Void elves can look like blood elves but not vise versa

I really wonder if they actually think they’re accomplishing anything with this


You mean when you accused the Pro-Helf discord of something after you got punished for breaking a rule on the discord server?

Yeah, there was something serious you were concerned about with an Anti about an actual personal issue, none of us pro’s would’ve gone that low on using something personal on an Anti.

It isn’t because of all the stuff that went on the Pro-Helf discord, it is you broke a rule, you got punished, and you’re blaming us for breaking that rule.


I was not referring to the current discussion. I might tell it you another day when these two groups aren’t in a constant conflict with each other and times are better.

You are probably better calling out for Beetlejuice than the two groups to hug and kiss.

This has been going for 5+ years.

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I don’t know what anyone thinks report bombing will accomplish, we can still read what’s said o_O


Sad but true. So many times posts are taken and twisted. I even browse in other threads and not commenting and see the same suspect individuals harp on the group who want HE options for VE.

Like some of these people just cannot accept the direction Blizzard are taking and are going to be experiencing more disappointment.


I can’t believe I actually agree with you about something but really it’s true. Lol.

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Kind of telling how talking about using real life info to hurt someone isn’t worthy of a warning, but giving someone a heads up about people knowing their real life info and wanting to use it was.



You STILL trying to portray some modicum of “moral highground” when you kicked her out “for breaking a rule”… ignoring the fact she “broke it” because someone in your “club” was gonn act like an irl criminal creep? You literally defending a technnicism over what could very well constitute borderline criminal behaviour?

/massive facepalm

Yup, deffinitely a “lack of self awareness” issue… FYI, decent people don´t need to classify stuff regarding if it´s “too low” to use on an “Anti”, they simply don´t “use stuff against no one”, period. Normal people don´t walk around thinking bad behaviours can be excused “to a point” towards anyone.


Except nobody there wanted to use something like that against them.

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I do understand that people want to express themselves but the debate has been over for two days now (at least in my time zone). I really need to stop reading new posts in these topics but old habits don’t die so easily.


Aside from the person talking about how badly he wanted to. I’m not sorry for giving someone a heads up about some one wanting to attack them.


Oh look!! the gaslighting strat hits again!!

Blocking your face from my threads from now onwards, and not because of disagreements but because I rather not get to “share” communication with people of your kind, “dearie”

Don´t bother answering. And next time THINK how the message you send looks before jumping to defend a despicable behaviour just because it´s related to your fanclub.

Do we need to explain why defending (and yes, in this case just like the lawsuit, doing nothing is basically giving tacit approval) this behaviour is “bad”?


I pop in between fishing in FFXIV. :smiley:

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Really? You want her to tell you the truth on how she only got a warning. Or should I tell you?


If people want to play the High Elves that look like the ones that were on the Alliance and then left for the Horde, you can play the Horde.

These High Elves, also called Blood Elves:

  • still exist in their kingdom of Quel’thalas located in the same place as it was before;
  • still practice the same traditions of worshipping the Sunwell as they did before;
  • still addicted to magic;
  • still have the same culture

Void Elves are also High Elves but they are exiled from Quel’thalas for practicing Void magic.

This thread has taken a bad turn. Friendly reminder to everyone about how this thread is about void elves and if customization can work for blood elves, high elves etc. Remember to keep the conversation civil and on topic.


We as void elves with high elves skin, eye and natural hair color:


Oh, I’m so excited for our High Elves through customisations for Void Elves <3