Void Elf Shaman

I don’t know. Nothing about Telogrus indicates to me that any elementals are present. It’s the shattered remains of a long dead world. I would imagine using Arcane Magic to create gravity fields to bring islands closer together and transmute large chunks of stone into bridges and buildings would be far more effective at transforming Telogrus into more of a home.

Heck, Void Elf Druids could actually restore a small semblance of life to the place by growing trees and providing plants, bringing in void-touched animals, like those we saw in the Vale and Uldum during the Visions at the end of BFA.

I’d love to see some of the Shadowmoon Valley assets from WoD get re-used to flesh out the rift into something a bit more suitable to elves.

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Yes, but so would Void Elf Druids which at least have a reason to exist; studying the Emerald Nightmare, a product of the Void.

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Void elf shamans would be so cool :sunglasses:
And so would velf paladins, dhs, and druids!


I wasn’t aware that the Emerald Nightmare is a product of the Void :eyes:, I have some reading to do that’s awesome.

I have a feeling the Night Elves would have a major problem with us tapping into that, but then again the Cathedral of Light already doesn’t like us either.

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Well, through the Old Gods, but same thing essentially.

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This makes sense. We need this.


Can’t ever happen

First off the emerald nightmare was already resolved after killing Xavius

The remnants of the nightmare was eventually turned to Drust magic for BfA and SL

You once again put a stop to both threats in both expansions, killing the coven mother and stopping the attacks as a night fae

Second, the Nightmare consumes life

Druids, druidism itself, are all about life, it doesn’t work and should never work

Nah, if you wander around after the raid you find a cave with a Nightmare flower in it. The Emerald Nightmare hasn’t been removed completely.

I’ve never read about this, ever. I always thought the Drust and Thros were their own separate thing, especially since they’re connected to Ardenweald, not the Emerald Dream.

I mean, the Void consumes. So, this makes sense. The Void consumes everything. What the Void Elves are doing are study the void to find safe and responsible ways to use it to protect. Studying the Emerald Nightmare and finding a way to use those powers to protect the Emerald Dream from the Nightmare itself is on-brand for them.

Granted, I don’t see the Cenarion Circle being all too happy about it.

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Yes!! Yes Please! Give Void elf shamans!

Aside from it being an exciting idea, please be reminded that Void elves have access to only 2 out of 5 classes with healing specs.


Anybody against this should apply for a job at Blizzard. Tell them you want to help with the lore, because obviously you don’t agree with the current direction of the story.

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Know your lore please


You killed that flower with your Heart of Azeroth

Nobody reads that.

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Xalalath or whatever that knife shadow priest artifact was, told you the roots were still there

She foretold that when Drust was discovered

Then they’ll forever be asking for something that will never ever happen since Blizzard killed off that flower then :slight_smile:

Seems more like a, "you could have killed that flower with your Heart of Azeroth. I never did, I don’t even remember that at all. Then again, I think I’ve tried to blank out as much of BFA as possible from my mind.

Either way, I highly doubt the Emerald Nightmare is gone for good, or that the Void no longer has a presence in the Emerald Dream.

8 classes isn’t good enough for y’all?

And Blizz has yet to make different “skins” for classes. Not to mention, Dark Shamans were forcing elements and it’s an abhorrent idea to all other shaman. This isn’t like Warlocks. If Dark Shaman are welcomed in and allowed to enslave elements, there would not only be an elemental war, but all normal shamans would never hear from the elements again.

This isn’t Solarions World of Warcraft and friends

It’s already canon, the hero (you, the player, an adventure) killed that flower

Yes please! The healing choices for Void Elves is so restricted it hurts.

I also just want Void Elves to have access to a class that Blood Elves don’t. There’s strong lore basis for Void Shamans being possible all over the game, we can deff expand.

No hate to the Helfers, I’m happy yall got what you needed after all these years but now with that out of the way lets give the Void thematic some love.


Its canon if it was necessary to complete the quest.

It is not canon that the Forsaken PC dug up and freed humans in Hillsbread from that one camp, rather than just bashing them in the head and killing them.

… that’s not how it works. :woman_facepalming:t4: