Void elves can look like blood elves but not vise versa

“I was just joking,” a phrase uttered by mean-spirited people everywhere when their cruel jokes aren’t taken kindly by the butts of their jokes. I’ve had this said to me hundreds of times growing up as a child with high empathy and major depression.

This, too, is problematic. It implies that if someone didn’t like your bad joke then they have problems. It shirks the responsibility of reading the room and blames others for perfectly reasonable reactions and paints them as unreasonable.

I’ve seen this type of thing too from both school bullies and my narcissistic mother.

This is totally dismissive of valid concerns. It’s another maneuver used to try and make people with valid viewpoints doubt themselves.

It was a favorite of my narcissistic mother.

Here we have you outright mocking someone who is trying to help you understand other people’s frame of view.

Again, you making fun of people for having a different view than you.

Here’s another mocking, complete with your passive aggressive emoji.

I think you’ve shown your true colors.


lets, even using similar skin tones and hairstyles one can still see the obvious differences in the models.

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What can I say beyond Gaslight, Gatekeep, Girlboss. :tea:

I’m a he, thank you.

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I’m the Girlboss, here. Not a worry about the elf war from my tower.

Hang on just a minute. If you two want to argue about something I don’t understand that’s one thing, but don’t you be bagging on green tea.

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I want holy tentacles on my pally. I will infuse myself with the light.

Edit: light elves. That is all (lol).

Whatever you say.

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I’m brewing some as we speak, and plenty for a well dressed orc, such as yourself.

i cant take this seriously. you had to angle and crop the comparison. very dishonest.

…yeah im still laughing at how the ears are angled


Sorry I’m pretty sure orcs drinking green tea is cannibalism.

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that’s fine with me, and there is nothing dishonest about it. Sorry but when I make comparisons I make them as close as possible. Both were made using the Shadowlands dressing room and the snipping tool. There were no changes made to anything. Also this isn’t to show how Nightborne can somewhat resemble Night Elves. It show more how Night Elves can now somewhat resemble Nightborne. Up until Night Elves got all their new customizations, they never had that skin tone and couldn’t of looked like that.

Big yikes at someone coming into this thread to troll about how alike Nightborne are to Night Elves vs Blood Elves to Void Elves.


and your are correct YOUR NO LONGER BLOOD ELVES so stop asking for blood elf options you are VOID ELVES. can not see how people fail to understand this simple logic every day.


it isn’t the same at all Nightborne got the withered treatment and 3 skin colors, one which was given to the night elves. Void elves got a an unchanged model with all of our skin colors and faces.


I was actually alluding to how a lot of the original feedback for Nightborne was for them to look like Night Elves.

Would have been better if void elves were given the same treatment, but Blizzard cut some corners.

Nightborne players were shafted I honestly believe this was done on Purpose to the Horde so the Alliance would be happy. I hate how the company broke it’s own words it up held for so long when they said Assets will not be used on the other faction. And yet here we are with the most Jacked up thing I have ever seen and what makes this worse is we were handed the most broken Night Elf model that honestly looks like a big pile of warm…

And the fact the ART team catered to the Void Elves first instead of the Nightborne has to be pure Alliance FAVORITISM. The other funny fact is the Alliance players saying the story line is our fault when it’s the writers and when we protest about it the alliance makes fun off us. BUT when it happens to them and they get any bad writing the whole forum goes into a Chernobyl style melt down


The only good thing I see from this is how evident how much they’ve done for “HE” fans on the Alliance and the other side has to be considered as well, which means they’ll never get their natural hair options that they so desperately want while trying to make Pro BE fans seem unreasonable for valuing the same thing on the grounds of visual distinction, it’s wild to me if people think they’ll be catered to at someone else’s detriment again.


And yet here we are every day with Alliance players and Void Elf players saying how unfair them not getting 100% copy/paste of Blood Elves is somehow unfair to them.

Like I legit wonder like you said last night how Alliance would have liked getting a botched Blood Elf model instead of the actual model with so many shared options.


They already view VEs as an insult

I wonder how a botched model would do