Void elves can look like blood elves but not vise versa

Honestly? In game npc numbers, much like in game representations of towns and cities, aren’t a reliable lore metric, otherwise every race on Azeroth would be screwed population wise as I don’t think a single npc group (including hostile humanoids and beasts) has the numbers to sustain a viable population

In the same place as Stonemaul ogres, broken Draenei, forest trolls, taunka, and other races apart of either side but aren’t currently playable.

Sorry if this comes across as mean but high elves aren’t the only non-playable race allied with one of the factions.


alliance high elves actually have a canonical status. we know how rare they are


This is entirely an aside to this conversation.

How often do you change up your toons look?

I swear I’ve seen seven or so different versions of you now. lol

(They’ve all been great mind)

Sorry if this comes off as mean but Blizzard is not obligated to implement races that are currently not playable no matter how much people demand them.


Your right, they aren’t, but that doesn’t mean people can’t ask no? Personally I hope all those races get added some day some how from high elves and san’layn to Stonemaul ogres and furbolgs.


Nobody cares about ogres. If they were ever implemented they’d have a few dozen players playing them at max. I don’t see why you keep bringing them up like it’s some sort of weapon.

I don’t understand why people can’t see why it’s problematic to have an allied race on another faction completely steal the look of the other faction’s most popular race.

Do you also support Humans for the Horde with a better model than the original, with better more polished customization options that then clone the Alliance’s most popular race because a statistically insignificant number of human pirates aligned with the Horde?


You don’t know that though, and even if that’s the case it doesn’t invalidate the request. Fel I’d have a Stonemaul alt with a lore friendly name and everything, no question.

As for “Horde humans”, if that’s where the story goes and they make their inclusion make sense then sure, why not? But let’s add the races already apart of both sides first I say.


Let’s be real here.

People would have the biggest tantrum ever in the history of the World of Warcraft if Blizzard gave humans to the Horde.

It would be all about how the Horde is stealing the Alliance’s thunder, and Horde bias, and how the uniqueness is being stolen from humans.

But we Blood Elf players are already living that and are basically painted as bad people for not being happy with the continual demands for our avatar. We get literally 0 empathy from people who want to take everything from us. None.


Which is all you have for Alliance “HEs” lore wise they are few and far between almost never seen what’s your point you’re getting at?

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It becomes even more unlikely for future additions when visual distinction of the actual playable race on the opposing faction has to be taken into consideration

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I wish void elves could have blonde hair.


I definitely care.

Can… I include the Alteraci in that?

Cause… yes.


I’m sure you wish for a lot of things snax, there’s a good chance you will never get either. That’s part of life, life isn’t fair.


I concede that is definitely a possibility.

I also likely wont get Sethrak.

(I hope void elves never end up with paladin. Regardless of what happens)

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Oh I was talking to varsity snacks.

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My main point is that one shouldn’t rely exclusively on in game numbers to count as lore . . . Also I get the rare part but barely seen? The high elves have been pretty active through Legion and BFA, fel our shield mages on the gunship in Arathi are high elves.

As for the other thing, I get that but it doesn’t rule out the possibility completely . . . plus I forget where but I’m almost positive there was an interview or something a while back that stated high elves were the most requested race . . . I could be wrong and I’ll try to dig it up and attempt to link it some how (even after all these years I’m still not trust level 3)


4 for the entire fourth war. all behind the scenes except for one

look we already have development saying as recently as 2018 saying that “theres only a couple and that they arent out there like alleria and the void elves”

you and i are just fans with opinions but its their lore and with that statement they officially confirmed the SC are kirin tor aligned and not part of the alliance. unless the SC is only a couple of elves. there is no other interpretation to get that from that. any other interpretation is your fanfiction


Didn’t they also say blood elves are high elves then later say blood elves aren’t high elves, they evolved beyond them or something? Honestly it’s kinda hard to keep track of the retcons sometimes . . . apparently I spent like 70 bucks on the chronicle books which were supposed to be the definitive lore only to be told that “oh no that’s the titans perspective and not the full story.” Sorry, unrelated kinda but I’m still a bit miffed about that

Edit: also I brought up the shield mages as an example, and I think lore wise there’d be a wee bit more and the sky ship itself would be bigger . . . doubt it’s in game version could hold a full invading force to remove an intrenched foe.


chronicles is still canon. they just created a way to retcon things as needed for current the story


Which gets confusing because they could retcon it at any time. Fel tomorrow they could come out and say “oh actually the ogres never had an massive empire, it was limited to like gorgrond and nagrand.” Or something. It’s kinda annoying in that way, not having SOMETHING be grounded with no chance of being retconned in the future. Doubt even the number of elves that died in the scourge invasion of quel’thalas is immune to retcons at this point.

Sorry, off topic.

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