Void elves and unhappiness

No? Other races are free to come on here and ask for customization too? I see Worgen threads all the time.

No one is stopping them? lol. I only see people trying to stop Void Elves from asking for stuff.

i’m just saying before void elves get any more custom, other ars should as well

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I really hope so

Totally fed up with people trying to destroy the very core of a race I love so they can RP as a different race they love using my race they don’t


The spitefully delusion in thinking they will make Alleria have blue hair or something just because you don’t want Helf fans to keep using her as a reason they want natural hair colors :rofl: Sad

Sel was right


That’s a bit disingenuous, are people stopping Void Elves from asking for things? Or they take issue with further infringement on the High Elf theme that is Blood Elves main theme?

People seem to be universally supportive of Void options.

also im not tying to be mean here or anything but can someone explain to me how void elves getting light skin makes sense lore wise? like cus they used to be blood elves?


I don’t care WHEN it happens. I want it to happen during the same time all AR’s get stuff

I want stuff for my Nightborne and LF Draenei more quickly, they are STRUGGLING


This is just your ideas about it. Not fact.

For all we know, they will all eat void demon hearts until they turn void like alleria.


Well said Unian :hugs:

also i just want to say ur char is cute i like it

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And no scars or rune tattoos for Blood elves

and nothing for nightborne like the way void elves got stuff

because horde bias and we get everything we want :pleading_face:

ayy lani would you ever come back to the discord? just wondering


Because it represents High Elfs, the art director said so, here is the official quote:

"what was the reasoning that led to blue eyes being added for Void Elves and Blood Elves?

This is another place where there was a race, High Elves, in the game which hadn’t really been represented on player characters. Blood Elves were the closest, but had felt green eyes. It was an opportunity where we had a number of elven races, and we could tie it back to their roots, letting players choose where they want to align and what fantasy to play out. We did have a lot of discussion about it, ultimately we might do more in the future, but for now we’re providing the option to have a few High Elf customizations available."

I also think it represents the High Elf and Blood Elf NPCs training with Locus Walker in Telogrus Rift the Velf starting zone and learning how to harness it/joining the Ren’dorei ranks

Tysm yours is too!

I rlly like this hair color tbh I won’t change it even if we get “natural hair colors”. Red is pretty :hugs: Like yours :smiley:


My ‘pale’ void elf I consider Gen 2. He definitely did some rituals that involved eating/absorbing void demons and monsters and such to obtain the void powers.

The only ‘innocent’ void elves would be Gen 1. Gen 2 willingly took on the void for more power.


Alleria…who has normal skin and hair color?

Oooh maybe in the AR passover Blizz will give us a customizable Void Form where we can change our hair/skin/tat colors like she does!

And yeah there’s so many Dark Naaru lying around to have their hearts eaten…

Yeah from what I saw people thought it would be cool to get blue eyes but it was hardly the biggest request made by anyone on the horde
Not even from blood elf fans

The void elves are also high/void elves. I’d say the theme of the high elves are a race that have been cast out by their bretheren and now are trying to create their own path. A far cry from the blood elves who have settled with working with murderers and who is willing to compromise their integrity whenever it suits them.


It’s the high elf fanatics soiling our name. I’m pretty content with what we’ve got, even though I’m still blue.

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Blue eyes looks so good on Belfs look at my friend’s character she’s so pretty:



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I had two Void Elves… and I was keeping one as a regular blue and the other as the new skintones, but they have dark circles around the eyes on the male Void Elf blue skin tones so now that character is a NE :confused: sad to me