Void elves and blood elves need more visual distinction

I’m confused - I have always only seen that poster efficiently articulate points of which I often share in point of view, whether people disagree or not seems moot since the topic is only about pixel elves.


You’re not confused. Not in the slightest. You know exactly what I am talking about. Claim otherwise if you like, but I know the truth. :slight_smile:

The war over elf customization is long over. The fact that most posts Fyre makes in these elf topics shows that their bitterness still runs deep, and they can’t seem to move on from it, is clear as day.


Some of us have our RP tools and others have the actual playable High Elf race w the kingdom, Sunwell, and narrative story continuation.

This is common knowledge I thought yeah.

We’ll agree to disagree there I think they make valid points though I do have to say I don’t see every post but I think enough to make commentary that what you suggested previously seemed a bit odd considering it resulted in confusion on my part.

In any case it’s always lovely communicating with you as always. :hugs:


Well, i do think each race should have their own unique things.
It would be really lame if a core horde race got an allied race, which then got everything the blood elves have and more.

People should have a reason to play blood elf.

And since blood elves arent going to get void customisation any time soon, they need their own unique stuff.

We cant just take all their options.

Its just not fair.


Void options, void options, void options! :purple_heart:


:slight_smile: See? That right there. It’s a petty barb.

Just another indicator that you too still haven’t moved on. It’s all you have left to assuage your bitterness over the loss of visual distinction. Heck, even the Paladin class will likely end up available to Void Elves some day. With golden eyes no less (we actually don’t know if the primalist eye colors will be available for player use yet, but they exist for every race in Dragonflight)!

Fortunately for me, I have no issues with the Blood Elf story moving forward and Blood Elves having Silvermoon. :smiley:

I’m quite happy with my Void Elves in Telogrus and the High Elf customization options available. Comments like the above quote do nothing to make me feel like Void Elves are any less High Elves than Blood Elves are.

As game director Ion Hazzikostas said:

Blood Elves are pretty much High Elves… Void Elves are also pretty much another flavor of High Elves

So word of god says Void Elves are High Elves. :man_shrugging:

In any case it’s always lovely communicating with you as always.

Always a pleasure Lann. You never fail to disappoint. :clinking_glasses:


Dont worry op. At the rate Blizz is going with us, soon we will also have antlers as well when a life skin is applied on us.

Some Ethereal parts in our bodies would be dope. Or cosmic hair… or void tattoos.

But lets face it, next time we get something it will be another legolas inspired attribute.

Well I’m not sure it’s helpful to apply narratives that aren’t there but I won’t invalidate that you feel that way but I would say that for me personally that’s not the case.

I try not to in any aspect of life thanks for noticing.

At any rate I do hope your communication w the previous poster you were also applying a similar narrative (that I don’t see and I’m not sure they would agree w but I suppose we could ask) improves. Personally I think they have a lot of valid points and posts that I find insightful and rather true while remaining kind.


It’s easy to overlook the failings of those who align with our interests. Not much we can do about those blinders. We all have them when it comes to people we get along with. I’m no exception either.


Well I don’t think disagreeing or arguing on opposite sides of a topic like pixel elves is something related to having blinders on if thats all that is, like I said originally which caused the point of confusion on my part with your post was I failed to see where you elaborated what the other poster had done other than being someone w an opposing POV on this topic, thats not me ignoring their wrong doings thats quite literally me pointing out their opinion on this topic isn’t inherently wrong or something that would invoke any expression about one wearing blinders.

Now if they did unrelated things to this topic that would prompt you to describe me as putting blinders on by all means point that out, I have just failed to see what it is you are referring to.

Well I consider you someone amicable just like the other poster you were engaged with, I just happen to agree w the other poster on this topic, but I would pose the same question to them if they were engaging w you the way you were w them, as I fail to see where you would be doing anything other than engaging your points where you find pertinent.

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It’s cause Void Elves are basically blood elves except with a bit of void magic. They’re a lot less separated than other race distinctions like Nightborne/Night Elves who have had many Millenia of separation.

You’ll have to forgive me when it comes to Fyre. I find them to be rather dishonest and intentionally antagonistic as far as the elf topics are concerned. Not that I don’t understand where the vitriol comes from.

But if they try to call out others for not moving on, well… that just seems hypocritical to me when they continue to appear in any elf topic that pops up, make comments intended to antagonize, and/or accuse people of “gaslighting” while actually gaslighting in the same post. Maybe you don’t see that, but I do.

Fortunately, I’m not really the target of those barbs since:

  • I accept, and in fact embrace (pun intended), my High Elf fantasy via Void Elf customization options
  • I don’t personally think any Alliance allied character, Void Elf, High Elf, or other, have any business in Silvermoon
  • and I don’t particularly care about Paladin class availability. If it ends up becoming available to Void Elves in the future, that’s nice I guess?

As someone I feel you also have misunderstandings with I just find it to be a disconnect, one though that doesn’t seem worth picking a fight about.

Which I understand, you feel certain things are said w intention behind them but you’re not bothered because of the reasons you listed.

