Void elves and blood elves need something to set them apart from eachother

(Commentary): While I have you, I owe you an apology, Lannisterian. In one of our other threads I mentioned how the new skins for Void Elves had not been updated for underwear and that was an indication of the low-effort and investment. They were recently updated, and unfortunately, the Dark Ranger skins don’t seem to have been given underwear in the process. Unless Blizzard is willfully ignoring feedback on the San’layn/Dark Ranger aesthetic for Blood Elves, there seems to be merit in the assumption that the new underwear for Void Elf skins could’ve been applied to those.


You are too apparently. I don’t see you petitioning for more Belf options here. All you are doing is complaining about void elf options. The irony.

If you love void elves so much why you don’t want them to have more options? Why they can’t have both, void options and high elf options?


I dont mind a few tweaks for RP purposes.
Like if they got blond hair it wouldn’t really matter.

But if blizzard gave them a whole range of stuff that’s not void related, its safe to say the void stuff we got would be very little.

Look at male blood elves. Outside of skintones (that got given to void elves as well) they get to change the size of their ears, got 3 hair cuts, and 3 facial hair options.

Blizzard might have sold the idea of them going big on customisation but they’ve not really done that


Thank you.

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This, I mean the least Blizzard could of done is given Nightborne equal treatment in the skintone department from Night Elves like they are doing from Blood Elves to Void Elves.

because I love VOID elves
Not high elves.

I agree with you there. A few options for natural hair will not take away from more void themes being added in the long run.

And they should have.

You must have missed this, like you missed the point of the thread.


(Observation): The thing is, there really is only so much High Elf stuff one can really make before you’re just making it to make it. Void themes, however, are open for a great deal more creativity and imagination. In essence there is a finite number of High Elf themed customizations, since there are only so many shades of natural hair or skin colors. Void though? Endless possibilities. What’s also nice is how certain customizations can overlap since they are essentially the same race. Take hairstyles. A tentacle toggle means adding tentacles to hairstyles without them. Or tattoos. Sure you could have blue and silver tattoos/warpaint, and then that’s about it for the High Elf theme. Void themed tattooes/warpaint? All kinds of options. Could be the inky blast stuff that swirls around on the ground in Telogrus, looking like it’s got stars in it.


They are removing void options? I like void elves too, i love dark and gothic things, and i’m happy with the new customizations. The best part about void elves is that you have two themes to choose from, who wouldn’t want that?


Void tattoos sound amazing.

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Yeah its all around sucky, especially for male BE characters who can’t even use the jewelry, which further minimizes things for a lot of players. But that was always my question of why they didn’t do both at the same time, but here we are. Which is why I support core races being touched up, a lot are so lacking, not just BE’s obviously.

And this thread is nice because I do like to think of the VE fans of Void options, they feel to me very similar in circumstance that BE fans are in of feeling kind of unheard and overlooked. I always like Void scarring ideas anyways, and the idea above about Void streaked hair.

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I just want Void space/Ethereal/Photo negative Void form skins and Void claws… is that too much to ask for? Technically one of those things is already possible in the WoWhead dressing rooms under NPC only option toggled.


they are set apart by the fact that one is on horde and another is on alliance…

like why is this “needed”? many other mmos have identical races across faction lines, it doesn’t actually affect gameplay


Yes they should have but they won’t which is why I have such an issue with the whole share anything from Blood Elves to Void Elves because everyone claims they are same race and that’s why, yet people claim Night Elves and Nightborne are same race as well and yet we get nothing in the equal trade department.

I’m on board with nightborne getting a huge overhaul. They need it.


im not so fussed about things like hair cuts. I think theyre pretty solid in that regard.
The stuff I would like to see is old god eyes and void scars.
Stuff that can’t be easily toggled to fit a high elf.
Thats the stuff that would get me excited.

blizzard is only going to make so many options before they call it a day so probably yes, just ones they would have made otherwise

There are blood elves. I can already have that aesthetic if I wanted it.

Yes, please!

Also more void and old god corruption themed skins and eyes.

Fleshy skin tones with toothy bits with spikes and eyes over the body. Also more voidy skin tones with glowing void bits and splotches. Black eyes, red eyes, N’zoth eyes.

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