Void Elves are still Void Elves

I still don’t understand why it’s impossible that the High Elf Pilgrims already in Telongrus can’t be void infused to some extent. Is the point being made that there’s a notable difference between void infusion and void usage?

My point is, we will never know what is canonically or “officially” true, not until Blizzard Entertainment makes their own response. Blizzard Entertainment is responsible for potential changes in lore, and Shadowlands might help prove that.

WoWpedia ISN’T the only reliable source that cites Blizzard Entertainment responses. There literally several other major WoW websites like Wowhead that will do almost the same thing.

And, please drop the attitude. This is by no means, me trying to sound antagonistic or stupid. You and I, by all boundaries have every right to disagree and agree with an opinion.

Besides being stated to not be able to recreate what was essentially an accident.

Being A “Void” elf, is a curse, you fight whispers constantly tell you to kill everyone around you, Alleria is being told on a constant basis to kill Turalyon and send her son to the void, which is exactly what happens in N’zoths vision of stormwind.

There’s no logical reason for High elves to “want” to become “true” void-infused Void Elves, when studying and controlling the Void was more than enough for even Umbric and his group.


No one is disputing that Blizzard Entertainment has the final say. I don’t think I implied anything like that. If you take issue with firm and reasonable speculation in the absence of a solid answer, then fine. I also never said WoWHead was the only source. I specifically mentioned it was one of many that pulled its data from official Blizzard sources.

I dunno. I think it’s pretty heavily implied that a third or fourth or fifth mechanism for transforming into a Void Elf is going to show up sooner or later. The Shadow Priest fantasy is essentially the void-using cultist, so any elf that wanted to simply use the Void could just do that. If they’re in Telongrus, if they’re studying with the Void Elves, I think they intend for more than just practical applications.

And yeah, it’s a curse. That didn’t stop the Illidari from recruiting more. Some people will take any burden if they think it’s worthwhile. I don’t think logic or reason has anything to do with it.

I have no doubt that the Void Elves aren’t going to eventually learn a different way of achieving it. It might be dumb, it might be contrived, but there’s always more than one way to skin a cat when it comes to transformation. Just look at Dragon Ball and look at the different ways the Saiyan characters achieve the same transformed state. What is first obtained as an accident only stays that way because of how little is known about it. With time and experience, Void Elves will learn how to create an alternative.

A High Elf who wants to become a Void Elf will absolutely have the ability to do so, mark my words.

Well, lets see, you got the Warcraft Encyclopedia, you got the Warcraft Chronicles Books, you got the Blood of the Highborne…

There is a lot of information out there.

This is why we can’t solely be based on WoWpedia exclusively, but the guy here makes it as if the only holy grail of WoW information.

Im not reading your wall.
Take the effort to make your posts 1 or 2 paragraphs max.

Every “what if” scenario came up with by people trying to explain away what’s in front of them is a logical fallacy, especially when worked against what is the most logical conclusions to these scenarios.

If Void elves were meant to be able to “un-void” themselves, Blizzard would of done it from the beginning, like Alleria could, and not have stated the entire process that created them to be a freak accident.

They even put uncorrupted High Elves right there for people to theory craft, no, people rush to the most head canon and unlikely answer.

I’m going to bed, I had smaller head aches dealing with Antis, I can’t believe im saying this but I miss those days.

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Rules for thee, but not for me?

Well, some of it is canon, some of it is not.

I’ll give you a hint: If it is non-canon, it will say something like this on the site or any page:
This section contains information from the Warcraft RPG which is considered non-canon

If there is no source to what is being said, then it is either head canon or non canon.

But if it is showing a source, can be from here on the World of Warcraft forums, video that Blizzard may of released, or something that is in game, then it is canon.

I never said it was the only source of WoW lore. You’re either projecting or you’re lying.

Actually, you’re the one using game mechanics to dismiss logical conclusions and make wide statements like, the only void elves that are blue are the ones that went with umbric and the new peachy ones are just masters of the void. Perhaps even Umbric’s bunch could’ve had peachy skintones? Are you going to say that them adding them now prohibits that possibility? That’s not lore you’re basing that assumption off of.

They are all void elves, in lore, and in game. The lore has made no distinction between Alleria and Umbric’s lot, proving that there is more than one way to make this creature called a Void Elf.

There are plenty of possible explanations for why some void elves can be peachy. If Umbric’s bunch learn to better control the Void within them, perhaps they can suppress the physical manifestation of it outwardly. In other words, elves who have less of a grip on their whispers show it more readily, whereas more masterful elves can appear normal. That’s actually more logical than assuming that all Void Elves from here on out can’t be blue lol, considering Alleria supposedly has been teaching Umbric’s bunch.

