idk.


No… no they are not. Stop pretending they are, worshipping the light is not equal to being a light beings like the lightforged is.

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I imagine there’s a stigma if you don’t, but I’d bet it does happen.

And likely calls loyalty to Quel’thalas and its Horde allies into question.

It’d be a big political thing not to take up the name and I doubt many who are returning to Quel’thalas to live wouldn’t take up the Sin’dorei name.

But I can see some being stubborn.


don’t have to, nothing in lore states they stopped mind controlling ppl to accept the horde!

Only Blizzard knows that answer despite evidence of high elves in Alliance since Burning Crusade. I wish Blizzard made a neutral allied race of High elves instead of void elves.

Stop saying it’s part of their DNA. It hasn’t been proven that magic does anything of the sort. since fel changes have been shown to revert, it might be more akin to a physical change like cutting off an arm or toxicity. We have no evidence for saying that the change is permanent until we see void elf children.

Her comment is valid, you are a Void Elf almost turned into Ethereals, you bleed blue and go extra void in combat, you hear literal whispers.

Playing a VE I would try familiarizing myself with their theme and the implications it has personally.