Void Elves are still Void Elves

200%! The policing of other people is the issue. I would never tell someone what their character isn’t, unless they decided to tell me what mine isn’t.

People should do what they want, there are inconsistencies everywhere. It’s wrong to try and control others and it’s silly.

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What are you talking about , im no blood elf nor void elf , im xavius before he got corrupted by the nightmare … im a satyr … elf , pfft …


You dream your dream!

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It’s also wrong to reward lazy behavior in a big company like blizzard friend.

You know, some people are just here for a good time. :joy:

Female dreanei knows how to give you a good time. :stuck_out_tongue:

Oh god. What have I gotten myself into. :sweat_smile:

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It’s true. Let me tell you about the time I made port in Azuremyst…wait that wasn’t her name…


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:musical_note: A stove is a stove
no matter where you go!

A patty is a patty
that’s what I say!

A grill is a grill
this is surely so!

And fries should be fries
either way! :musical_note:


you forgot the part with the ducks!

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In Ion’s own words:

Blood Elves are pretty much High Elves… Void Elves are also pretty much another flavor of High Elves

I think both Blood Elves and Void Elves have some fair claim to being High Elves or at the very least, having their roots in the Quel’dorei.

As to those who keep trying to limit what a High Elf is by things like blonde hair or access to the Paladin class (and as Blizzard has said, anything is possible), allow me to put forth something.

First let’s establish a fact I think we can all agree upon. However small their number, there are High Elf members of the Alliance. We see and interact with them in game. This is indisputable.

Now, indulge me with a hypothetical. An Alliance High Elf civilian loses a family member in the fourth war to attacks by the Horde or from one of N’zoth’s invasions. Feeling powerless and lost, he turns to Alleria Windrunner and the Ren’dorei to teach him their ways so he can protect those he loves and not be powerless in the face of danger again. He trains under Alleria and Locus Walker using similar techniques that Alleria herself used.

Eventually he completes his training and takes on a void form for the first time. He still retains his usual High Elven appearance when not in void form. His history as an Alliance High Elf has not changed even if the direction his life is taking has. He now fights for the Alliance under the banner of the Ren’dorei. He has crossed over from being an NPC to a Player.

Is he not allowed to consider himself both an Alliance High Elf and a Ren’dorei? Unless something changes, the game mechanics will of course identify him as a Void Elf just as the game identifies Horde High Elves as Blood Elves, but that doesn’t completely erase his history as an Alliance High Elf, nor do I believe it takes away his right to call himself a High Elf.

The fact that High Elf wayfarers are in Telogrus indicates scenarios like the above are possible. I’m hoping that Blizzard also adds some in-game references to such just to clearly show that Alliance High Elves are actually joining the Ren’dorei and learning via Alleria’s learned method rather than being forcibly transformed by an interrupted ritual like Umbric’s squad.

Another interesting implication of the above scenario and Alleria as an existing in-game example, is that these abilities aren’t inherent but rather gained through study, or in the case of Umbric’s squad, forced upon them magically. In any case I find it interesting and I would argue that Void Elves are as much High Elves as Blood Elves are if we are talking about who bears the Quel’dorei legacy.


I can’t like your post enough. You really “get it”. I know that people who are satisfied are usually the least likely to speak up, but I think it’s good when people like you do.

I’m your fan. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


oh! you know he back-pedeled on that saying blood elves evolved way past being HE’s!

I mean the lore behind the transformation is still up for debates. But from the looks of it, I’d say the individuals who followed Umbric and were captured and were transformed into what they are today would be the ones you’d consider a “Void Elf.” Whereas the players are essentially BE and HE pilgrims seeking to join their numbers and follow the teachings of Umbric/Alleria. Just some thoughts…
Not saying I’m right or wrong, just my opinions.

I’m merely speaking the truth as I see it. I like Void Elves, though I feel they started off poorly with a very rushed introduction and then basically left to rot lore-wise. I feel that the Ren’dorei can be the future of the Alliance High Elves while still offering players the ability to RP the oft requested Alliance High Elves.

Obviously not everyone will be happy with that direction, but it seems clear that Blizzard is quite reluctant to add yet another elf race to the game. In fact I think that they realized that races like Lightforged and High Mountain could have, and probably should have, been customization options and not allied races. Going forward I’d expect any future allied races to be their own things and not variants of existing races , except in cases where it feels necessary to Blizzard. Vulpera for example are their own thing, even if they use the goblin rig.

I choose to accept this offering from Blizzard as a fair compromise vs. getting no in-game support that would allow players to RP an Alliance High Elf. I know some like to say Void Elves as they are was the compromise but it obviously failed to accomplish what Blizzard had hoped it would. These new options, however, will likely dampen the calls for Alliance High Elves significantly. I’m fairly confident the metrics will prove this to be the case, though only Blizzard will know for certain.


To control the void, you’d need to take in it’s essence or partake a ritual, essentially infusing yourself in the void. To say VE with BE skins are uncurrupted is on the err side of thigs. But I won’t stop ppl that wants to play BE whom had 2nd thoughts on being horde aligned. Still not true HE though, and there is more avenues of how to get HE on the alliance then just the ones in SW.

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If I were to come up with a story for Visaerys, it would probably be something along the lines of a high elf that always admired Alleria, and wasn’t chosen or was unable to go with her through the Dark Portal. Instead he fought alongside Sylvanas and Vereesa and all the elves that defended Quel’Thalas during the third war.

After the war he left Quel’Thalas and joined the Silver Covenant. Years later with Alleria’s return he took it upon himself to put it all on the line like Alleria has and with Vereesa’s support began studying in Telogrus Rift.

Does it make Visaerys a void elf? Sure I guess? Does it make him less of a high elf? Nah, not as far as I’m concerned.

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I agree with you and I like the concept of your background.

I don’t see Void Elves as being ruined or watered down by these new options. I see them as being expanded upon to include the High Elves that stayed with the Alliance and now want the chance to support them more actively under Alleria’s leadership.

The void teaches that there are infinite possibilities… many roads… what could be more “Void Elf” than having so many options open to us?

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I mean I like to think of it like the Illidari, who are still considered their respective race aka BE and NE, but yet they took in Fel essence(demon souls) to change them into what you’d classify Illidan as. Not saying that the pilgrims who are learning to take in void essence aren’t considered VE but if the same could be said about the illidari, why not those seeking to follow Umbric. Like I said just some thoughts. Though I hope they go more into what it truly means to be a VE

I couldn’t agree more. I think the story telling possibilities are endless and really provide a platform from which to spring the void elves and the alliance high elves forward.

Like you said, it’s not aways what I had in mind, but I have to say it still excites me and I’m really really happy about it.

This is a brilliant comparison.