Void elves can look like blood elves but not vise versa

More like you guys are constantly in the same threads because you constantly talk about the same topics. And from previous discussions in this thread, seeing as you barged into a discord with an invite that was clearly not for you I’d say you’d qualify more as the stalker than them if you wanna play that card.


It’s pretty much that we have our memories still and don’t forget what everyone has done more than 5 minutes ago.

And it’s so hard as alongside the horrible stuff, he has done some hilarious to everyone else things which makes it hard to forget


You’re missing the other option here, other than I’m trying to get people to disbelieve a person… and that’s that nothing happened and I didn’t do anything wrong. I got in a conversation with an adult with an ignore button who had multiple conversations with me.

But lets say I did hurt her…

What’s that got to do with your team coming on here making snide remarks about it? For Starr and others to make snickering comments about it?

That’s really how you’re “Defending” your friend, by weaponizing the thing?

Same thing with Naughtymoon over there.

You can’t be like, “We’re winning this victory for goodness” and have people running around mean girling it gleefully.

It’s pretty disgusting. Let’s face it. You guys like being able to have a dig at me.

Except… I don’t care.

For calling you guys selfish for gatekeeping? You are selfish for gatekeeping.

Yeah. In the vastly important arena of internet battles over who can play a pixel elf, it’s really important to a whole group of people that Blizzard allowing them to be playable has nothing to do with me.


Look at your likes. They’re from your discord. Same people who have been hunting me down for three years. Nothing new to see here.

Nobody is enabling me. The posts are a violation of terms of service, so they’re going to get flagged.

You’re saying it’s the pros doing it, it could just be random readers. You don’t know.

I’ve always been a lone agent on the forums… and the thing is, I go back to real life pretty frequently. While you guys are here being chummy in your discord, I’m away for long periods of time. I come back when blizzard makes some big announcements, that’s it.

I don’t have a team. As much as you want to think the other side is ostracizing you.

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Nah. They stalk me. Always have.

and why wouldn’t they? They don’t like me… and it’s a group of people. You type in discord or post a link and everybody shows up to brigade me.

You’d be right if it wasn’t like, six of em’ maybe.

Figured I’d come see what they were saying about me.

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Or, you’re a pretty horrible human being and you constantly show it off, and Avarie has nothing to gain from this, so yeah, I don’t believe all this noises you’ve been throwing out to discredit her and villainize others.


Such a meangirl quote. :rofl:

You stalk me.

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Oh yeesh. I roll my eyes at you, sir. :sparkles: We all just tend to gravitate towards the same threads, meaning we all see each other on the forums repeatedly because of that. I tend to click on elf threads, so I see people like Sara, and Lei, and Avarie, and Tarrok, and Naughty, who also click into elf threads. I don’t see them in a lot of PvP threads, because we all don’t click into PvP threads.


Your replies are on point tonight, big time and I love it.


Tell us more about how you know more than the actual person who made the model about how the Zandalari male model was made Dr. Femur!


Here comes naughtymoon.


You guys brigade me all the time.

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Honestly though. The more you type the more I believe the accusations against you. The gaslighting, the mental gynmastics made to try and paint yourself as the victim all are pretty damning red flags.

Your proof is basically that they post in the same threads as you. meanwhile you self admit to the fact that you invaded a private discord because you were obsessed with them lol.


…wait, I’m Naughtymoon now? 🥸

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I was already here, what do you mean here I come?

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Hear that Naughtymoon. We are twins. :sparkles:


I thought it was established months ago that I’m all the antis on different accounts, and that in reality I’m a bunch of raccoons in a trench coat


If we are all part of a raccoon hive mind, I wish to be the tail.




So believe them. You don’t usually particularly strike me like you’re acting in good faith. Join their discord.

It doesn’t matter to me because it doesn’t change the truth.

I can accept that, we are both usually pretty civilized about stuff, we get along well and we feel the same about a lot of topics so I’m okay with this.


Nah she was typing in the upcoming box down below.

Anyways. I’ve gotta sleep. Gotta teach people how to walk in the morning.

Take care of yourselves.