Void elves can look like blood elves but not vise versa

I did block you. You are actually saying I didn’t? I think I would know. I blocked you after I had stopped even responding to you.

As I said the other way, I thought you were joking initially, and so I made some jokes back. But I got pretty uncomfortable around the time I mentioned having a kid and you asked if that left much time for being collared. Whose mind goes to that when someone is talking about their kid?

I was being polite because at the time I still was part of the helf community in general, though I think I had left the discord at that point. Regardless, how you messaged me with that intent was not okay. Maybe talk to someone first and get a feel for if they are interested before rping stuff at them every single time you message them despite them not responding to it at any point.

You even asked if I rped and I told you I hadn’t in years.

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Reading this stuff is just terrible, I’m really sorry you had to go through any of this stuff. :cry: :cry: :cry:

Hugs though. :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:


You were in the discord, because that’s how I messaged you.

Do you think that making jokes back doesn’t appear to be sincerity?

You also told me, “Perhaps.”

Plenty of people in Warcraft have kids and that certainly wasn’t the vein of the conversation.

That’s what I was doing?

Which didn’t mean you wouldn’t RP? Which is what we were talking about.

and that was the first conversation. You continued to talk to me and share your characters after that.

and we both stopped talking. So like I said, if you blocked me, I was entirely unaware of it.

Here we go, after all the times it’s been slung around in these forums, we have some actual gaslighting trying to go on.


Me too. I’m done talking about it, especially with him though. He doesn’t care about what he did or how I feel, and that says everything about how pointless it is to talk about it.

I just wanted other women to know.


I do care about how you feel.

Not to mention, I offered to talk about this or not talk about this in a manner of your choosing.

I still support you fully in this because like I said yesterday no one should have to deal with that type of thing from anyone, it’s just sad to read such horrible things then see others just disregard it like so what and it’s like really that’s not okay.


I appreciate the people who are supportive, for sure!


Many social distanced :hugs:


So why don’t you keep your “opinion” to yourself?

Fact is Naughtymoon, that is very rude, it is extremely toxic, and it is extremely upsetting on what you posted on what you think of me, and well, you should’ve just kept it yourself.

When you are attacking one of my friends in a public forum, I’m allowed to reply.

Yeah, I’m somehow the rude one when you are sitting telling lies and being drama, good one Sara, if you don’t like someone seeing you as bad don’t be a bad person.


Link to a post of me telling lies.

By saying I support sexual harrasment? How the hell does that come down to something of someone… You know what, I have better ways to spend my time than deal with your toxic, rude behaviour here on the forums.

I’m glad someone reported that post, I hope you do get punished for that post.

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They both got restored by staff earlier, feel free to scroll up and see it for yourself. :wink: :wink: :wink:


(team moon ftw)


That has to feel incredibly satisfying lol. Someone wishes for your silence and they get denied.


quite a few of us got to enjoy that in the last two days.


If they didn’t flag everything left and right they disagree with they wouldn’t have that problem, just saying.


Generally yup. I’m against flagging things unless they are insanely vitriolic anyways. It’s always nice when someone comes mask off and admits that they are bothered by your very presence on the platform.


I’m glad I wasn’t silenced, despite the attempts.


Me too, you didn’t and you don’t deserve it just for sharing your story because it’s better people know how bad some people are.