Void elves can look like blood elves but not vise versa

Oh we’re still around, it’s quite a nice group of people. But yeah, I’ll pass on sending an invite in, we’ve had way too many issues with poorly behaved people who take this too seriously doing stuff like using doctored screen shots to get people p.o.ed at us, or just cherry picking things to try and pretend like we’re all about being evil to others in there.


Yeah, I had left the game for a bit because it felt tedious to play, and then the lawsuit. My friend wants to play and bought me some time though, so we’re going to level some alts.

It’s good to see you again, and I hope blizzard gives blood elves some actually awesome customization.


Fair/10chars :man_shrugging:

Well, thank you for your hopeful wishes (funny how both of us get dragged back to this clownhouse thanks to irl friends… my besties are the only reason I even bother with this game nowadays).

In regards to the customization… I have very big doubts about it (I mean, only the Helfers and the worgen fans are actually noisy, most players don´t care over this aspect of the game and well… when people brings charts that include DH options as a “proof” of rich customization for Belves (as If we could use them with any of our class combos and not exclusively DH, smh… :roll_eyes:), well… you get the picture.

Hopefully you´ll have a great time leveling alts, I know I´ll try to level my own alt army now that I don´t have to stand the embarrasing Maw Intro questline (I hated it, one of the worst examples of pet character coddling and writter cattering I´ve ever seen…).

I personally despise Discord as a communication platform, but let me congratulate you guys on a smart policy.


Yeah, being able to skip the maw will be fantastic.

Maybe we need to be louder as belf fans. I plan to post some more ideas in the belf thread.


Idk… seems like a pointless endeavor -as I mention there are more posters interested in other stuff than customizations for core races sans the expected crowd-. But be our guest, feel free to hang out in the Belf thread with your ideas.


It seems to work for other crowds, which is kind of sad but maybe that is something we should all consider especially given none of those times were supposed to be centered on the race that ended up getting customizations.


I say we just steal the Void Elves back, and adopt some worgen, too. For our troubles.

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It took years of discussion, our discord community getting almost 1k users and a big youtuber talking about the subject for Blizz to show their interest. It feels like you guys are deflecting by constantly calling us whingers when your lot hasn’t even put in a quarter of the effort ours has into this debate. We have tonnes of art for our ideas, an active community open for everyone to discuss High Elves and we’ve always at least tried explaining our reasoning to you guys.



I don’t need em. Just didn’t think they’d be relatively limited.

The very fact they are the cyclic sequence of Blonde to Red colors from the Belf palette gives credence to my point, Fen (and don´t worry, I´m aware YOU never claimed to need them).

They working on them one step at a time.

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Wait. I wish to know what a whinger is.

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I have a worgen the Horde is welcome to adopt. He’s a little rough though…

Suppose it’s very possible.

I don’t know. I’m gonna hold out for more void options down the line.

At this point anything else to argue for involving void elves for me seems moot.

I’ll be focusing on my thread and the blood elf one. Also a smattering of AR threads as always.

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Is this a joke I’m missing? :woozy_face:

I genuinely do not know what a whinger is.

They really have not done anywhere near the effort/organization/collaboration done by HE fans. Most of BE side has either just tried to (and failed) gatekeep by saying ‘No’ repeatedly to the ideas come up by HE fans. Or they’ve just made insufferable posts/comments about ‘these ideas you provided here for Alliance HE would go super great with BEs, give it to us instead!’ :roll_eyes:

And then they stare dumbfounded why they have not received whatever customizations they’re actually asking for.

Took many years of concerted effort to get to where Ally HE fans are, they have a great example they can follow of how to get stuff they want added to BEs if they wish to put in the same effort/collaboration.


We shouldn´t had to jump additional hoops when customizations were announced as the “selling point” of the expac, period.

Nelf fans didn´t had to “put on the effort” to get semi decent work (though they still have their issues) nor Human fans nor Orc fans et al… so kindly, you guys can take your “moral highground” delusional BS somewhere else, cause if it was actually relevant, ALL the races would had been launched drowning in the mediocrity Forsaken did with only you guys getting stuff.

The only reasoning I remember for Alurna et al was how much Belves were a mistake and how the game “needed to fix this” (a.k.a. the very deffinition of whinning my dude).

Color me NOT surprised when after a decade of hearing this, I rather pass from you lot.

Typo, he meant “whiner” (and then I say “pot, meet kettle…” people that refused to address a gameplay design choice 10+ years ago and jumped as much hoops as they did are nobodies to call other people “whiners” tbqh).

You were always more optimistic than myself, hehehe…

The male NB one seems to be going good even with that Helfer attempting to derail it?


Whether or not something has one person supporting it or a million people doesn’t make it more important than anything else and just because you are the loudest doesn’t mean you should be rewarded, that was my whole point and since you clearly didn’t like that I think that, that’s just too bad.


Man, that was anticlimactic. Oh well.

nah, whinger is one of those things where UK english has decided that you need to use more letters to say the same thing.

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