Void elves and blood elves need more visual distinction

I dont think its a massive change no
I think if there was irl history books, they would only cover one group

This isnt me being pro blood elf.
Im pro void elf.

But blood elves are the high elf story being continued.

We are a different story and its much more exciting

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Well my opinion is that the “High Elf Story” ended when Kael’thas declared the people of Silvermoon as Sin’dorei. That’s when the “Blood Elf Story” began to me.

Blizzard hasn’t seen fit to do much with those who still call themselves Quel’dorei, and if anything, further closed the book on the Quel’dorei with their implications of High Elves joining the Ren’dorei.

Maybe it’s just a matter of perspective.

One point Mag always makes is the fact High Elves are returning home. Which we have seen w actual actual NPCs such as Auric, Lanesh etc.

That feels more tangible as far as an ongoing narrative to be expected than what you previously stated

This hasn’t been suggested or stated? If a High Elf is becoming a Void Elf that is their path now.

My stance on Blood Elves being the true continuation of the HE narrative doesn’t cross paths w your own stance of enjoying your customization options w your previous lore history of having had shared history up until the point Void Elves took a different path.


I see the name as arbitrary
Theyre the exact same people that we knew in the RTS
They live in the same place.
To double down on my first point, not just as a society are they the same people. But theyre literally the same people.

I dont think a name changes much here.

No more than if you or i changed our names.

Does my posting on mclovin count as a different person talking?

It shouldnt change anything here

When you look at Alleria Windrunner it’s hard to see major differences between her, Vereesa and the way Sylvanas looked when she was Ranger General. Yes you can tell them apart but they don’t look like they are a differen race.

In fact it’s hard to see differences between the way Alleria looked before and after she became a Void Elf.

Basically Blood Elves are High Elves that changed what they are called and Void Elves are High Elves that gained new tallents.


Isn’t he still Alliance affiliated? The only time he appears non-hostile to Horde characters is as the “High Elf Representative” in the Sunwell. As far as I know he has not changed factions and has not “returned to Silvermoon” in the sense of renouncing his Alliance affiliation. I’d consider anything Fyre says to the contrary regarding that as fan faction without citation to back it up.


Is a Blood Elf with blue eyes (likely a bug that Blizzard decided to leave in at the time to give players something to discuss). He was always a member of the Horde since his appearance in TBC. Unless there’s some lore info I missed from a novel or in game quests, I’d say trying to portray him as a “High Elf that returned to Silvermoon” is dishonest without citation. If I did miss such lore I’d be happy to see the reference.

A far more compelling example or a possible returnee would be Lathysra Goldenstar (the new portal trainer in Orgrimmar). Unfortunately we don’t know much about her yet. She could be a returnee, or simply a Blood Elf whose eyes were cleansed of their fel taint by the Sunwell as Blizzard indicated years ago could happen now that the Sunwell is restored. It’s also possible she’s related to Kali Goldenstar, a Blood Elf mage in Silvermoon with golden eyes.

My stance on Blood Elves being the true continuation of the HE narrative doesn’t cross paths w your own stance of enjoying your customization options w your previous lore history of having had shared history up until the point Void Elves took a different path.

But is it the continuation of the High Elf narrative? Or did that narrative end where the Blood Elf narrative began? I guess that’s just a matter of opinion/perspective.


You’re right, they literally are the same people. Alleria Windrunner is the same person as the one from the RTS is she not? Those same High Elves who remained with the Alliance in the RTS games even after Blood Elves were introduced are the same people are they not?

Is the biggest group, that no longer calls themselves High Elves, the only group that has the right to carry on the High Elf legacy? Or do the others have just as much right? Or did that legacy end when the race splintered into multiple groups with different allegiances and paths ahead of them?

Again I say its a matter of perspective.


I know you said more but this feels like the main point and to which i say yes.

If all of america apart from one state agreed to go by a different name, but that one state decided to keep calling themselves america, would anyone care?

No not at all.

Its the same here.

One is very clearly a splinter group and one is not

Well if that state seceded from the United States then clearly the one state that continued to call themselves America would be the Americans. The rest would go by whatever their new name was. The “splinter group” is the one carrying on the old name, not the bigger group. The bigger group has declared themselves something new in your example.


The splinter group is the vast minority.
Or else they would not be a splinter

This is very basic stuff tbh


The splinter group being the minority isn’t relevant when the majority no longer uses the name.