I’m not sure why you’re insisting that the new method of creating Void Elves (which a dev statement has told us there will be one) can’t turn their skin blue and have them sprout tentacles. You have literally zero reason to think this in lore or gameplay.

I will bet every gold piece I have that there will be no lore distinction between these new peachy elves and blue elves racially. Your personal origins story for your character and whatever roleplay you want to fall into sounds good to me, it makes sense, but it’s too definitive to insist that it pertains to all elves and dismisses their trademark blue coloring, which is why I’m not convinced it’s the official case.

I think this is more fuelled by a desire to justify headcanon for people to feel good about playing a peachy toned elf as “just an elf” who is really into void magic, rather than a void elf. Which, I’m sorry? They’re void elves, but play whatever you want to in your roleplay of course. A void-magic elf who doesn’t undergo a transformation wouldn’t be a void elf, they’d be a shadow priest.

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Not really.

Forest Trolls and Wildhammer Trolls also aren’t getting “Lored” in to Darkspear and Bronzebeard.

It would be nice if they’d make some Wildhammer glyphs for shamans etc.

But they’ve spread the customization out to Void Elves to save production time and money.

They don’t have to give a lore reason for it. If you want to play a High Elf you can. Sometimes you’ll turn purple in battle.

People don’t battle if they’re just standing around in town.

That’s just the weakness of the path they took.

They’re not going to lore in the different facial structures. They’re not going to lore in the different skin tones.

If I play a Darkspear Troll that’s obviously a Forest Troll then is it not?

Obviously the most ideal situation is that they’d make a High Elf Race.

But they’re not amending the lore. So if you decide that means a Void Elf is a Void Elf and not a High Elf… then that’s your headcanon.

and if someone decides their void elf is actually a high elf… then that’s their headcannon…

and because they’re probably not gonna bother explaining what’s going on those two things are equally valid.


I’ve said several times, which you agreed with, that it’s headcanon and that it’s fine. People can play whatever they like.

The person I responded to is insisting that the lore story has only one logical conclusion to come of having peachy toned elves, and that is that all new elves are actually peachy toned because they didn’t want to undergo/ literally can’t undergo a transformation, and that a transformation would absolutely turn them blue. Ergo, all new elves should be peachy and the blue skintones are “logically” reserved for the initial bunch from Umbric’s lot.

Like I said, I think this is someone trying to justify to themselves that what they want (a high elf) as not being headcanon, but rather the “logical” lore implication that applies officially to all elves. Which it’s not, lol.

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There is a whole lot of headcannon arguments right now.

It’s silly.

I mean, there are wayfarers that are interested and there was an article saying they were looking for ways to increase their ranks. There are even void elf mages hanging out with High Elf Mages in Stormwind.

But they’re just increasing character customization options… and they’re probably not going to say why you can be a normal looking high elf.

But hopefully we’re just on the bargaining stage of grieving. Seems like we burned through denial and anger.


Absolutely agree.

The fact is that these are still Void Elves, and making lore that says that peachy toned elves are just very skilled normal elves who use the Void not only waters down Void Elf lore, but it waters down Shadow Priest lore.

Of course that’s not to say that, y’know, someone can’t roleplay as a high elf who dabbles in Void Magic. I’ve said elsewhere recently, I went back to Horde as a Blood Elf for roleplay purposes and … still roleplayed a Void Elf, just under an illusion spell to conceal her appearance. Do what you want, but don’t pretend it’s anything other than fanfiction roleplay if it’s something you’re bending yourself, y’know?

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So I’ve roleplayed in dungeons before. I’d cruise as a Night Elf. My Friend was a Dwarf. We’d talk smack to each other while running normal content.

But for the most part entropic embrace is a non-issue. It doesn’t proc when you’re talking. Or standing around.

It’s also a really pretty and interesting effect.

It could also just be glyphed to be an arcane effect instead of a void effect.

But it doesn’t really matter? It doesn’t look like a substantial obstacle to saying, “My character is a High Elf.”

The Void Elf tag is more of a substantial immersion breaking mechanic than the thing you’re not going to encounter outside of fighting.

But also… what a non-issue anyways?

I’d still like to see High Elf content, as well as Void Elf content.

But really it’s just a tool trying to limit someone else’s enjoyment so who cares?

You just don’t give them that power over you.

Someone on the forums says your Alliance, Light Skinned, Blue Eyed Elf isn’t a High Elf?

Ok. That’s not the most egregious thing people on the forums say.


Sure you can, just roll a VE hunter.

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I want blonde hair

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Customization options aren’t all complete yet. It’s certainly not impossible.

green or gold eyes seem unlikely though.

No? We actually played the introduction scenario and literally none of them had peachy skin tones. You accuse the rest of headcanon and that’s literally what you’re doing here, to the extent of negating an in-game scenario.