Void elves can look like blood elves but not vise versa

Wtf. That’s absolutely disgusting. How do I even learn more about all of this? I don’t want to stay in the Discord if it’s okay with people like that, lmfao.

That’s awful but it would be better to hear out the moderation first before jumping to conclusions.

Considering that I’ve heard about that story, I can’t really blame you fully for what happened because using someone’s loved dead person to taunt or use it as a weapon is pretty messed up and unethical despite that we all behave poorly to taunt and being petty sometimes. That individual definitely should have been more punished than you. Despite all of the grudges aside, it’s a bad thing to talk about loved ones who are dead and dear to us.

I think that individual should have been banned for pulling that stunt.

That too should never had been passed, nor a political discussion should have been brought up.

That’s something the new mods should respond to you. A lot of new people have been around and old folks have left or went extremely inactive. I think that applies to the person who you are talking about (not warned one) has been inactive and had not been around. I haven’t seen them in discord.

A lot of it happened in a private channel they had. Me breaching the privacy of said channel was more frowned upon than the person spouting garbage about trying to hurt someone over a disagreement over video game elves.

The harassment happened in private messages. I discussed it earlier in the thread.


Most probably, as I mentioned, after WoT horridied all of us with it´s magnificent stupidity your side stopped with the hardocore anti-Belfer crap.

Before that and just after BfA announcement Blizzcon, they were quite rabid.

Well, yes but I repeat: when did the Belves “burnt down like thousands of your Helf citizens”?

This never happened, not even in BfA which was the worst expac as far as treatment of the factions goes.

OMG, really?

You trying to gaslight her like… for reals?



This, for real, for real. :rage: :rage: :rage:

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She literally participàted on this thread to express her disbelief at this persons´ behaviour… and it shocked me so bad I broke my purpose of not posting in Velf related threads anymore if only to say “Hi”.

I can´t believe this.


You are doing this as well right now. Jumping to conclusions.
You may ask a person why they write something like this in the first place.

I didn’t jump to conclusions. I didn’t even assert that he would be let back in. Just that based on what they’ve let slide in the past, sexual harassment being ignored wouldn’t be a huge leap.


I don´t have to do this, “brilliant one”, she expressely told in that post her feelings and the events she had to stand -which pictured a waaay different image to the one your “buddy” tried to picture 2 days ago-.

Maybe next time go up in the thread and read everything to get the whole picture?


I don’t think it’s okay for sexual harassment either. I am sorry that you had poor experience, and I honestly do want to see more of legitimate transparency within Pro High Elf community and try to fix this.

Again, I do agree that the individuals that you have mentioned have been extremely awful members in the community and should have been punished.

Despite all of that, at the same time, few individuals should not label everyone as they are the same.

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Because if you are actually following the conversation someone asked her why she became an anti and she has explained it, I really don’t see how that’s so hard to follow.


I’m still gonna stand by what I said. I’ve seen more of us Pros against the idea than for it - I don’t even recall seeing it more than a few times.

They’re part of the Horde. Alliance and Horde are at war, Silvermoon is enemy territory.

This sounds so sketchy and just outright wild, wtf.

Avarie shouldn’t have been punished. Period. :joy: I’m pretty sure what that individual was doing is illegal.

Obviously I cannot tell much about this besides what you have explained here. However, I have seen this time and time come up in various forums, is that people just jump right on other throats without actually having all the details.

Moderators may take time to catch up to the situation at hand and do their own investigations which is why they don’t act swiftly. And if nothing happens one can still ask them directly why they haven’t done anything yet.

Can you provide a link to the discussion?

Sorry man, I still don´t get your point like at all…

Helves have never been “burnt by the thousands” by Belves, simple as that. The old Horde did to the Belves themselves but funny how beggars can´t be choosers and desperation offer new perspectives for life (also Thrall´s Horde -until the devs decided it was oh so funny to ruin the concept- weren´t the same level of scum as the Old Horde).

/repeatedly hits head on desk

Just… look above to 2 to 3 days ago of post in THIS thread.

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Not many people in the discord stood up for me when I was warned. I think just Lann. Not many people called out the person who wanted to use real life info either. None of the mods online said anything to him.

And these days people are legit harassing Lann, dropping his real name in posts, which is against the CoC and disgusting behavior, and I haven’t seen many high elf fans speak up against that either.


So long story short, each of the community has their own echo chamber and they talk about things. One individual (Person A) and person B are opposite ideals but they talk about their personal problems “non-disclosurely”, and Person A brings it up in the echo chamber, and person C decides to use that sensitive information (ie extremely personal), and in this case, Avarie is person D - has revealed about echo chamber and C’s behavior along with everyone else to Person B’s group.

Again, I am not saying Avarie is bad at all. She has every right to be upset about Person C’s behavior. and all of us do too. There could have been better measure than pointing finger at every one of the community as if everyone is responsible. It should have been A and C’s punishment as priority.


What does wanting to sack Silvermoon have to do with HEs or BEs. It’d just be another military target for the Alliance to confront, and a perfectly reasonable one at that (not that I’d ever actually want the Alliance to win in that scenario). They’re just another faction of the Horde :man_shrugging:

I know right it always makes me really sad because Lann is a really good person and a really good friend so it really bothers me that people mistreat him the way that they do just because they disagree with him and it’s even worse that others support the people that do that to him.