Void Elf Shaman

Don’t worry I’ll show you

Show me your mains heart of azeroth and the essences you collected during BfA

I’ve done the quest to get the green dragon scale for the Heart of Azeroth. Like I said, I don’t remember blasting that flower. Also like I said, I don’t remember most of BFA.

So, can you please post a link to the quest giving you instructions to blast the flower? The article you posted had -0- sources.

The lore.

Lore that the Emerald Dream is taking in the Void isn’t going to happen.

Dark Shamans are an aberration and would cause not only a war if welcomed in, but also all other shaman to lose their connection to the elements.

No one cares. It’s 8 classes. Or are we going to start complaining that other races can be the same classes too? :roll_eyes:

Classes that make zero sense isn’t how you fix it.

Y’all are just going way overboard here.

Yeah, no. After getting harassed in-game ages ago for posting on the forums, I keep to a hidden profile and a posting alt for a reason.

Share the quest.

It makes 100% sense, Void Shamans are already established in the lore.

Ontop of that Telogrus Rift is full of Thalassian Scholars from both the Alliance & Horde. Such a research powerhouse will eventually start to develop applied skills.

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Clark, one of these days you’re going find yourself at the Cathedral of Light. You’ll be praying as all good human male paladins do. Dark clouds will gather over the skies of Stormwind. You’ll find Turalyon there, also praying, and you’ll ask him what’s wrong with the weather.

Then Void Elves will start to assemble into the cathedral. Prayers will be over. You’ll be forced to leave. Actually, it’s best you leave the city, unless you wish to stay for Alleria’s sermon.

You’re going to see Void Elves practicing shamanism, bending the Light to their will as paladins (because Turalyon taught them, such a good husband to his dear innocent wife), transforming into animals with a shadowy form.

Then, like all male human paladins, Blizzard is going to assign you an elf. A void elf lady. As the days pass by, you’re going to start to accept the odd things you see in Stormwind. An unknown voice is going to whisper to you that it’ll be all right. Just accept your life Clark. Just accept that you are now a cog in a perfectly oiled void machine.

This is your destiny.


No. One clan experimented as Dark Shaman with the Void. And I just explained why it’s not possible.

I’ll do it one last time so you can ignore it.

Dark Shamans are an aberration and if welcomed into the fold and allowed to practice would cause an elemental war and all other Shaman to lose their connection to the elements.

Congratulations then! You did kill off the remaining void from the emerald dream

That flower is what caused the void enemies to appear and you helped Yseras daughter to stop the voids threat within the dream

You were then rewarded a green scale and during that scenario of fighting void monsters you also looted this along the way

You made it canon on your main! Amazing


I’m officially scared of Luuni


During that quest chain you would loot this:


Congratulations Solarion you killed the flower on your main therefore you indeed made it canon

Like me and others have been trying to tell you

Thank you for the source. Unfortunately, the item’s description and the whisper from Xal’atath for Shadow Priests makes it seem otherwise.

“Drops of Void linger on the petals.”

So, this Void Remnant wasn’t cleansed by the Heart of Azeroth. Xal’atath says it’s roots run deep. Sounds to me like the Emerald Nightmare still exists.

What are the totems?

Actual gnomes?

You killed the flower, you cleansed it

Stop being dense

You’re going to tell me you didn’t kill nzoth too aren’t you

I’m not being dense.

I’m pointing out how the wording is so vague, how the flavor text on the item makes it clear it wasn’t even cleansed.

If we’re going to the Gardens of Life in the next expansion and there is a zone that’s the Emerald Nightmare, I won’t be surprised.

That’s because you are not open. Stories are all about fantasy and imagination. And thankfully the narrative designers have plenty of it =). In fact I recall them admitting that lore is formed based on player requests to an extent.

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That flower was from 8.2

Nzoth died in 8.3

Nzoth made the emerald nightmare

Sorry Solarion the void is gone from the emerald dream completely

Half the playerbase left since 8.2 and 8.3.

Doesn’t matter it’s still canon by Blizzard


Technically Yogg’saron opened the way by corrupting the World Trees Fandral created.

I’m willing to wait and see.

Upheld by who? Bots?