Void elves can look like blood elves but not vise versa

The closest you shall have is yellow eyes! Any more would incroach on lfd.

Fen no! The dark side of the force is corrupting you!


 a void elf.

the light can currupt you and be just as “dark” as the void!


The info I’ve encountered makes me think that Light corruption of a void elf would be
 somewhat explosive. :stuck_out_tongue:

Its not that I want them to be lightforged or anything. I just want to see the options blood elves have for themes expanded. The Light is a thing with them. Like I mentioned above I’m not thinking much.

Based on the lore I’ve read, blood elves wouldn’t get void elf options because those blood elves who followed Magister Umbric and were devoted to his teachings were kicked out for refusing to stop their scholarly pursuits. Umbric had agreed that they would leave. Blood elves rejected them and they left. The reasoning was that those who mess with the void are a threat to the Sunwell.

For blood elf to get those options would be smacking at lore pretty hard. To have those options like tentacles, the deep void colored skin change, and void hair appearances, blood elves would have to be researching and practicing void stuffs.

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You must think fen! There is many other options then bringing them close to the lightforged looks!

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This part I can understand seeing as hypocritical. Your telling people that want a light aesthetic to just go play a different race, but them immediately back pedal into “and no I won’t just go play the dark aestheic races, give me the customizations I want”.

Wow had evolved into having so many sun races and sub sects of each race, and everyone has a favorite one. But does it really have to devolve into such aggressive commenting?

I want Sanlayn, I would love some holy aesthic options, I want ranger tattoos, I want red eyes, I want all of it. Advocate for your favorite, but don’t call other people’s wants nonsense or say it’s ruining the race.

(I know its rich coming from me who was very anti vulpera, but that was mostly me being overly sassy as felsavior. In reality I didn’t care, internet is just fun.

I hope that future discussions aren’t this aggressive by any parties, that’s not fun for anyone.


No, actually, because Dark Rangers/San’layn/Felbloods existed before void elves, and I’m saying it in response to people claiming we shouldn’t get customization of it because void elves exist.

Meanwhile, lightforged elves isn’t a thing, point blank period, and hasn’t been demonstrated in lore. They got golden eyes, that’s it. The themes I’m mentioning actually exist in the game currently and prior to void elves.

If Blizzard didn’t suddenly toss customization into the trash, and if people didn’t jump right to ‘let’s ignore any other aesthetic other than the light aesthetic for blood elves’, I wouldn’t make comments like that. But it’s constantly, “Well the other theme for blood elves is holy and they should focus on that while ignoring other things”. Where it’s, again, never been shown to have ‘lightforged elves in lore’, yet those who do like the current lore and want to see those themes reflected are pushed aside.

Best of both worlds would be if they gave multiple options, but I won’t stand by someone saying ‘well void elves belong on the alliance’ while Horde have had those themes for much longer as opposed to the ‘out of the blue’ void elves.

Would be nice if people could make a point to attack the argument as opposed to the poster, but here we are. That person went all out of line, and I stand by saying that, along with their ridiculous false claims they can’t back up.

Edit: Also, people attack my ideas all the time. I’m allowed to do the same. I don’t attack the people that want it, though, which is out of line.


Are we supposed to have like background on this or something?

^ This is the exact post I’m referring to, and reflected by many others here who have replied.

And no, I don’t think that other races should be ignored either, I wish there was more asked-for customization across the board. I, however, am perfectly allowed to give my opinion as well on what I’d rather see them give to a race I play.


Belf Players: Blood Elves fullfil high elf fantasy, play a blood elf!
Also Belf Players: We want goth elves for the horde!

Blood elf fullfil generic elf fantasy as much as void elves fullfil goth elf fantasy. Having a small number of a race in your faction, doesn’t mean the said race should be playable. Want to play a goth elf? Alliance is waiting for you!

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And look at that, my point is being made in real time. Except what I mentioned (Dark Ranger/San’layn/felblood) actually exists in lore.

Whereas ‘lightforged elves’ do not.

Edit: Also for the last bloody time. Void elves are NOT undead or fel. “Goth” isn’t a theme. It’s not. We’re talking about magic types. Whereas the light theme is on lightforged Draenei and blood elves have always leaned toward arcane. There is neither a fel nor undead theme in the alliance. Void elves have no viable fantasy for it. They are void. That’s it.

(Edit is to people like the poster above. Not fell)


I’ll admit I’ve been Mia for a bit. But are people actually asking for like lightforged draenei style elves or for more holy/light aesthetic options?

It’s only been a few months but I remember seeing more dark ranger/sanlayn requests. I don’t remember ever seeing a lightforged elf or anything like that.

That’s fair to say.

If you check my post history I have always been very anti vulpera. I feel like I’ve seen you around the forums before even when I was more active, I’m a little surprised you’ve never seen those posts but then again I’m like the most forgettable 10k+ poster.

Yeah the notion that each race can only have 1 subsect is the wrong mind set to have. Saying blood elves got theirs because of some eye colors is like saying undead shouldn’t get upright models because they already got a no rot option.


Yes, on a regular basis in these threads. More than that, they’re saying we shouldn’t get dark ranger/SL/Felblood stuff and instead get that stuff.

If we could get all of the above? That would be very lovely.

But then it’s always “Stop asking for elf stuff” and it drives me nuts, I don’t think anyone here is saying “no one else should get stuff”.

Yeah, exactly. If people think blood elves should get a variety of customization and themes, and void elves too? All for it. I just don’t want something that’s been in lore and sought out for pushed aside for something else (aka lightforged elves which again aren’t a thing). That’s my only point with regard to that aspect.

But yes, in summary people have been wanting LFD-style stuff for blood elves to contrast void elves

(except Fenelon who brings up a very good point).

Sun-themed jewelry would make more sense (well
 more jewlery options than what we have that are less bulky) to me personally. Mana-glowing hair would make more sense for arcane (again personal opinion) since that feels more ‘blood elf’. (oh and arcane tattoos
someday x.x)


For this image alone, I’m intrigued.

What do you have in mind?

If you value visual distinction then you should be arguing against the current VE options that destroys visual distinction.

BEs receiving a second visual theme wouldn’t have as strong a leg to stand on if you didn’t already have a second visual theme.

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Plus as I mentioned above, goth isn’t a theme. It’s not. We’re talking magic types.

Void elves = Void.
Blood elves = arcane/fel/to some people, the light but not Lightforged, none of those themes are of which reflect well on blood elves right now imo.
Dark ranger/San’layn =Do not exist as playable and the fantasy isn’t captured by nor does it belong on the alliance. No, void elf lore, faction, and story Don’t capture any of this At all.
Felbloods= pure fel but admittedly a long shot


Thats why I oppose the OPs request for VE options too honestly BEs shouldn’t get them, but I do feel OPs heart is in the right place in terms of looking for a solution for what’s happened


Like if people want lore to be made and exist for Lightforged blood elves then fine, it could be interesting even if not my cup of tea, but I really don’t want to see people turn around and say “Ok now blood elves shouldn’t get the thing that’s existed in lore for a long while that people have wanted.” Or “if you want dark elves go play alliance” where void elves don’t capture the theme of undead at all and frankly don’t feel like they fit in the alliance anyway. (That one is just my view on it)

People want Lightforged Draenei options for blood elves? Ok, just don’t say we can’t get anything else either. That’s the thing that really bugs me.



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