Void elves can look like blood elves but not vise versa

IS IT REALLY. Okay, this is getting my attention again. (Pls DONT mess with me, I’m gullible)

Yup, it means the same thing basically just spelled a little different

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I’ve been dealing with something off the forums of late think I missed that thread.

Hope nightborne get some good stuff. I know they’ll likely not get the model rework many want but the narrower eyes looks like a good start.

I feel like I need to grab my Shakespearean insult list just to keep up. :joy:

I had a Shadow Priest Blood Elf in BFA~

SSSSSHHHH! You do that and that worgen will be back to throw shade at me for not wanting to play along with their schtick!


But we want to adopt worgen, remember?!

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Don’t say stuff like that, last time I mentioned him he appeared a few minutes later and toxified the whole thread.

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We do?

Think we may be talking about different worgen

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I never said you did. Blood Elf males, Worgen, Undead and Gnomes are in a big need of attention from Blizzard. I like and support all BE customization threads I see.

What ‘moral highground’? I never said anyone should have to put in any kind of effort to get the customization options they want, and I never would :face_with_raised_eyebrow: I was talking about you attributing Blizzard’s decision to give us Helf customization as a result of our whinging and not years of genuine discussion and requests from our side.

That is whining, yeah. But I don’t think many of us have actually ever used that as a point of debate, and I don’t think many of us want to get rid of Belves? Belves are great.

I meant whinging :upside_down_face:

Well. I do. I want to adopt worgen. Just plural.

We will get the Saberon, it has been alluded in the Mag’har recruiting scenario. And you surely don’t want these underdeveloped Worgen.

Thank god, I was worried for a second there because the one I call the Worgen legit drives me crazy with how crazy he is.

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I think worgen are a treasure and I would give them pats.

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Worgen as a fantasy race is great but the execution is very bad in WoW. It took them a decade to give them a rework and they still miss some key features like animations, tails or a heritage armor which fits the original one where they copied the design of it.

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I’m talking about one with a female avatar and a refusal to talk in anything but overwrought archaic language

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When customization was announced as a feature there were definitely tons of suggestions for blood elves. Also no one was against high elves just to spite anyone. Wanting a race you’ve invested time into to stay unique doesn’t make anyone a villain.


I´m in the camp they just need to fix the crooked nose (sorry, NOT a fan of the crooked nose male Nelf inheritance, as a matter of fact Nelves could benefit from this fix too!!) and correct the forearm issue Nicòdemus made me notice in that thread (funny but the playable male NB model has a bigger forearm than biceps, reason why it looks so terrible).

Dude, after Avarie´s post he should feel plain shame at the very thougth of showing his snout in here.

Just sayin´

Then let´s put him on ignore and let him bark alone? Works with the irl version…

Really? cause this:

Literally contradicts your answer, and especially in the context both Mooin and Avarie were discussing.

You never had to live thorugh the first iterations of the Helfer megathread, I see.

Crazy times. I dared them once to suggest something that didn´t end up taking stuff from Belves, their answer? A Silvermoon Warfront scenario in which Halduron was literally poached by them Helfers and that had the Belves marginally “resist” only out of the Helves “mercy”.

Remind me again why I despise your fanclub?

Sure man, and Bottani too amrite?

If anything, poor Saberon are gonna be our new-new harpy cannon fodder lowbies get to systhematically genocide with approval from Blizzard.


Well there’s another british word spelling I wasn’t aware of.

The most popular suggestions at the time for BEs then were also ‘let’s get HE customization in form of blue eyes please’ which they did. There may have been the common tattoos/other requests but they weren’t stand-out like HE stuff. Look for instance the time it took Blizz to implement normal hair colors for VE despite it being a known thing, or heck even Black hair color for NE (when even DH were able to use it in Legion).

And I haven’t seen anyone call someone a villain, but both sides definitely have slung insults toward each other.

But really that’s besides the point now, the point is simply keep asking for what y’all would like to see added.

Anyone thinking there’s no more customizations to come hasn’t been paying attention to the customizations added throughout WoW’s lifetime (I’ve read BEs didn’t release with black hair originally for instance and the 5 hair colors VE just now got were all the original ones BEs released with for instance.

Also nice to see you back!