Void elves can look like blood elves but not vise versa

I am serious. As heated and mud-slingy as it can get, wouldn’t wish any IRL negativity on anyone. That’s why I never put anyone on ignore, not great to carry around unnecessary angst/hate.


I wish everyone had that type of philosophy as you.


Eh, sometimes that’s the best way. Occasionally you just need to ignore someone if all they do is try and get under people’s skin, because some people have truly practiced hard at it and are very good at it. I haven’t really done it here, but on other forums where I read about politics and stuff there are some people who just post with seemingly so much disdain for other people and active desire to have people react to them that it’s just better to let them scream into the void unheard.

But definitely agree on the first part.


Well, funny how personal choices are valid in a free world. I have all the right to block posters as much as they have the right to block me and nobody should even entertain the idea of feeling bothered because this choice exists, period.

This notion people has some weird entitlement to comment and “qualify” the choices of others is plain ridiculous.


Definitely get that, just hoping it’s not being carried forward was more my line of thinking based on the response of my ignored post (which wasn’t about getting a reaction).

But yeah I experienced that on my night out some random drunk dudes got to going at it and one was shouting at the top of their lungs while the other walked away. That’s the IRL /ignore in action I suppose.

Ariel’s right about not needing to ‘qualify’, wishing well all the same.


That is a really harsh comment, especially when you actually don’t know me at all. But hey, daydream on what you believe, but don’t jump to assumptions on about someone else, especially when you actually do not know them at all.

Also Naughtymoon, for your very imformation, I maybe toxic myself at times, doesn’t mean I support bad behaviour, and no, I do not support sexual harrasment.

Thank you for sticking up for me, but next time, let me defend myself. If they want to be that rude and act like they know me fully, then I got a 1000 bags of salt for them


blood elfs want to be high elfs but also want to betray their “sun” to become void elfs…

horde players always wanting all toys without restrictions.

I can read what you and others post in these threads so whatever and I’ll leave it at that because my opinion of you is and will remain unchanged.

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Your eye color argument is weak. If it were the way you are saying, then void elfs would only have black eyes or other void-ish options.

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You were in the High Elf Discord, under the name, “Avarie” speaking to you didn’t require any kind of detective work.

To deny what?

There is a lot of daylight between aggressively telling someone off and mentioning something. Particularly if you’re going to continue to engage with them in conversation. My recollection is the word “Maybe” was involved.

and then, as I said, one morning someone had left a link to the anti discord. I clicked it and went to go work with some patients. I peeked at lunch and had been removed… and then the anti’s quite gleefully took it to the forums. Particularly Star who loves to insinuate it at every turn.

Your recollection is incorrect. You didn’t message me until I had posted my discord info to someone else, even though I was in the helf discord with the name Avarie.

You took jokes I made in the forums to repeatedly message me asking about collaring me.

But again, lovely of you to deny it all. And after you spoke on behalf of blizzard victims, insinuating that all that kept women at wow from asking for high elves was the horrific working situations, this is all extremely gross.


You can have posted your discord information to someone else and it can still have nothing to do with me messaging you.

I double clicked your name in the High Elf discord.

If there is a coincidence in the timing, it is entirely a coincidence.

I didn’t deny it. I even mentioned the specific joke in question. Which involved spiderwebs and bondage.

We’ve shared these forums for three years. You joined up with the antis. I leave the forums for several months at a time while they keep their community rolling. That’s fine. I still like who you are as a poster and a person.

Even after the anti character assassination that followed.

And If I made you uncomfortable, I’m sorry. I was unaware of it from your comments. You mentioned my “apology”. I was checking in with you at that time.

If you want, I can discuss my recollection of the discussion. But that feels a bit bizarre considering that we’re in a public forum. I’ll still do it. If you want to discuss it not on a public forum, then you can message me if you want. That’s up to you.

The antis have nothing to do with my opinion of you, or of what you did. Your apology meant nothing when you continued the behavior anyway, it shows you didn’t truly care if I was comfortable or not.

And no, I won’t be private messaging you.


Then you should have responded that you were uncomfortable instead of continuing to engage with me.

That’s fine. Do you want me to discuss my recollection of events here publicly?

How about we have both of them the base “high elf” colors and make new customizations for blood elves that lean more towards both fel, light, and arcane. Blue/purple hairs, darker red skin, tattoos like light forged. Things that wouldn’t make sense for a void elf implying that they were never into those ideals to begin so highly unlikely they dabbled in it. Especially the fel and light sides… I mean there has to be some blood elves that got a lil more umph to mana draining without going completely mad.


Considering your unique spin on things keeps changing, I’d rather not hear your revised edition.

You can’t even keep your story consistent about joining the discord. You said the other day you were helping stroke patients, and now your saying you went to lunch.

And I admittedly was far too polite, but I stopped engaging by blocking you. Me being polite is not an excuse to continue harassing me, however.

I remember it pretty vividly, since I’m the one who felt highly uncomfortable with the situation and you, and you were the one who made me feel this way, so I don’t need you to tell me how I should feel.


My story has not changed. The discord link popped up in the morning before the shift began. I joined, Went and helped stroke patients, then lunch happened. By lunch I had been removed from the anti discord.

Yes. If you were upset by the conversation… and I checked, I had no knowledge of it. In fact, I didn’t know why I was removed from the anti-discord until Star started sassing me later in the day.

You didn’t block me… and if you did block me, it was after we had already stopped talking because I’ve got no knowledge of it.

I remember it vividly. Hence the reason I am willing to discuss what happened publicly.

Idk why but this was hilarious to me :joy: But I think that’s a good idea, and I think a few people have suggested something like that before. Lock VE stuff to the Alliance, Light to the Horde, etc, etc.



I didn’t do this either. I have posted that Blizzards harassy culture probably involves their alliance bullying since there are several female blizzard employees who have talked about High Elves on twitter.

… and lo and behold. We have blonde hair now.