Void elves can look like blood elves but not vise versa

Look, some of the retcons are awful (I’m still annoyed that lmao orcs aren’t actually green they’re brown and now they’re actually green but lol they’re going to slowly revert back to brown so sit and spin if you like green orcs) but at least it’s not like Warhammer Fantasy where after 30 years of making the richest fantasy setting ever imo, they were just lmao now we’re Marvel and 40k’s love child and the WHFB setting no longer exists and we’re getting rid of all the coolest factions and instead making space marines with hammers.

Blizzard is far from the best, but it could be worse.

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There’s only supposed to be what, a thousand high elves left? But I guess Blizzard abandoned their old lore a while ago so who knows :stuck_out_tongue: It also didn’t make sense for this many Blood Elves to exist.

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Ogres San’layn furbolgs

Do you see how none of those are lore wise majority in the opposing faction and game wise a pre existing race in a faction based game where visual distinction matters?

That’s the difference between comparing those examples to your HE request it’s not the same


Everything except Horde Humans is an apples to oranges comparison when it comes to the Void Elves cloning Blood Elves issue.

How would y’all feel if people were demanding a carbon copy of the Alliance’s most popular race?


Don’t some claim to not care? They want a Horde race so badly they claim to not care about their own visual uniqueness.

They apparently aren’t happy with Alliance visual distinction and willing to let it fall to the side to ask for a Horde core race.

That doesn’t seem very pro Alliance to me from people who repeatedly claim to just love the Alliance so much they can’t or refuse to play Horde.

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Reporting in.

Of course they don’t care. They don’t view Blood Elf players as people.

  1. Humans are more popular.
  2. Nightborne look nothing like Night Elves.
  3. Nightborne have the least amount of customization options.

Try again.


Is this some form of gotcha?

I wasn’t aware you or anyone else was under the impression NB have the same exact model as NEs?

Can someone show comparison pics for emphasis? I suppose I can go looking for one just to emphasize the point home on the painfully obvious most of us don’t disingenuously portray.

Do you know what the term carbon copy is referring to? It would mean you would have to be a carbon copy.


Void Elves have literally 0 3d model based differences from Blood Elves. None.


Except everyone who complains about NB are the ones who desire the carbon copy. (We’re on the same skeleton and have the same animations, but that’s neither here nor there).

I’m on your side though, and thoroughly against void elf getting blood elf customization. Just swooped in for the obvious joke :slight_smile:

The same skeleton and animation is not the same as the same skeletons, animations, and completely identical polygons.

You’re being intellectually dishonest with this false comparison.


You are all so tightly wound. :joy:



I think its hard to view as a joke when people actually in these threads have that stance / don’t know what a carbon copy is because they think thats what happened to them, its a joke that pushes a narrative in the favor of the people you just claimed you aren’t on their side.

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We’ve been enduring an attack on Blood Elves for years now. We’re going to be defensive and not find the “joke” funny.


Low hanging fruit was just dangling in front of me. I could not resist. :fishing_pole_and_fish:

What kind of victim complex, though. They’re pixels. Relax.


If they’re so unimportant and just pixels then clearly they’re not important enough to be given to the other side.

I sure love being victim blames for wanting to protect something I enjoy.


Thats the thing though, defensive in terms of taking your “joke” at face value.

It doesn’t mean we were offended and have a victim complex.

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… and I’d rather they spend dev time making void elves voidy. What’s your point? Void elves got belf scraps.

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And Belves got scraps. What’s your point?

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It opened up a second visual theme for VE players almost completely able to replicate the lone visual theme BE players have access to, describing it as scraps doesn’t do it justice for the impact it has for VEs.