Void elves and blood elves need something to set them apart from eachother

And you think that is reason enough for the Alliance High Elves to pack up and leave their well established homes and families? Because “I was just following orders” makes it okay? Sorry but I don’t agree with that line of thinking.

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I think it happened on both sides like I mentioned with the Defias, and with the Dark Iron joining the Alliance, and the vulpera caravans and vulpera being burned, making it make no difference.

(Commentary): Well we know at least one of the High Elves out there has absolutely no interest in ever returning to Quel’Thalas.


(Commentary): One might argue with Kael’thas dead she might have a change of heart, but considering all that happened afterwards, it seems unlikely.

I do not see the issue myself, namely as Pandaren exist on both factions and are easy to tell apart.



At this moment, we have a sunwell powered by the holy light, a council instead of a dictator, and the only evil in the Horde is a couple of stealth loyalists, hiding for a reason. This is actually, since before the Forsaken under Sylvanas first joined, the purest Horde to date in terms of morality.

(Observation): A Sunwell restored by your allies in the Alliance. Also, I’m fairly sure the High Elves remember the last time the Horde was ruled by a council. The Shadow Council. A Council doesn’t necessarily mean the atrocities will stop. It just means a majority of the Horde’s leaders need to be behind it. As for evil in the Horde, we’ll wait and see on this one. Depends on how Blizzard intends to villain bat them again to start the next faction conflict.

(Commentary): To extrapolate on the Council, Geya’rah is a warhawk, Talanji is thirsty for war and vengeance, and Gazlowe will go for profit. Baine’s spineless enough that it won’t come as a surprise to anyone when he’s manipulated into atrocities, and Thrall wants so desperately to NOT be the Warchief he’s afraid of even speaking before another speaks his thoughts.

It seems to be shifting toward Turalyon, and the monarchy that rules the Alliance.

(Speculative): Oh I imagine Turalyon’s hands will remain squeaky clean. I’m expecting Yrel, the Lightbound, and AU Xe’ra to come over to the MU and make him one of the Lightbound as well. We could arguably say the Alliance will start that war, though I rather expect it’ll be the Alliance and Horde against… I don’t know, what do we want to call it? The Alliance of the Light? Instead of the Army of the Light?

I don’t know but personally I’m not looking forward to such an expansion as a paladin. I’m not a fan of the idea that the light becomes a central antagonist, I feel the Scarlet Crusade and X’era was enough.

It sort of defeats the whole feel, and I got the same sort of feeling from WoD where when they copied everything, it defeated the whole feel of the actual draenor story, because a basic fact is that duplicating something decreases its value.

And they’re gonna duplicate the story again with the villain bat, just… on the other faction now.

(Speculative): This is just how I would prefer to see it unfold myself, but I would like an expansion where the Light is an antagonist to focus more specifically on those who wield it, rather than the power itself. Let’s assume Xe’ra is our main Antagonist, our Sylvanas or Jailer. Well, if she were opposed by A’dal, I think that would be quite fitting. A’dal and Xe’ra do seem to be at odds. A’dal sought Illidan’s death, Xe’ra sought to Lightforge him. A’dal welcomed Ethereals, Demons, void-scarred Arrakoa, etc… into Shattrath. Xe’ra forbade such powers and actively sought their destruction.

(Commentary): Then again I wouldn’t be surprised if AU Xe’ra’s first major act in such an expansion would be to destroy A’dal. Just Blizzard getting us ticked off and more, ‘invested,’ in the story.

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This is a rather odd sentiment coming from a Blood Elf Paladin, as the origins of your power were gained through torture of a Naaru. The power the Blood Knights wielded wasn’t done out of good intentions, but the ever present lust for power that dominates Sin’dorei culture.

Just because we later find out that the tortured Naaru intended this for himself, doesn’t change the original intentions of the Blood Knights. The Light was simply a means to an end, and was often used to fulfill cruel and evil goals by the Order.

It wasn’t until Lady Liadrin put her foot down that all that changed (mostly).



I might not be completely familiar with the lore… but weren’t the Defias an actively hostile band of brigands working against the Kingdom of Stormwind? Granted they had a reason for their hostility, but taking them and their leader out is not the same as burning an entire city of non-combatant civilians.

The case of the Dark Irons is also similar. I don’t recall a large contingent of Alliance forces occupying Searing Gorge, laying siege to Blackrock Mountain and nearly wiping out the Dark Iron populous.

I do remember a group of adventurers going into Blackrock Mountain to “rescue” the King of Ironforge’s daughter… not knowing she was in love with the King of the Dark Iron and joined him of her own free will. And as events unfolded, Moira brought the Dark Iron into the Alliance because her son was the heir to both the Bronzebeard and Dark Iron legacy. Her son would rule both someday.

Even still, not all Dark Iron agreed with Moira and some remain hostile to both the Alliance and the Horde. Perhaps in the Dark Iron case, you might find a legit reason to ask for a version of them on the Horde? Defectors who didn’t agree with Moira’s leadership? That sounds fairly similar to the High Elves that stayed with the Alliance instead of returning to Quel’thalas and joining the Horde, and also similar to the Silvermoon Scholars that seem to be defecting from the Horde to join the Ren’dorei.

As to the Vulpera, while it’s not something I am personally comfortable with, during wartime most consider attacking enemy supply lines (which is what the vulpera were acting as during the assaults if I am not mistaken) as a perfectly valid tactic. As opposed to bombing the cities filled with civilians and non-combatants.

Your above examples are clearly not comparable to the near annihilation of the Night Elf people and the destruction of their home city. And as far as not being “the plan”, maybe the rest of the Horde forces didn’t realize it was the plan, but hindsight implies it was Sylvanas’s plan since the whole war was just a pretense to cause as much death as possible to empower her new buddy the Jailor. And burning the men, women, and children of Darnassus sure did cause a lot of death.

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First, Farstrider, Runic tattoos and scars for Blood, Void, and High Elves.

also did the High Elf Wayfarers in Telogrus Rift always have Death Knight Eyes?

I noticed this on the PTR

(Commentary): I think so, yes. The original High Elf eyes did not glow and Telogrus is extremely dark, so they needed glowing eyes.

Yes they have always had them. Blizzard sometimes got lazy before all this customization became a thing and used them for High Elf blue eyes.

Then when DK eyes got upgraded to emit that frosty mist, it became very apparent. I’ve bug reported it in beta and the ptr.

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This is the part of that I was talking about, but I neglected to mention that my focus was on the point at which they were the mason’s guild, and despite onyxia controlling bolvar, everyone obeyed in not paying them, and everyone obeyed in hunting them to this day after they turned Defias.

Whether on a large or small scale, the action remains the same, and the mental pattern. What determines the scale is circumstance and opportunity, not the will. So Vulpera being burned alive, Dark Irons attempting to summon Ragnaros and using slave labor, it’s all the same.

Disrupting enemy supply lines during a war is not the same as going to where a large civilian/non-combatant populace is located and eradicating them. Any RL military personnel would likely agree with that assessment.

You are measuring size, not subject.

Teldrassil was a port, vulpera caravans are their home.

Exactly the same.

Blue tint == blue skin

I wish. But the reality is that’s not going to happen now.