Void Elf Shaman

So how does it work? It seems to me destroying the flower was optional, something you could do if you knew about it.

Your in game choice is meaningless to what is actually considered canon lore. Gameplay mechanics aren’t lore.

The Void’s thirst will never be quenched. It’s the voices in their head making these requests. Why do you think they want to get diversity in their ranks? There is a war comin’, and these elves ain’t going to be our friends for much longer.

Sounds like a perfect plan for the “innocent” void elves.

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Indeed, the next time Void elves get stuff it should be void themed stuff.

With that in mind, I would love to see:
Void elf druids
Void elf shamans

Blood elves don’t have those so they cannot claim a monopoly.

No matter how you see it, Void elves as well as Nightborne and LFD are lacking classes. We could use some more. We also have only 2 melee classes, and only 2 tank classes.

There’s 12 classes in the game.

So how does one determine what is canon in a situation without quest text or dialogue of any kind to indicate it?

I’m pretty sure almost everything in the game is canon unless Blizzard says otherwise.

By reading the quest text? :thinking:

I do not recall any quest text telling me to go into that cave and destroy the Void Remnant is the problem. Can you link me the quest text instructing the player to do that?

They both have 8 classes. That’s not lacking.

Neither of those choices you mentioned will ever happen within the lore.

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12 classes for the void’s army. Ozzy saw it coming, look at the lyrics.

“Void Elves gathered in their masses
Just like witches at black masses
Evil minds that plot destruction
Sorcerer of death’s construction”

See! They’re evil!

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Okay nobody cares if they’re evil.

We just them to raid as hard as the Horde does.


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You read the lore and pay attention.

Gameplay mechanics aren’t lore. That’s been started several times by Blizz.

Of course you wouldn’t care. The voices in your head tell you not to care. Pretty soon, the alliance is going to be a hivemind. The void will spread.

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I just want the Alliance to be the heroes and the Horde to be the monsters.

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Says who exactly? :slight_smile:

This is a dynamically developing game where Lore is constantly added with each patch and expansions. And gosh do Void elves need some proper clarifications regarding their lore. Because with High elves now officially added in the picture, there is good chance several of them will remain uncorrupted by the Void and assist the Alliance in different ways.

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8 copy & paste classes from Blood Elves.

Everyone and their mother complaining that we’re carbon copies of the Belves, so lets change that and have a class the Blood Elves don’t, they already 2 that Void Elves can’t use.

A Void Shaman vs a Blood Knight would be epic.

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Lol 50 replies to void elf shaman

I tend to do just that. Hard to remember every tiny detail in a game almost 2 decades old and littered with numerous retcons and lore tidbits left vague on purpose because the writers hadn’t decided what they wanted to do.

The link given has no sources to it, which complicates trying to find quest text indicating any sort of direction to destroy the Void Remnant. The article suggests it was optional, like an easter egg, something players could do if they checked in on it.

Don’t get me wrong. I think it’s likely, even would make sense, if it were canon that the remnant was purged with the Heart of Azeroth, and that was canon.

That said, if 10.0 rolls around and we’re going to the Emerald Dream/Gardens of Life cosmic power expansion, and there is a zone that is the Emerald Nightmare, I’m not going to be surprised, because Blizzard left this pretty vague from what I’m seeing.

Show me your character that has done BfA

Show me your heart of azeroth essences