Void elves can look like blood elves but not vise versa

I like how you pretend that is some sort of outrage that Blood Elves would get back the blue eyes they used to have.


I didn’t say that at all, I said it was the most stand-out suggestion they saw at the time. Just like skin tones/eye colors were the most stand-out suggestion for VEs and that’s all they received at the time.

Is in response to you and the other Antis summarising years of effort on our behalf as whining, and that Blizzard’s choice to give us HE stuff is because of that. I agree with and fully support your desire for new BE stuff; I want that too :woozy_face:

No it doesn’t :man_shrugging:

I’ve been here from the start, I just don’t actually really give that much of a f***. I’ll maybe post in these High Elf threads a few times a year, disappear and repeat

If they wanted that for the sole reason to spite BE fans, sure, that’s whining. But I don’t see where that says BEs should be outright deleted and are a mistake. Wanting to fight the same enemy that just burnt down like thousands of your own citizens seems like a valid reason for conflict to me though.

But you were presenting it as if people were asking for it out of spite, and not based on the fact that blood elves are high elves and if they were going to lose the green eyes that the blue eyes are an obvious thing to get, or just to represent elves who weren’t around fel


Some did, but I’m not going to label an entire BE fan group one the account of a few troll-y individuals. Just like Ariel over there somehow thinking the few who wanted Silvermoon for HEs or Ally or w/e are the majority of the fans wanting HE customization.

And It wasn’t presented that way by me at all in my post to Avarie, I don’t know how you keep seeing things that aren’t there.

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I know I asked for a lot more options for belves than blue eyes, I wanted purple eyes more than blue though. But I’ve been asking for tattoos for everyone, and farstrider themed tattoos for belves, as well as runic ones, more hair colors, braided styles, and more. I’ve seen others wanting similar things, and I support the wish for dark rangers and san’layn.

I lost interest in playing high elves at all due to things that went on in the helf discord, as well as harassment so I haven’t been invested in that in a while.


Wait, wth. You’re an Anti now? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Like I said, I know other things were asked for, just the most popular (or another way to put it the most numerous stand-out requests) are what were given.

VE as an example received skin tones and eye colors at the time, despite ofc people wanting hair color too. Hair color just wasn’t as frequent/stand-out as part of the requests at the time even though it ofc existed.

The rub that I don’t understand at this point (and not saying you’re doing this cuz you just got back) is some people still thinking they won’t get what they wish for at some point. When Blizzard’s showing it’s just a matter of time until people get what they ask for (pointing to LFD/NB/VE customization, the SL launch customization, and HMT upcoming next).

Depends on the message that was sent afterwards. Most of the statements were like “You can play Blood Elf, which is the true high elf race” or “Horde is waiting for you” or even “Blood Elf literally has all of the High Elf customizations you need”

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I’m at the point where I don’t care about helf options, not that I ever wanted helves lumped in with velves anyway. I don’t plan to utilize these.

I got pretty fed up with some behaviors I saw, though I am happy for helf fans that have been decent people.


I don’t think that falls under spiteful.

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I hope the people harassing you were at least banned from our community or something? That’s not okay :woozy_face: This is the first I’ve ever heard of something like this.

The things that she has pointed out had been taken care of, demoted and removed from what the admins have said. Majority of the time has been quite mellow recently.

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Yeah I’ve been gone for a while so I missed that whole series of events, I’m not in their disc either so first time hearing too and sad she’s experienced that kind of behavior.

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Do ve have this hair style or any of the others I use? Nope, thus there is still major difference.

The plural of worgen is worgen.

Or worgeese.

Not sure why.


Actually, when a member of the high elf discord found out real life info about an anti and was talking about wanting to use said info to taunt the anti with, I was the one warned for telling the anti that this info was out there.

The person who was talking about wanting to use said info was not warned, and was still in the discord when I left.

And the mod who declared that black lives don’t matter was still a mod when I left too.

The person who harassed me may have been in the discord, and supposedly isn’t welcome in it, but who knows. They seem to let a lot of crap behavior slide as long as people are for high elves, and not friendly with antis.


It is not, it’s sniffy sniffs instead of just sniffy sniff. :yum: :yum: :yum:


Even if it isn’t a great idea, it still isn’t saying that BEs are a mistake or how they need to be ‘fixed’. I feel like the people that unironically think we should get Silvermoon only make up a small % of us.

They’re part of the Horde - they also quite literally attended.

Well, based on some of them I imagine it comes from the aggression