Void elves and blood elves need something to set them apart from eachother

Blood elves need tattoos. They literally have them on the cover of BC, and the old HE rangers commonly had Celtic-style tattoos (look at Alleria). Not like these would suddenly evaporate just 'cause their eyes turned green.


A relatable question.
What is it like to take your flowers with you to the grave.
It’s a fact that every belf DK are the most unchadliest combinations; due to all of them taking their virginity to the grave.

huh? :thinking:

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I’m in agreement. Void elves shouldn’t have gotten pale skin. They should have gotten void related customizations later on during an official AR customization pass including things like tendril flesh, digits, more tentacle hair, deeper purple skin tones, and some old god customization like yogg-saron eyes, sha claws, etc.

Giving void elves pale skin was lazy and has done nothing other than hurt both races.


Forgive him and move on, he has bit of an inflated ego after 3 minutes of solitude.

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but void elves are blood elves which are HIGH elves. I have to disagree.

equal treatment for all.


How about lore? Hmm?

Blizz had chances to write more lore about Void Elves, but nah they left them all alone in the void.

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Belves are the master race, void elves are merely purple pretenders


Their leader was Humiliated by a Human :white_check_mark:

They were massacred by the Trolls :white_check_mark:

They were bodied by Orcs during the second war :white_check_mark:

90% of their people were wiped out by one of the Weakest Classes in Lore. :white_check_mark:

Backhand by a Human Mage :white_check_mark:

And massacred by trolls again. :white_check_mark:

There’s a reason I have no respect for Sin’dorei, their feats of failure heavily out weighs their feats of strength. They received far more Loses than any races, I would have to say gnomes perhaps takes second place.

Blood Elves are weak, pathetic, and inferior creatures. Perhaps due to them wasting away in a luxurious life and never actually spend time out in battle, they are far to frightened to swing a sword; due to them having fears of breaking a nail or getting their vibrant red dress dirty.

I am happy that the void elves have normal options now. I would like some other (Normal) hair colors (White, Black) 

Its unfair to compare the Blood elves and the Void elves . We all know who have more costumisation options .

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Void Elves had the most customization of all Allied Races and they are only getting more customizations during a time when customizations were supposed to be focused on Core Races only, add to it that they are taking existing customizations from another race where no other race does that, finally before Void Elves get anything more other races should get more by a long shot especially other Allied Races like the Nightborne, Highmountain Tauren and Lightforged Draenei and when Void Elves get more they should get more void based options not normal because that’s what they are Void Elves.


That’s easy. The trophy wives to humans are Void elves

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And to add onto Naughtymoon’s point, Void Elves have two visual themes, to compare that to BE’s jewelry? LOL.


Seems like pride is also a flaw for Ren’dorei, you are still not yet ready, seems like more distracting memories need to be painfully extracted from you.

I could honestly agree, if were going by R34 logic, Blood Elves are also trophie wives for Tauren, Trolls, and Orcs. :smirk:

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All Void Elves need are more natural hair colors so they can be the High Elves that they always should have been.


I don’t really like the Blood Elf jewelry options but it still bugs me that only female Blood Elves can use it and not male Blood Elves as well, more so because I have a male Blood Elf Demon Hunter that’s almost naked and could use some edgy bling. :yum: :yum: :yum:


I’ve suggested if Void elves get Blood Elf hair colors they should at the very least be colored, streaked or sparkled with void effects, tentacles too maybe, so we can keep a difference between them.


With all the ‘work’ put into the jewelry it’s surprising they did nothing for male Blood Elves.


I just want Dark Ranger looks, scars and tattoos.


It’s the main thing I want really for my personal characters. I’m sad it’s not in but it is what it is for now for me.