The simple fact is, the people of Silvermoon do not call themselves Quel’dorei or High Elves anymore. But there are some former citizens who chose to leave their kingdom, have different politics and allegiances, and continue to call themselves Quel’dorei or High Elves.

There’s no disputing that.

Even Elisande considered them separate groups.


Youre right.
There is no disputing the fact they changed their name.

But a name change is nothing more than that.
A name change.

If they did not call themselves blood elves but continued to call themselves high elves, would your opinion shift?

I’m reading your previous reply to me but wanted to comment on this -

It’s fair to say the VE narrative is different now I don’t think anyones denying the shared history.

But it’s also not disputable whose heritage quest reinforces who is the continuation of the High Elf story, you play as a High Elf defender for part of it.

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If the people of Silvermoon continued to call themselves High Elves, I’d consider them High Elves. But I wouldn’t consider those who remained with the Alliance any less High Elves because they didn’t stay with Silvermoon/join the Horde.

Yet their stories are different and are not going to join any time soon.

Maybe they will in the future.
Time will tell.

For now, we are a splinter off of the main high elf story which is now the blood elf story.

Does it reinforce the continuation of the High Elf story? Or is it a glimpse of the past before they became Blood Elves? Again, a matter of perspective. The Blood Elf heritage questline is a flashback to the events that led them to choose the Sin’dorei identity going forward.

That’s not to imply they are any less High Elves because of it. But the Ren’dorei, and still existing elves who call themselves Quel’dorei are no less either.

If we are going to use in-game elements to justify this or that, one could say that the Darkfallen customization being available to Void Elves lends some legitimacy to their own claim to the High Elf legacy since it implies that some of those who fell (and were raised into undeath) when Arthas sacked Silvermoon, have joined the Ren’dorei. I’m not making that claim. I’m just using it as an example.


I wasn’t going to comment in this thread but legit this has always been the real issue that they take with Horde and Blood Elves because we got the actual High Elf race and everything that came with it way back in Burning Crusade and they eventually got a wannabe off race that’s void tainted with awful hair in Legion as Void Elves and so even today it shows that they are still bothered that we have the actual race and they don’t.


It’s hard not to take offense when you describe the race that way. :frowning:
I mean, I get that we all have our opinions, but there has to be a more… civil way to describe them isn’t there? That’s kinda the issue I was having with Lann earlier in the thread.

Since I know how nice you are from previous interactions, I don’t believe that your intent isn’t to hurt anyone’s feelings here, but maybe there’s a better way to convey your dislike of Void Elves having High Elf customization?

I mean, I know I personally never really had an issue with Horde having Blood Elves. I was never someone who said Blood Elves should have been Alliance or some such. That was Blizzard’s decision to make and they had practical valid reasons for doing so.

That never really related to my previous desire for High Elves as an Alliance allied race (before Void Elves were a thing), or to see Void Elves carry on the legacy of the Quel’dorei that stayed with the Alliance (which they maybe kinda sorta do if the High Elf Wayfarer NPC’s are any indication?).

I can’t speak for anyone else, but my only issue with Void Elves right now storywise is that they need… more story? More development? Unlike any other allied race, they still have too many unanswered questions right now IMO. Sure, more customization options are always welcome, but I’m not feeling any sort of animosity towards Blood Elves, Blood Elf players (cause I play them myself), or anyone else really.

I play both Void Elves and Blood Elves so it’s not like I am denying myself one story or the other. If anything the fact that Blood Elves exist on the Horde is the primary reason I play Horde content as much as I do (though Nightborne (post customization pass) and Vulpera have given me more reason to).


I feel like Nico’s stance on how he views what I point out are RP tools doesn’t conflict w my own stance because of what you pointed out here, like I am secure in the knowledge Blood Elves are the continuation of the High Elf story in a way Void Elves obviously take a different path.

I feel like if you’re secure in your stance than other peoples stances shouldn’t bother you or conflict w the fact that we can get along otherwise. Just scrolling through the thread theres several people trying to evoke some sort of reaction from people who valued visual uniqueness and to me its not even worth commenting on because of my own stance that only one option is current continuation of the actual High Elf narrative.

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I more or less actually hate Void Elves hair, it’s nothing personal against people that do like it I just hate it so bad, I feel like both males and females only have one good hairstyle and both of them are long and the rest are just awful.

As for the High Elf customizations for Void Elves, I wasn’t for it because I wanted Void Elves to get void customizations since they are Void Elves but it’s not something that I lose sleep over because I already had all the High Elf customizations on my Blood Elf since day one of my playing this game.