Void Elves are still Void Elves

This whole post is an unnecessary attack on high elf fans just because they got what they wanted. Move on.

Not what i was arguing, even if a small part in the war campaign and some repeatable assaults and world quests does not for “solid story development” make.

Void Elves don’t deserve to be ignored, but here’s the thing: they were.

Everything in this list is something that every AR has, Void Elves are not special.

The customization options do not even expand the “Void” part of Void Elves, they expand the High Elf aesthetic, plain and simple.

The mass threads on the subject were not “Thank you for the Void elf expansion blizzard”, they were “Thank you for the High Elves”.

I believe that too, but they did shove some High Elves into Telogrus rift to elude to this.

So it’s a matter of waiting and seeing.

From what I heard just the little that lives in SW. Which is why I’m not arguing about that font.

I wasn’t saying it made them special. You said that the new customization was pointing towards the race becoming high elves. I was point out that if that’s true the everything else was point to the void elves staying void elves.

If anything, my opinion, since the customization is on both sides. it’s less void elves moving to high elves and more of an appeasement move to try to satisfy the helf fans without making a high elf playable race.

If HE fans (the ones that knows the lore and didn’t just want the BE model) where happy this thread would not exist.

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The Void elf race isn’t becoming High Elves, they are getting more High Elf options than Void Elf options to make them look more “High Elf”.

What these options become is up to Blizzard, but the only thing i can tell you for certain is that people will overwhelmingly ask for more High Elf options than Void elf options, to the point that it unfortunately muddies the Void elf aesthetic.

Think of it this way: No one, was asking for Void elf paladins up until these High Elf customization options were shown, and now, they’re everywhere.

People weren’t thinking about expanding Void Elves untill, High Elves joined their playground, because that is the avenue that they’ve wanted and it’s apparently the one that Blizzard has given

I think the only people that I have seen who are 100% happy without exception have been all from Moonguard still haven’t seen someone from that server unhappy about it. Completely random coincidence I’m sure and no specific reason for that… :smiley:

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And we should not support that! That is taking the void out of void elves.

Ironic, but I bet it will lead to the war… of female dreanei vs blood elf lite!

the logic is that high elves and blood elves wayfarers in telogrus rift were able to turn themselves and become void elves, but since the ritual was more controlled and not forceful by an ethereal and prevented only in the last minute by Alleria, they were able to retain their skin color.

They still are other race with their own thematic but can look like a normal elf, so people can RP what they want.

Like people said, is a pretty decent compromise and should end this drama.


I do want to reinforce that I’m okay with this. Using a void or blood elf to rp a high elf is fine.

They can ask for more high elf options on void elf and blood elf all they want. My only issues was when you started asking for void elf stuff to be removed.

I’ve seen a few of these, but a lot of them are trolls using the missing class as a way to bait you guys into a void elves are really high elves thing… also I still don’t know why people think paladins are a high elf thing.

People should use the new avenue to rp a high elf if they want, but I also know quite a few people on here and off that want to continue to play a void elf too and will until Blizzard decided to change them. Or else threads like this wouldn’t exist.

It won’t end till a proper compromise comes out, look at my previous posts in this thread for that info.

We shouldn’t it’s a moronic way to attempt High Elves again.

It really feels like we’re not being given a choice though dude.

I think High Elf customization options should “skin over” the Void elf options so they fit the High elf aesthetic more, this is the best possible solution to this problem and makes everyone happy, so obviously, Blizzard won’t do it.

I think most people are okay with it. I think it was a good compromise really. And people should be able to rp how they want.

I do think the drama will continue as there are people who: think the compromise is too far, or thinks helves should still be a playable race, or things that now void and/or blood elves should just be turned into high elves.

If they keep the tenticle hair and keep the hair options voidy it will.

Void elf fans probably wouldn’t be happy.

it is already a compromise since people were only looking for the aesthetic, lore be dammed. if you want high elf racial go horde, another copy paste of the horde race to be an entirely new allied race is not a compromise, is you getting everything you want and more, because people are whiners

yep, thats why i said should, not will, people will never be satisfied until their fanfic become real, but at least with time they will lose support since they have nothing to stand on anymore.

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Do you believe an option that makes the High elf customization “skin over” the void elf racials and visuals wouldn’t make everyone happy?

You stay as a Void elf and those who want to be a High elf in every aesthetic way possible get to be High Elves.

So I take it you didn’t read my previous posts. We did not ask for the BE model, only the trollers did.

Here, the compromise I presented, 2 in fact;

Half elves playable or

You need to get your eyes checked. Alleria’s hair isn’t even platinum blonde; it’s just straight yellow blonde. I actually have a white haired night elf alt and ran her out to the boat to compare; Alleria’s hair is as yellow as your gear and completely different from your white mane and beard. Maybe you’re getting her confused with Genn or Jaina.

How would that help? Alleria doesn’t have blue hair. For consistency with lore, specifically with Alleria being the canonical void elf, we need Scandinavian skin and hair colors to match hers, specifically, light skin and blonde and red hair.

Why do you want to prevent void elf fans from getting what we want? It’s like you’re an upset blood elf alt.

Why should I advocate for things I have no immediate interest in? You feel free to advocate for that stuff and let us void elf fans discuss what we’re getting and going to get, and how it fits with void elf lore.

I think its a slippery slope. I think certain people would get the option and then start making appeals to make that option the norm. Which is my issue.

If it’s just an option…Depending on how it worked, I’d be fine with it.

Like I said, I just don’t want any option that takes away from the void elves identity. Any option that adds high elf identity for rp purposes is fine, but I want the void elf stuff to stay too. And I’m not the only one.