I mean… Spellbreaker is one of the most iconic classes Blood Elves could have.
No. They aren’t. I specifically told you why and you ignored it. Again.
I can see you didn’t play all of BC. And you just compared apples to oranges. Dark Shamans aren’t Void. They are Decay and and enslave elements and ONE clan tried to experiment with Void. The core of them is Decay and enslavement. No element is going to let the Void be used in conjunction with itself. Which means enslavement. There is no storyline in all of existence where the elements would be okay being summoned with Decay and Void.
Everyone wants everything and people beg like spoiled children.
I think y’all need a Defiler type class like what Rift had.
That’s an entirely new class then.
Why do you make it sound like you are intending to quit the game if something gets compromised and be added into the game?
Yeahhh to be fair Spellbreaker is a Blood Elf class, that was their unit in Warcraft III. That would be like not giving Orcs the ability to play warriors.
Nowhere in anything I’ve said is that even remotely insinuated.
What’s with the random making stuff up?
Because you are getting angry about people asking for things. You say that you are sick of people spamming wanting something, but isn’t that also the same thing back at you that you are spamming that you don’t like them asking for new things into the game?
To be fair, you were this way too when I asked for Green Eyes for Void Elves, which is 100% undeniably lore based. Void Elves are literally Blood Elves.
I’m not angry.
Where did I say anyone was spamming anything?
Where was I spamming anything? And breaking out lore to counter something isn’t me hating people asking for new things.
You seem to be making up a lot of stuff that doesn’t exist here just to try to cause drama.
Just let any race be any class. Ffs, this is probably one of the only MMO’s left where there’s a race/class restriction. And don’t say because of lore. Lorewise everyone would have taught everyone everything years ago.
Yep. And that’s why I like it. Because racial culture and lore actually mean something and it’s not all boring homogenization that doesn’t make sense with storyline.
The WoW storyline was built to have those distinctions. Other MMOs weren’t. It’s distinctive that way.
You had been going in every threads in GD that’s related to high elf and void elf customization that you are tired of people asking for more like bunch of children. If you are not trying to start drama, then it’s just flame/troll to use “lore” as an excuse to prevent something when lore for void elves itself is already a blank page.
I would love Void Elves being the catalyst for a Fifth war tbh. Let us come back from Shadowlands after a time skip to discover the Void Elves blew up the Sunwell and caused a second Sundering.
No I haven’t. I’ve avoided most.
I never started drama anywhere. I gave my opinion based on lore. A different opinion and using lore to back it up isn’t trolling. And no one was ever flamed.
I’m not discussing Velf lore itself, now am I?
I’m sorry that you dislike my opinions and that I stick to the lore. But none of that is dramatic, angry, trolling or flaming.
You might need to reread some things without the anger you seem to be projecting.
I’ve been having a very civil conversation with Ellincia and even Cered has been been discussing things quite nicely with me too, even if we’re on opposite sides.
I wouldn’t object to that but clearly the player characters would have to be exempt from being the “bad guys”. They could even use the sun well as a gateway to bring powerful void lords into our world, like the Highborne were doing with the well of eternity and the Legion forces.
I had to chuckle when you mentioned WoW storyline. We all know how disjointed WoW lore and story is. But the thing is when all these races joined horde or alliance, they probably would have taught each other things and exchanged information as a exchange of culture.
Not necessarily, if you follow lore during TBC Blood Elves started out as undeniable “bad guys,” but throughout the expansion they realized Kael’thas had gone cray and accepted that they would have to fight against him for the good of their newfound allies & for the world in general.
Blood Elves started off as a Fel loving, vampiric. Naaru subjugating race and ended as denouncing their old ways and being embraced by the light.
The Void Elves going through a edgy arc and gaining redemption would be pretty cool to see. Alleria already parallels Kael’thas so much at the moment.
And it doesn’t need to get worse, imo.
That doesn’t mean they’d want it, like it or be open to it as a culture. A Draenei may see and know of Warlocks, but they certainly aren’t going to be one.
People dismiss the lore when it’s convenient for them. When they want something, then the bad state of the lore is the excuse to kill it more. When they hate something, suddenly Blizz is killing the lore and the game sucks.
Speaking for myself I rather like Void Elves as chill scholars. I like the idea of them trying to find ways to use a traditionally taboo power for good. The concept of using the void responsibly was pretty well done in BFA, even if everything they did was still unarguably evil as far as morality goes.
I’d argue its one of the few things Blizzard wrote well, but the problem is, everything else lorewise is just… horrible, and their identity as chill scholars and responsible mages is very weak still.
That war campaign quest in Zuldazar where we shoved Goblins into Void Rifts to be torn apart made me real uncomfortable ngl, that was a bit too hardcore for me. I know it’s a war but jesus
You’re not wrong… that was creepy as hell. lol