Void elves and blood elves need something to set them apart from eachother

I really don’t know why they didn’t give male Blood Elves jewelry options because originally on the PTR male Blood Elves had the jewelry options just like female Blood Elves and now they have nothing and it’s gonna go live like that and that really sucks. :frowning_face: :frowning_face: :frowning_face:



Natural hair colors such as blonde, and a toggle on/off tentacle option should be given to void elves at this point. Natural skin and void hair clash, the blonde grey and wine red color look decent though.


This is completely false, people in the real world have the blue, purple, etc. haircolors that Void Elves have in game and they have normal skintones and it looks fine just like in the game Void Elves with the normal skintones and void haircolors look fine.


You’re saying “at this point” like Void Elves didn’t just get a second visual theme during Core race customizations. And this thread is talking about ways to keep the differences anyways.

Here is one that does just that.


Void streaks should be optional and not forced if they are added. I’m in favor of every race getting every hair color. I wanted a color wheel added for hair, but that didn’t happen.


Definitely disagree with this. The hair color options Void Elves have might be limited with their new skin colors but some of them work very well.


Playing a Void Elf is entirely optional.


So is using natural hair if added. :slight_smile:

So it’s clear we disagree.

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Because according to Locus walker in the Void Elf intro quest chain we were changed down to our DNA and even our very souls to an unknown extent, at least the OG Void Elves should be entirely distinctive from traditional Thalassians at least appearance wise outside of still being an Elf in general.


It’s not about the option being optional in this case. It’s why should VE fans who want more void options have to sit through another round of HE customizations. Why do BE fans who got nothing in return for this compromise save an eye color which is a laugh have to sit behind more HE customizations for Void Elves. It lacks self awareness like core races are lacking, and in this particular thread about Void Elves and Blood Elves only one is a core race iirc.


(Commentary): Unit Exacitor agrees, except instead of automatically entering it upon combat, it should be a toggled form, so if one doesn’t want to look like a full on void monster, they can just deal with doing 1% less DPS. Seems fair.

(Commentary): Aside from that, I’d like to see a Third Eye option for Void Elves on the forehead. Perhaps take the wings off of their heritage armor and add it to them as customization. No wings, Dark Naaru wings, leathery void wings, feathery void wings, tentacles instead of wings, etc… For Blood Elves I would like to see San’layn/Dark Ranger customizations. Maybe add something like Kael’thas’ Verdant Spheres, in red, green, and gold options.


BE fans should petition for what they want out of their race. It’s not fans of high elves fault you got nothing. I made posts asking Blizzard to add more to blood elves as their options are lacking.

As a void elf fan it is very annoying when people try to steer the race in a different direction.
Blizzard is only going to add so many options to a race before the call it a day.
I would rather see one of my favourite races get options for them that actually reflect who they are and why i love them.

People who want natural hair colours have no love for the void elves. They wish they had high elves instead. They shouldn’t be trying to dismantle a race that I and many others love so much.


And this is a how to make BE and VE more unique not the same thread.

To which you’ve contributed nothing really other than the opposite of the threads point.


One blonde and brunette hair color and a toggle option for tentacles is hardly a “round” of options. Both should be added imo.

You can give options to one and the other loses nothing. :roll_eyes:

Azshara/N’zoth eyes for VE’s as well, and Void scarring.


You can give options to one, and nothing to the other and the other gains nothing as well. Which is what I have seen happened with Blood Elves and Void Elves, and apparently what you’re fine with and advocating for more of.