Void elves can look like blood elves but not vise versa

Someone wants me to be quiet about what I’ve experienced I guess.

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Actually wilding :joy: :joy: I’m honestly so surprised right now.

Yeah, someone’s upset


Another day. Another elf drama.

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It makes me sad because no one should have to go through that and they shouldn’t have to feel like they should have to because people try to bully them into being quiet about it.


Well, these threads are literally polluted by his merry cliqué of minions.

One of those a-holes basically went into a thread to call me Karen a week ago for the “daring” comment that the story / dev commentary related to customizations (when they exist) bring ME -as in, myself as a person- out of suspension of belief and by proxy I feel put off those aforementioned customizations (God forbids people can´t play using the same “lul y do u care!!?” mentality as some of them, sheesh). And guess what? the usual suspects celebrated, dogpiled and joined the mockery.

Learned my lesson, put the most of them on ignore. I´m too old to deal with that infantile sht.

We were talking about some Helf fans feeling heavily resentful of Belf implementation (sometimes of Belf fans cause well… we defended that implementation ofc). Mentioned examples of behaviour showing this attitude. You answered that those examples weren´t perfect proof the fans wanted to get the Belves deleted (valid) and that I had to take into consideration people “wanting to fight the same enemy that just burnt down like thousands of your own citizens”. We never made any mention to the Horde in the conversation, so I assumed you were talking about Helf fans wanting to fight Belves for burning thousands of their own citizens.

Hopefully you understand my answers now?

Then next time, exercise a little bit of delicacy. Her post was pretty much blunt and concise, so If you aren´t sure, ask before telling her “not to jump to conclussions” when she was the harrased party?

Omg I remember when I told him his golden eyed toon was a lore aberration? He was kinda getting angry, but then I explained that, while visually beautiful, as a lore junkie I couldn´t accept that eye color choice for a Fel using warlock.

Months after I find myself telling him: "you know what? Now that I think about it warlocks probably don´t walk freely admitting they are warlocks in Silvermoon, so yes, good choice for that lock!! Let´s say he pretends to be a “priest” in daylinght while secretly communing with demons at nighttime :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp:.

I assume he´s not loogged right now, so you guys can send him my regards ^^

Easy to explain: anti´s don´t need to exorcise a decade of rage and ire against agame company design choice and focus it on the people that enjoy the aforementioned design choice, period.

even if they managed to get EVERYTHING, i´m sure most of us would move on, after all we take semi seriously the game but NOT so seriously we spent a decade or more raging about it 24/7 and towards anyone willing to hear us.

And mind you, this I said above does NOT mean I´m “classifying” ALL the Helfers as chronic ragers. IO´m still most of them are pretty chill people all things considered, but the “passionate”? Oh boy.


My point of view has been already explained and can be dismissed if you have been following the posts above.

I’m pretty sure other players will disagree with you here, either on a community or blizz-request level.

For what it is worth, you haven’t earned this report bombing. Do you remember what I wrote you about the walk away stuff? I meant that.

I just figured Blood Elves=Horde, so there wasn’t a need to elaborate. But you don’t need to despise BEs and think they’re a mistake to have wanted a Silvermoon Warfront, especially right after Teldrassil got torched.

Your point of view is that whatever you want to be taken from our race should be taken and given to Void Elves, you also gloat and try to villainize people that disagree with you.

Actually I still remember when you originally popped up in these threads it was supposedly because of following my posts and Lann’s posts which we all said was somewhat creepy, I assure you, I haven’t forgotten so trying to pretend like you aren’t bias isn’t going to work on me.

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I don’t regret posting it. I felt people, especially women, ought to know so they can stay safe.


Bruh. There’s still a daily limit to how many times we can like posts? Tf


And you shouldn’t because I don’t think anyone should have to go through that type of stuff so I fully support you dearie and I’m here for you despite all the angry mass flaggers that don’t like you telling your truths.

Also here’s some hugs just because that’s how I am. :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:


Yeah, this is such a weirdly designed set of forum software


I appreciate hugs and support!


People only want to hear what they like to hear.

Just like twitter.

Who may be that person, I wonder??? :thinking: :thinking: :thinking:

Quoted for truth.

Well man, good point, regarding no need to despise BE to hate the Horde, but I think Orcs themselves would make better ire recipients considering they were the architects of the war together with Suevanas (omg how terribly they ruined Sylvanas). Also remember: these scenarios were suggested BEFORE the War of Thorns absurd resolution.

In the wake of Blizz´s lawsuit, ANYONE trying to defend this kind of behavior is no better than Cosby Suite moderators, period.

I mean, I´m sure if we could ask He-who-shall-not-be-named, he would totes swear he was just being “friendly” and “joking”.

I´m not soft like Moon, so I´ll offer my venomous tongue in exchange. Will use it in your service when needed, just point me to the offender.


Pretty sure this can also be proven to be false through the recent postings I made to such statements.

Speaking of, you actually have something forgotten. Either you have changed your mind or you do actually care. Regardless, I’m fine with it.


Yeah it really sucks, likes need to become unlimited for everyone.

Well you will always get them from me because you are one of my favorites. :blush: :blush: :blush:

There’s nothing wrong with that, like I said other night I tend to love most of your posts. :yum: :yum: :yum:

I already know, I said don’t talk to me and vice versa me with you, I replied to earlier to point out that the whole conversation was easy to follow if you actually read the replies and you replied after that to another comment I made and here we are now so no I haven’t forgotten.


Oh look!!! they went for me now!!

I suppose better me than Averie. As hypocritical and nonsensical this behaviour looks.

Deffinitely the lack of self awareness is a requirement to join, every day I´m more convinced this applies for “some”.