I might hold the same opinion if I had any confidence that Blizzard would add Half Elves to WoW. Sadly, I don’t think we’ll ever see playable Half Elves. I’d love to be proven wrong on that though!
But they did give those options. They even billed them as “High Elf Customization”. A few natural hair colors could easily fall under that same umbrella. Not that there’s any guarantee Blizzard will add them, but they might.
Maybe according to you but according to logic they didn’t give Void Elves the means to look like true High Elves for a reason and that reason is because you aren’t actually one you are a tainted one.
I wouldn’t count on them receiving more options that replicates the BE visual theme
That’s speculation on your part. The simplest answer is that they ran out of time (which is speculation on my part). And even if you were right (which we have no way to confirm), that still brings us back to Garrosh’s quote: Times Change
What’s a “no” today can become a “yes” tomorrow.
The simplest answer according to you is speculation as well.
Naughtymoons answer is actually even simpler and that’s that leaving them out was intentional.
Same could be said about people like you but you know what I don’t buy it because they copy/pasted options except hair colors and there’s a reason you aren’t actually a High Elf like a pure High Elf you are a tainted Blood Elf which is worse because you are like a cousin twice removed.
Blizzard themselves have stated in an interview that more HE customization isn’t off the table
Ultimately we just have to be patient until customization is back in the picture when it comes to development.
It’s funny they’ll accuse you of speculation and then push their speculation as fact.
It was a no yesterday too don’t forget and the weeks before that and is still looking like so tomorrow but I get your point, your request hinges on wishful thinking and that’s very nice for you Nico
That I was speculating? Well… yes… I even said that was speculation on my part. It’s right there in what you quoted >_>
I don’t buy it because they copy/pasted options except hair colors
Because they couldn’t just copy/paste the hair textures. Blood Elf hair textures won’t work on Void Elf hairstyles correctly without modification. Nor would Void Elf hair colors work on Blood Elf hairstyles without modification.
you aren’t actually a High Elf like a pure High Elf you are a tainted Blood Elf which is worse because you are like a cousin twice removed.
This sentence seems intended to provoke some sort of angry response or make me feel bad. It does neither.
This applies to literally every single customization request for any race since the announcement there wouldn’t be any more added in Shadowlands.
What is so funny to me is Blizzard had three different times to give Alliance High Elves, first in BC, then when they added Void Elves and then when they gave them normal skintones but they didn’t, it’s like hello there’s clearly a reason and saying they didn’t have the time is absurd because copy/paste takes zero time, literally.
It was an example for comparison, try not taking everything so personally once in awhile.
How is it “pushing my speculation as fact” when I clearly said “this is speculation on my part”?
Magnificent also has pointed out before / reminded the conversation how Blizzard said they talked in depth about the blue eyes / skin tones before adding them, so its funny to see HE fans gloss over that like the lack of natural hair options wasn’t intentional.
I’m just pointing it out, re iterating if you will, or even agreeing with you that it is speculation
Oh look, the whole ignoring lann thing didn’t even last a month.
Don’t worry, I’m not taking anything personally. I’m just telling you how that sentence came across to me. It doesn’t really matter though. Time will tell what the devs think when the next round of customization happens.
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