Void elves and blood elves need something to set them apart from eachother

I’d be happier if all Void elf hair had that kind of look. It would make me feel better that Blood elf profiles held to their uniqueness in some way at least.

(Clarification): Bolvar didn’t have much to do with it. Onyxia’s plan was to destabilize the kingdom. She used her influence and magic to make the House of Nobles refuse to pay the stonemasons under the pretense of shoddy workmanship. The future-Defias were understandably upset by this. At this time, Tiffin Wrynn interceded and engaged in negotiations. Varian agreed to pay the stonemasons what they were owed from the Royal Coffers. Onyxia was furious and used her power and influence to make the Defias become unreasonable and irate, and demand that the original sum be paid to each individual stonemason. Naturally Varian couldn’t pay that even if he wanted to. It was at this time the Stonemasons rioted and killed Tiffin.

(Commentary): Tiffin Wrynn was an extremely beloved figure in Stormwind. The people adored and respected her, and her death turned them against the Defias more than anything else.

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No I am not.

If you are part of the supply line, you are part of the enemy forces. Therefore you are not a civilian/non-combatant anymore, but an actual support unit of the enemy and a valid target.

You can’t equate disrupting an enemy supply line during a war, with marching into a primarily civilian city and utterly annihilating them.

It’s not the number that’s the point, its the fact that they were mostly civilians and non-combatants.

Teldrassil is a port in which they shipped Azerite, yes.

(Commentary): And not a supply line. The supply line would’ve been the ships transporting the Azerite. Teldrassil was a major civilian population center.

Yet, Vulpera caravans, that’s where they live.

And they could have occupied Teldrassil and took control of that port. that was the plan after all right? But that’s not what happened. Maybe it’s what the Horde forces thought was going to happen… but it isn’t what happened and hindsight implies it was deliberate.

I’m certain there would be a way to stop the vulpera caravans in a way that’s not burning them, as well. Jaina in particular is a fan of stopping all combat by freezing people.

And that’s why I’m here.
I love this topic and OP for starting it because it goes completely with what I would like. The need to keep Void and Blood Elves different.

If they were using their mobile homes to act as a supply line for the Horde forces, then they lost civilian/non-combatant status.

*Alliance aligned Night Elf population that is part of an Alliance city.

Incorrect, as the Alliance had no means of obtaining Azerite without alerting the Horde to their presence in Silithis. There was no azerite being shipped on supply lines to Teldrassil.


(Commentary): You mean to say the Vulpera are nomadic, I think. Despite that they do have camps. The Alliance didn’t attack their camps. Likewise, at least from the Alliance perspective of the incursion, the goal was the destruction of the transportation vehicles; the Vulpera were to be frightened away by totems, to remain unharmed.

I would like them to keep some difference too. It just seems you and I don’t agree on how much the difference should be but that’s ok.

Maybe we’ll both be surprised when the allied race pass happens and both be happy with the results. I mean, stranger things have happened right?

This was going to happen though, if I remember correctly.

I do believe npcs burn the vulpera too.

Um…what are you saying here? I find it hard to believe that anyone seriously believes that blizz intentionally put high elves into the game to make players desire and demand them as a playable race.

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(Commentary): In the Horde quests that seems to be a thing, but the Alliance version is different. It’s rather annoying when Blizzard makes these split narratives.

The only thing I recall is Sylvanas insisting to Saurfang that it would be what would happen, despite the Horde having near total control of the region. There is no mention in the Alliance quests or lore about transporting azerite to Teldrassil.

This was entirely made up by Sylvanas as a means to convince Saurfang to agree with her plans to march to war.


Saurfang being reasonable means it must have some strategic truth.

I think they did this in purge of dal too

(Commentary): Not quite so drastically. In the Purge of Dalaran players experienced different things, but they were happening in different parts of the city. A lot of the worst stuff happening to the Sunreavers happened in the sewers, as an example.