Void Elf Shaman

Oh my god Rhielle 2K is in here

Im outta here

I dont wanna get discorded like the last guy lol

And nzoth made it spread

Sorry Solarion

Draenei Shaman & Blood Elf Paladin in a nutshell.

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Nothing to apologize for. I’m glad you gave me a source. I don’t agree with you that the Emerald Nightmare has been completely cleansed, but I’m always glad to have a source to help me feel comfortable with something I didn’t know before.

Thank you.


Rhielle’s been replying for 35 minutes

She’s about to unleash hell


I followed the conversation and looked it up the remnant on Wowpedia, and I’m not seeing where Blizzard confirmed it was canon. Destroying it isn’t part of a quest, just something you can do.

Nzoth is dead

Xavis was the last known satyr to keep the nightmare up and going

He’s also dead

Even after killing nzoth, most of his remaining followers no longer hear his whispers

You have nothing to stand on

Ion is canon.

There’s a difference between open minded and logical. And you’re not being open minded either. You found an idea to latch onto and won’t let go no matter what logic is presented.

The fact you want to start the Nightmare all over again and an elemental war that makes all other shaman lose their power is pretty astounding to me.

Yep. And he’s gone now too. It’s done. No one is allowing the Void into the Dream. If y’all can’t understand the danger of that, then you need to re-read your lore.

:rofl: I get it that some people are very rigid with the lore, but just saying no without making suggestions is not good man. Moreover she’s just saying we have enough classes and shouldn’t get any more classes. :woman_shrugging:

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She’s kind of right. Of the existing classes, Void Elves are well set up.

Now, if a future class would work for them, then by all means add it. Something like a Battlemage incorporating elements from Wardens/Spellbreakers/Dark Rangers, for example. Something like Tinker? Not so much.

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You already have 8 out of 12 classes. There’s no suggestions to make there. You have plenty. And the others were left out for a very good reason. I’d suggest finding a new way to be more unique. Like ask for Void customizations.

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Im ok if we dont get shaman

Im just here to show my support FOR ANY CLASS void elves do get

Because with the glamorous looks theyre getting in 9.1.5… A LOT OF PEOPLE will be playing them and desiring more stuff. Why make them wait? Be classy up front and make it nice to begin with.

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Indeed. They may make a future class that would work for Velfs and not for Belfs.

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Void Shamans are 100% logical, if you think otherwise then delete Blood Elf Paladins cause they literally had a naaru subdued and forcefully manipulated it for it’s power.

Void Elf Shaman to save the Alliance :purple_heart::purple_heart::purple_heart:

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If they are bothered that much, why aren’t they trolls/zandalari trolls and have 10 options available


Just to be fair

If we ever do get void elf shaman

Then just open every class to every race

This is what we want anyway, ultimately.

Where is the sign in sheet to join the Horde in wiping out the Void Elves?

Main problem is we have copy and pasted Blood Elf classes. We need something to become distinct from them, a class that isn’t available to Blood Elves would be groundbreaking and further the Void Elves division from Silvermoon.

Also our only healing options are Monk & Priest which is sad.

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I did suggest Spellbreaker class for void elves and nightborne but blood elf players flocked over and started saying they want it too… ah well.

Also, just because others are basing void elf druids to nightmare lore, doesn’t mean I am the same. I would actually go very very differently about it :wink: More of the Void elves harnessing the powers of the void energies with the Locus Walker’s and Alleria’s help to take on the form of animals, but by using pure void energy. Me and some friends even gathered up some amazing void inspired pics for their forms. One of them being Void ethereal for Balance. Also a tiger and a bear made out of pure starcursed void energy. Like, their Lore would not be related to the Nightmare druids at all.

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