Part of the disconnect personally

I would say this would be my example of why things don’t bother me, it’s simply me stating a fact from my pov, one that frankly is as true as saying you have your options, I don’t believe you have added intention by pointing out Blood Elves lost visual uniqueness or the options you have its just a fact, just like when I or others point out the above that you applied a bitterness to which wasn’t what I was trying to convey.

Anyways I am sure I will continue seeing you in various threads, because like Mag we all participate in the same threads. Personally I just got back from a vacation like a week and a half ago and decided to at least finish the story in SL, but I do hope we can bridge any disconnects, because there are things and options to be talked about that can remain unique for Blood Elves, and just like you aren’t bothered by my stance because you have your options, I’m not bothered by you having your options because of what I listed above.

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The thing with your quoted comment Lann… is your intention is revealed by the wording.

Some of us have our RP tools and others have the actual playable High Elf race w the kingdom, Sunwell, and narrative story continuation.

It’s the same as trying to say Kul Tirans are somehow not actual playable Humans.

Implying that Void Elves aren’t really High Elves, when, in fact, they are, whether they use the High Elf customizations or not. They are just as much High Elves as Blood Elves are. They are just exploring a new path.

You also try to qualify your “Blood Elves are the real High Elves and anyone else is RPing” position with the kingdom and Sunwell part of your comment. It’s as silly as me trying to claim Blood Elves aren’t actually Quel’dorei because a Blood Elf can’t ride the Quel’dorei Steed, but a Void Elf can. That’s ridiculous isn’t it?

The fact is, new Void Elves have to come from somewhere. The only in game indicators we currently have imply that both, defecting Silvermoon Scholars, and Alliance allied High Elf Wayfarers, are where those new recruits are coming from. Their education with the Alleria and Locus Walker isn’t stripping them of who they were or where they came from. They are still High Elves. They just call themselves Ren’dorei or Void Elves now, much like the High Elves of Silvermoon call themselves Sin’dorei or Blood Elves now.

Just remember, no player racial tag says High Elf in game (without addons).


Void elves are high elves
Blood elves are high elves

But only one continues the legacy of the race.

Blood elves are the true high elves.
Theyre the ones from the rts.
Theyre the ones in all previous lore

Void elves are high elves, but forming their own seperate divergent path.

Maybe one day they will meet up again.
Who knows.

But the main story of the high elves, thats the blood elves.

And what I said is a fact. Blood Elves are the continuation of the High Elf narrative in its entirety w the Kingdom and Sunwell and majority population.

It is no less a fact that you stating

I agreed with you

I went so far as to say I thought it was common knowledge which is why I wasn’t sure why you pointed that out.

And I am happy knowing Blood Elves are the continuation of the actual High Elf narrative, it’s just what it is, one thing applies to you that you feel happy about, and another fact applies to me that I am content with.

Well BE heritage quests reinforce who continues the High Elf story, and VE recruitment quests show us what and who Void Elves are.

Your stance doesn’t bother me Nico, and you claim my stance doesn’t bother you either, which is fine but if it were true why are you applying intention or tone to my stance where I’ve not done so with yours?

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You’re contradicting yourself.

You saying Void Elves and Blood Elves are High Elves, but then saying Blood Elves are the “true” High Elves.

The High Elves who followed Kael’thas and returned to Silvermoon are the Sin’dorei or Blood Elves now. Eventually they joined the Horde.

The High Elves that refused to abandon their Alliance friends and allies and did not return to Silvermoon, continue to call themselves Quel’dorei or High Elves. Some stayed with the Alliance, and some remained neutral in Dalaran or other holdings.

The High Elves that either explored the power of the void on their own (Alleria), defied Silvermoon and were caught in Durzaan’s trap (Umbric and his squad), and Blood Elves from Silvermoon or High Elves from other holdings that wanted to explore the power of the void through Alleria and Locus Walker, now call themselves Ren’dorei or Void Elves.

Saying only one of those groups is “true” or “real” seems unecessary. They each have a different path, but at the end of the day, they are all still High Elves with the same history up to a point.


Because I am not stupid and I know for a fact that neither are you. :slight_smile:

We should probably end this here Lann. One of us might inadvertently say something we regret if we continue.

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I dont think so.
Think of an army.
Call them the 4th legion.

They are made up of 100 people.
And 10 of them decide to abandon their team and join another.

Are the 90 people left still part of the same story as those that left?

Of course not.

But those 90 people changed their politics and allegiances. They aren’t the same as they used to be. Heck their whole society changed when the Sunwell was defiled and they desperately tried to keep things together through mana draining, fel crystals, and draining a Naaru.

Things are better now that the Sunwell is restored and Blood Elf Paladins aren’t stealing the Light anymore sure, but you can’t honestly say they haven’t changed (not speaking physically here). Change is a part of existence. It happens to everyone.

Look at us Humans. If a US citizen emigrates to Canada, sure they are no longer a US citizen, but their still a Human are they not? And their roots as a US citizen were not erased either right?

Blood Elves don’t call themselves High Elves anymore. The people that do are either neutral, somewhat Horde leaning, or outright members of the Alliance.