Giving them HE options dilutes their uniqueness yeah but originally to think they were an insult to HE fans / not see them for being a unique new opportunity/ narrative I think isn’t it
I guess it depends on the viewpoint, I can see why ppl thinks it is an insult after there had been some requesting new assets as the alliance variant of thalassians, as well as the story of VE itself. But that is just opinions.
I think its a gross exaggeration of the importance of HE fans if someone thinks devs inserted VEs just to spite them
Sure, let’s just take away an entire race’s identity why don’t we? Instead of, I dunno, giving them more Void themed options? Lore wise the Blood Elves kicked us out, there’s no logical reason for any Void themed Blood Elves…
Yeah they could have been so great now they are just Blood Elf Lites or Blood Elf Wannabes since they have so many similar options to our race. I feel sorry for people that actually like Void Elves for what they are and what they are supposed to be.
It’s kind of weird to me that you think some of them wouldn’t.
They can’t even suggest void themes. They want to take undead themes to ‘stick it to the horde’. It’s utter nonsense.
Stuff like this would actually get me to play one:
((This is not my art or character, I’m just sharing it as an example of additions to void elves I’d love to see))
I don’t really even know what the void is, some kind of blue stuff I’m guessing? the blue sunwell? lol, I have no clue.
I unlocked void elfs just to be disappointed they can’t be paladins… while blood elfs can be… and yeah it’s surprising how identical they are with the white skin option. At least they can now be black too, that’s a neat feature, still haven’f seen any black blood elves roaming around lol.
<—freely admits she still just wants black hair for void elves (why the emo void-tainted elves didn’t get black as the void hair to begin with is beyond me), but please don’t lump all us alliance-aligned thalassian enthusiasts into one group (‘helfer’ has gotten such a negative connotation and some of them are frankly so hostile and demanding they’re scary X.x;; )
Yeah…was never a fan of the 'let’s all convert to the light!/lightforged ‘theme’ for belves. Like you I preferred the dark themes.
Bare minimum the fact that they haven’t gotten dark ranger/undead customization is silly. But definitely San’layn would be awesome <3 Not to mention blood elves were depicted in early art with arcane tattoos, so those, farstrider markings, runes, scars, etc should be given as options. The belf ‘options’ were lackluster to say the least, and not a fan of the jewelry (especially since the only color options were gold/green and that only goes with certain mogs).
I didn’t even know they didn’t get black hair, I will admit; I thought they have access to it through blood elf DK stuff they gave to both? Unfortunate if not, if that’s the case. As for void elves getting more regular non-void stuff, I don’t personally mind (though prefer seeing more void themes of course) and just wish hair styles were shared more between them. Void elves & Blood elves (and possibly other races too) being able to share the same styles.
True, my statement is targeted only toward those who try to use that ‘Horde should not get undead elves/felbloods because Alliance now have monopoly on dark themes for elves’ while in the same breath arguing for the exact opposite themes for void elves.
Yeah I hear you there. I’m not as interested in the Alliance myself (though I will say given the chance 100% of my characters would be neutral because I don’t like faction war stuff) but I know there’s many fans of it who are not hostile/demanding. It just… rubs me the wrong way when people try to use that to stab at those on the Horde who want undead elves either via forsaken getting a model toggle or customization on blood elves or an AR.
Completely agree, which is also why I am so bloody uptight, because people will constantly say “shut up and be happy with what you got” when what we got is not anything I was remotely interested in or the majority of us asked for. We didn’t even get a variety in the jewelry we got, it’s all clunky and terrible. Whereas the blood elf in the cinematic from BC had an inobtrusive choker that looked lovely, with a small charm, that looked very stylish. Couldn’t even get that!
yassss! same. love seeing new unique customization suggested instead of more cloning!
Yeah, the closest playable velves have to black is a dark blue color. Ironically void elf npcs walking around Stormwind have actual black hair, but it’s not a player option yet.
But the people saying blood elves shouldn’t get undead/dark themes are being ridiculous. Dark rangers ARE Horde (was NOT a fan of the undead night elf plot line), and even though for some bizarre reason the Alliance side of the war campaign saw the San’layn Sylvanas invited into the Horde but the actual Horde didn’t makes me shake my head at the writers >_> It would’ve been the perfect opportunity to give blood elves San’layn options.
