Void elves can look like blood elves but not vise versa

This I could see working and could help flesh things out for thalassians as a whole. I’d go for it without question.


I love the Void Black hair option you’re using :hugs: The voidified version of colors just look so good on Void Elves.

I don’t know about proper… but it certainly was common.

Unless he spent money on a separate account unlinked to his main one… he’d just get hit by the flags he’d obviously get.

That don’t make no sense.

And I make it a habit to find his alts… (for legal reasons I have to say what I think are his alts)

Many here have been fighting, arguing and at times losing their tempers in these threads.

Many might start hostile but I find most of the regular posters here are genuine in their actions.

I know its hard sometimes but be patient, respectful (even if you think someone else isn’t being to you) and make sure to note specifically when its your opinion.

It helps a lot.


why wasnt blue eyes for blood elves enough? its literally everything you guys ask for and its still rejected. this doesnt even make sense anymore


Just stopping by the thread to wish everyone happy pride and a fabulous night before I go to bed.

Remember, trans men are men, transwomen are women, and non-binary people are valid.



VEs don’t have a natural elf theme you have RP tools

:hugs: :sparkling_heart:


I need context here…

I asked for Blue eyes for Belfs and purple… and orange…and red… and a whole bunch of other things…

1000000000000000000% :rainbow_flag:


For me personally it’s because I don’t want to main horde . . . no offense, but that’s my reasoning.

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After doing a lil more digging I stand corrected. He was attacking everyone who thought eonar was the sister in question in that old thread. He attacked another dude Baalsamael for having that opinion. So yeah, probably not lore actually.

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While I’m happy that I (and the other people who accurately understand junior high level storytelling, the only kind Blizzard engages in) were correct about Elune, can I please not be used in some forum bickering between two people over something I have no part in?


Although looking back on that thread it is funny that this Lore person was just straight up saying, 'I didn’t even read your post, you’re wrong." I’ve been saying for like 5 years now that Blizzard’s storytelling isn’t subtle. The most obvious thing is the thing that happens. It’s not even Occam’s Razor. It’s literally, “The one thing that fits is right.”

Elune being all over Ardenweald lore was more than enough to solidify she was the WQ’s sister. You didn’t even need to go further into the connections between Elune and all the other stuff on that other thread. Just her being mentioned repeatedly was enough lol.

Anywho pointless bickering can recommence. I had forgotten who that Lore dude was probably a minute after posting that comment last year and it was a chuckle to reread a few of our interactions on there.


So because you don’t want to main Horde you think it’s okay to take what little Blood Elves have left going for them away?

That’s not sus at all.


High Elves are not an Alliance race though, they are a Horde core race.

So if you want High Elves maybe you’re on the wrong faction?

Or maybe you don’t like your faction as much as you claim you do if the races they have that make it unique aren’t enough for you?

Idk I do think the RP tools you have for VEs is more than enough while maintaining some level of visual distinction but BEs are right there its not like the options don’t exist.


I wouldn’t mind white and black hair for Void Elves. Not keen on a carbon copy.

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Oh my gosh I didn’t know you could use the pride flag emoji on here but I absolutely love that you did and that I know that I can now. :heart: :orange_heart: :yellow_heart: :green_heart: :blue_heart: :purple_heart:


. . . high elves do exists though, Vereesa and the Silver Covenant still exist, as do quite a few alliance high elf npcs. Fel there’s some walking the streets of stormwind with void elves. Sure they aren’t as common but that doesn’t make them non existent.


You say High Elves are an Alliance race but when I go to the character creation screen I don’t see the option to make one.

How do I unlock them?


appreciate the honesty but as long as the factions exist i dont think its fair for one faction to have to share and cheapen one of its races for the other. i dont think its fair to people who actually like real void elves and appreciate the lovecraftian horror potential they have to be pushed aside just because of a small minority either

if i want to play an awesome female gnome i have to play alliance dont i?


They are few and far between actually :hugs:

BEs also have a new named NPC with our customizations in place which suggests HEs returning home, so how many possibly can be left over for you to claim?


Personally I feel a real compromise for giving void elf more hair colors would be to greatly extend the visual themes of blood elves, I’m talking Dark rangers, more light options, tattoos maybe San’layn options (Though I would prefer San’layn as an AR rather than a customization option personally) more visuals on the felblood themes. And after all that THEN void elves can have more hair colors. But we all know blizzard and I can never be optimistic when it comes to blizzard so I think that won’t happen anyhow. Still cool to fantasize about though.


I know that this would be fine for some.

I know many here who would still be unhappy because the visual distinction and uniqueness of Blood Elves would still be lost.

Like I said, I don’t think there is any way for Blizzard to make everyone happy. Someone will be unhappy whatever occurs.

That doesn’t mean we shouldn’t still ask, debate, and continue to try to understand each side. (not saying you said we shouldn’t… just more stating in general.)

Ain’t that the truth…