Void Elves are still Void Elves

At the very least there was more of HE paladins then there is NE paladins.

Unless you include NE priests as them as they where warriors of elune as to say.

A chair is still a chair even when there’s no one sitting there

There is at least one NE pally that I know of. Though she doesn’t worship Elune. She converted over to the silverhand. So…not really a race thing there either :sweat_smile:

Okay. I read your name like the “MY CABBAGES” guy from Avatar except with cajun food, and I laughed so hard I forgot I was in the middle of a fight and died…

En donde esta la salsa?

I love Magumbo, he’s my comic relief RP toon. Magumbo will be the greatest wizard in the world, yes? Proceeds to trip over the smallest crease in the rug

The mechagnomes has the salsa.

I can imagine that, too, though I’m not in favor. They could say that just like Alleria and Turalyon embody yin and yang in the same couple, you could embody yin and yang in the same person. That would also save them the trouble of having recolored spells. But like I said, I’m not in favor of it.

Rulen Lightsreap is not only a paladin, but a paladin trainer.

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As Liana said there’s at least Rulen, so at the very least Helf and Nelf are tied with the number of paladins…if Rulen is a trainer in name only.

If he is a trainer, then he had students to train no? :crazy_face:

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Maybe he wants to be a paladin trainer but no other high elf wants to train under him. They’re off getting training for much cooler classes :stuck_out_tongue:

(That being said, to the original more serious issue. SC having a few paladins in there rank is not, to me, the same as saying that “high elves” needs to have paladin as a class to be “high elves” nor is it really evidence that it is a staple class for that race. We are still talking about a small number)

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They really need to do something with silver covenent. Veeresa may be the de facto leader, but what is to say that Arator, whom was raised by vereesa has no part of it? He could lead a squad to either join his father in the army of the light or start they’re own playable faction (just like VE did in a way)

I really don’t think (and this isn’t to rile anyone up) that blizzard wants true high elves as playable. I don’t know why, but they seem very resistant.

Still they should do something with them.

Either they make HE playable in a way, or the threads will keep comin. Hard truth of it all.

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Yea, I don’t disagree. But… and I’ve said this before. I don’t think Blizzard cares about the threads. Like it stirs up the forum posters, but what harm does it cause blizzard.

I just have this feeling like if they really wanted to. They would have given HEs as playable already and this customization thing is kind of that last like “Fine. Here play with these”

Simple fix to this:

“Void Elf” Paladins will be restricted to the High Elven customization options and their racial is changed from Entropic Embrace to either “Light’s Embrace” or “Arcane Embrace.” It would essentially be the same racial just using either Light or Arcane damage rather than Shadow/Void.

Could even have some option to make it so the character label says High Elf on it. There’s some rumors of that being a thing but I don’t know if anything has been comfirmed officially.

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I’m personally against it, but it’s not my lore and while I’m skeptical of those changes, I’m open to being proven wrong.

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No, that would take the VE idenetity away, it does not solve the problem, and if you refrill/paint a honda and put a ford manufactuarer logo on it instead of honda’s; it still is a honda…

Exactly this, but in regards to Void Elves in general, not just Paladin.

Void elves get to stay Void Elves.

And High Elf fans get the aesthetic they’ve wanted from the beginning.

Don’t really see another way out of this particular issue of hot gluing High elves to Void elves that doesn’t end with it largely becoming the more popular High Elf aesthetic in the end.

Not a fan. Too much of a slippery slope with how things get request on here, imo.

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