As for H vs A…I’ve never been invested in the faction war and would be pleased as punch if they just put it on the back burner, gave us cross-faction options so I could RP with all my friends, etc, or gave us a neutral option since frankly all my characters are neutral (heck from an offline perspective this character’s guild the Ravenheart Accord was an organization she founded with people from both Horde and Alliance (and neutral factions since ic she’s a member of the Kirin Tor) because they were sick of the constant (stupid) fighting when their world is getting potentially apocalyptic threats seemingly every year.
Oh wow, yeah that’s pretty surprising. I don’t know why customization is so restrictive nor why they dropped it after seemingly it got good response. One of the many reasons I’m leaving -.-
Trust me, I could rant about this all day!
GIGANTIC same here, yep big same. It makes little to no sense and I wish those of us who don’t want a thing to do with it had the option to opt out. My DKs don’t care about this petty faction conflict at all. None of my characters care what race someone is. If they fight for Azeroth and entities that are harmful to the innocent, they’re on the same side. (Yes there’s a lot of nuance but faction conflict has droned on pointlessly for so long, some of us want to be given the option to step out. those with faction extremism can keep it, but let us have options.)
Oh, how I love a good show of void.
Wanted to touch on this too.
In my case, when I say light themes for blood elves I don’t mean lightforged like the Draenei.
Just that they have a theme in the light as of the end of TBC. The Sunwell is half light now and the golden eyes and all.
A few light based options would work.
can you elaborate? beyond golden eyes reflecting a strong devotion to the light what more can be done? blood elf priests and paladins worship the light in much the same capacity as humans. and now we are entering territory where a theme could be shared among any race with priests and paladins who worship the light. on top of that we already have a race whose only theme IS the light and solely revolves around serving it. if you desire a more intense light theme it should go to LFD
farstrider tattoos and runic magister type tattoos are what blood elves are missing the most by far
Elves should be removed from the game!
BURN THE SUNWELL! (and the Voidwell??)
Honestly this was one of the reasons i was disappointed by the blood elf customization we got. There wasn’t very much of it.
Was hoping for something more to give blood elves a more distinctive look in a world where void elves can look almost exactly the same.
What we got were some eye colors and ear length options. Females got body jewelry. Then a few hairstyles. Nothing to really set them apart.
Was hoping for tattoos, new face options, maybe some “light elf” options to oppose the void elf options.
jewelery is as relevant to blood elves as it is to any race as well. very underwhelming…
I honestly don’t understand the obsession with making blood elves suddenly ‘sparkling light loving elves’ if I’m going to be completely honest. The contrast to void elves is on the same side of them, lightforged draenei. Blood Elves don’t need to be void elf opposites. They’ve had arcane or fel themes primarily, with a small subset of light. Now, suddenly, we’re asking for all these light options when it just… doesn’t make sense to me. They get golden eyes and suddenly should be ‘lightforged’?
Arcane tattoos/scarring or something would be far better in my opinion, or leaning more on their origin, the fel side of things.
At least with the undead stuff, those thalassian elves have existed/aided the horde for a while in many cases, whereas this light stuff feels like it came out of nowhere. They get golden eyes and suddenly need more light themes? Why?
Mostly things like tattoos that have a light based theme. (Not glowing like the LFD) Jewelry that has a golden gem in it instead of green or somesuch. Little things.
Things you might see on a paladin.
And honestly yeah I wouldn’t mind seeing that go to any race with a strong Light bent… (Possibly with some theming per race. I doubt Sunwalkers would have the same jewelry setup for their worship as a human would.)
Sure I guess.
I do have a LFD as well. Though I get my Light kicks from my plethora of Paladins across the board for the most part… (Now I think on it my LFD is a paladin…lol)
I very much support those things.
:EDIT: I should state that I support Farstrider and arcane tattoos for both Belf and velf, while I support void tattoos for velf and runic/light/fel/blood/pheonix tattoos for belf.
I think the Farstrider and Arcane are pertinent to both cultures. :EDIT END:
I don’t think its wrong to want to explore all aspects of the blood elves though. I wouldn’t restrict it entirely.
My real big interest with blood elves I think lies with the blood magic and golems from MoP… I really want to explore that.
As with any other race, I’d like to see aspects of all their qualities.
Blizzard needs to do a lot more customizations.