Void elves can look like blood elves but not vise versa

It probably wouldn’t be good to silence people saying stuff like that anyhow. I agree though. Good on the mods for keeping it up even with all the salty folks that want it buried for obvious reasons.


Yeah, I would be more disappointed than I currently am in the whole company right now. It says a lot about the people doing the reporting.


Feel like everyone here needs to get coffee and spill the tea.


I still can’t understand why anyone would want to villainize someone that’s been victimized in any way, shape or form but it’s whatever I don’t want to understand it if it means having to be like or to think like them.


Women get hit with the villain bat a lot, sadly.


‘Salt, salt and more salt’
lol :joy_cat:



I want to drink the tea though!

It comes down to people caring about blonde haired blue eyed pixel elves more than actual people.


I didn’t know there was a salt shaker emoji but now that I do I’m saving it to use when I need it. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Yeah it’s of the many problems with our society today, I mean I might have been against normal hair colors for Void Elves but they are just pixels so I’m not going to let it go outside the game because that’s exactly what it is, is a game.


as long as you support the cause, they look the other way


Yeah, it really sucks when people who support causes turn against each other. Sad times. :heart:

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I hate that I had to like this due to what it says but it really is the truth.


Seeing all of Avarie’s posts get flagged is actually so bad. I had no idea that some of the pros are like this - it’s really gross behaviour :weary:


Yeah, we’re not going to treat it like it’s a blow against high elves or the decent people who support them if people mistreating others get called out. It’s just a bad person who supports a game feature, they won’t taint the request and the other people who want it if what they did gets called out.


Eh. I seriously doubt it’s a bunch of pros. It’s not some hive mind.

Also, keep in mind it’s over. Void Elves have skin and hair and eye colors now.

Also, even though some of the anti’s are pretty disliked, I don’t feel like you personally are disliked. More likely has to do with forum rules.

Eh, you’re not really allowed to call people out on the forums. Hence the flags I’d guess.

how refreshing to see a pro say something like this


You don’t actually have to do this you know?

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Do what?

I feel like you’re treating this like some victory?

The anti discord stalks me. Your six likes are all from the anti-discord… and the fact that you’re treating this like it’s some victory you won kind of stinks of the same situation?

I’m not really worried about it. I didn’t do anything wrong and nothing was going to change your guys behavior anyways. So things are exactly the same as whenever this happened?

I’m your teams villain. Have been for three years.

Never made me the hero of my team either. We’ve been a bunch of people arguing about elves on the internet. It’s over, but here we are, doing the same stuff.


What victory?

You mistreated someone I consider a friend, you continue to gaslight and try to spin the narrative to make yourself the victim to hide your abuse. A victory would be if you shut up and stopped trying to make people disbelieve her.

It’s not clever or new. And for someone who once tried to label those of us who have a different opinion than you do as fulfilling some of the categories of behaviors of abusive people, it’s not particularly surprising to see it’s all just an attempt to distract from your problems.

This has nothing to do with High Elves.
It has nothing to do with the people who want them that have nothing to do with you.
This is about you and your pattern of bad behavior, and the people who are enabling you for some unknown reason.


Ah, I see, thought it was a name coincidence and not that it was an alt of yours that I replied to.

Is the X in there to represent crossed femurs?