Void Elf Shaman

We already got a cosmic vibe going on, lets go full circle with Shamans. Void Shamans are already canon in the lore anyways, this could be the antithesis to Blood Elf Paladins


Not unless we get Nightborne shamans as well. Could easily be retconned (something the lore team loves to do!) :smiley:

NO alans shaman delete alans shaman it ruin the fraction idenity ! !

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I’d go for it. Their totems would be a wiggly tentacle.


It could be pretty neat for storytelling too!

Void Elf Shamanism could be a bastardization of Horde Shamanism in the same way Blood Elf Paladins were to the Alliance.


Dark Shamans force the elements without their permission, they use “Decay”, referred to a sixth element

The only other void like shaman that exists is from Horrific Visions, that never happened

So no you won’t get void elf shamans


oh dear god it just continues.

better more efficient idea: delete thalassian elves from the game.


I’m just going to say no simply because we don’t need other races being obsolete. I feel like it’s the same reason Blood Elves never got Druids simply because you’d see a huge decrease in the other Horde races. Give Void Elves shamans and at that point you’d probably never see anymore Draenei :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue:

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Gnome Shaman and Paladins first along with Mechagnome Druids (because I really want to play a transformer).



So you’re telling me that a void shaman exists and force the elements without their permission?

Just like Alleria tortured some Forsaken with the void into giving up intel.

Nope, I can never see the Void Elves doing something evil like forcing the elements to do stuff. Never.


Dark shaman, they no longer exist

Probably because we defeated an Orc Warchief that wanted domination or something many expansions ago

Also those “void like” shamans don’t even use void magic it’s Decay

So unless Blizzard somehow remakes void elves into using Decay magic, you’re not getting void elf shamans


Yeah, but Alleria could totally do that again, just force the elements. And then Thrall would get mad which would contribute more to the faction war.

Was the forsaken part of the 4 elemental planes? Can you show me if he was part of the elements?

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Fake news.

Well, more like misremembered, I suspect. Alleria used the void to forcefully extract information from an Orc mother’s head. Also a Human smuggler who was also a father. The Forsaken in that scenario gave up the information willingly to stop the Orc mother’s suffering.

The Iron Horde’s dark shaman are of the Warsong clan, and use the Void to enslave the elements - WoWpedia

Just copy them.

I know she did some funny business, couldn’t remember to whom though.


Fair enough. It can be hard to keep track of anything in this game’s lore when it gets retconned every other expansion.


To add my own thoughts to Void Elf Shamans, well, anything is possible. I suppose the Dark Irons, whom they seem to get along well with, could share their secrets. Why the Void Elves would want to learn though, is a question I can’t as readily answer.

I could see Void Elf Druids simply because the Emerald Nightmare is a product of the Void, and thus I could see them having an interest in studying and understanding it. That interest might even pay out by making it possible for them to better control and contain the Nightmare than the Circle alone can manage.

Void Elf Shamans, well, dark shamanism doesn’t really seem to be a product of the Void, so much as a product of that sixth element of shamanism, Decay.


You mean they used void totems part of their shamanism but they never actually binded elementals? Where they were just trying to experiment but you stopped their little experiment?

You’re reaching far off of 1 little quest

That’s the only “void magic” ever used during WoD that was close to shamanism, a totem

Read the quest next time before you assume otherwise

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Manipulation of the surrounding elements via Shamanism could help the Void Elves turn Telogrus Rift into a proper home/base of operations.

Telogrus Rift literally screams dark shamanism if you take a look at it, there’s elements floating and shooting all over the place it’d be so neat.

Imagine a glyph for void lightning (like the void penance glyph for disc priest)


Telogrus Rift was a world that was consumed by the void then, it being void infested caused suspension of what remains of that world

Not shamanism

You should know your races background history before making unnecessary assumptions

Also want to add on that Void Elf Shamans would be a step in making Void Elves distinct from Blood Elves.

Right now Void Elves & Blood Elves share all the same classes, with Blood Elves getting an additional two through Demon Hunter & Paladin.

Adding Shamans to Void Elves would give them a class that Blood Elves do not have.