Void elves can look like blood elves but not vise versa

Yup, 100% sure, I stand by what I said both about him and Sara that you all flagged right after I said it, the truth hurts but it’s still the truth.


Or when he was saving people’s posts so that he could use them against them for anything and everything he could think of?


Sounds like a protest I see all the time in Korea.

Never read the books, only watched the show. I always wondered how heavily does the show differ from the books?

Oh, and uhm, I would not dismiss Sara’s statement so quickly if I was you. Perhaps some people amongst you are not exactly what they seem.


Tell the truth I’ve barely watched the show. I have trouble re-reading/watching something when I know certain bad things happen so I get all anxious for the characters, so for ASoIaF I pretty much just devour a book in a night and that’s it. (except the Hedge Knight, that’s just pretty awesome all together) Sounds like HBO took some liberties with some bits to sex it up more. I was introduced to it well before the show was conceived, so I figured I’ll stick with the books.

I will say this, they are really good reads, and I hope if you do pick them up you find a character that you aren’t too interested in. It’s very helpful for sleep for me to go “Oh, it’s a Sansa chapter now, I can wait on that until tomorrow”

First I don’t need you telling me what to think about anyone else because I can make my own judgments about people and second I don’t much care what Sara has to say anymore, I have made my stance clear about what I think about her she’s a toxic awful person that supports bad behaviors and people sexually harassing other people which is disgusting, that says more than enough about the type of person she really is so don’t waste your time or mine with the pandering of how good she supposedly is.


Ah thanks for that. I do hear the same and as a lover of fantasy books I probably am doing a disservice not having read them yet lol.

I am not even sure what’s going on at this point.

I would not fling such serious allegations like this if I was you. She definitely does not support sexual harassment or anything of the like.


To whoever is being the twerp in here:


Let’s open a jar.

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It’s not flinging when literally anyone can scroll up and see her attacking Avarie for being sexually harassed, so just stop because you are making me think you are just as bad as she is.


uh… if you are talking about the one that she’s calling out an individual, that post is gone.

edit: nvm I still see it, but it’s like hidden.

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I’m talking about the one above that says about stop having a victim complex when you are a victim, this thread has been really toxic the last couple of hours and it’s shocking people would say some of the things they say.


I´ve been here longer than you. And while at the start he was more moderate, he afterwards chose a new stance (respectable, people have the right to change their opinion based on their own experiences and ideals).

After that, he was very frank and concrete: he was against more blurring of both model aesthetics, no more and no less. And bluntly told it so to you guys. This doesn´t make him an “horrible toxic person”, just someone with all the legal and moral right to disagree with your notions.

This dear was done by the Veeresa fanboy/fangirl as a form of protest first and foremost. Don´t believe? Ask Fen. He usually used the spray bottle against him/her in these threads.

Just take a moment and carefully think about what you just posted. If people weren´t acting downright despicable, childish and horrible towards him, his “threat” would had been pointless and useless, don´t you think?

As the great Grand Magister Rommath claimed in BotH: “Innocent do not run and hide”. If people didn´t act nastily towards him, then they hadn nothing to fear, ne?


Lann did have some egregious posts, but that doesn’t mean anyone should be harassed online/IRL.

The mud-slinging can go too far here on the forums (from both sides), but again it doesn’t excuse anyone to actually harass someone else.


To the ignored poster (yes you know who you are): I decided to take a page from Fallyn´s book today, so save keyboard warrior time.

Don´t bother cause I literally can´t read what you post, period.


Oof. Well wishes to anyone who puts me on ignore then. This is only a game after all. :beers: