- Inconsistency.
- The preview was soft retconned, as the disc artefact weapon was pure light.
doing wrong to fix a wrong is just adding to a problem
Because they have good reason to be angry at a company that is supposed to entertain them? Stories are a form of entertainment, and it’s hard to enjoy one they keep making worse by ret-conning it to oblevion.
See ive always been of the mind if your lore is good ill go with it.
Sadly wow lore has been pretty terrible for a long time now.
Void elves being added is another one, and i love VE. However their addition made zero sense lore wise.
Your telling me there wasn’t enough high elves for a race however this new race that has .00001% of the numbers HE have are playable? Really?
I care as much about wow lore as the devs do.
Class skins should have been a thing like 10 years back.
Their weapon was a weapon of pure light. Their entire spellcasting kit was not.
Also, both M’uru and the Void Naaru at the start of the Netherlight Temple used both. It’s okay for your headcannon to be wrong.
I think one of the reasons this thread has gotten more hate than I expected is because some people missed my comment on how I’m 100% accepting of Void Elf Paladins. I just wanted it to be done correctly through a Void class skin.
Tbh if I were you, I would bold that statement in your OP just so that nobody can miss it.
Did M’uru use void/shadow spells?
Actually it does if you think about the sub-set of thallasian elves always seeking power, thinking they own magic and beleived they can control any magic at will.
This I do agree with, but what’s done is done now.
And with killing VE with HE/BE customizations, they might as well just merge the 2 races frankly.
To be honest, turning paladins to void users will never be the correct way to do it lore.
Yea thats fair. Id also 100% be up for that.
Sadly though i think, im not a programmer so idk, that would take alot of effort?
Have to reanimate things etc.
Thats time better spent on the new trilogy. This xpac will set up the next 9 years of wow. They cannot afford for it to bomb.
Personally id rather they spend time on TWW and give us the same treatment VE/forsaken priests got and do an easy retcon.
“There is no good! No evil! No light! There is only POWER!” - Archmage Benedictus (former) leader of the Stormwind church of Light, before blasting the players with Light and Void.
Gameplay argument. The lore was pure light.
Gameplay argument.
As I have sources for this (Arthas novel etc), it’s not a head canon.
Yes. M’uru did shadow damage spells. Mainly summoned adds though.
If they’re going to do a dedicated Helf AR then I’d rather have a Helf Shaman honestly. I’d rather get something different rather than something I can already do
Sources where the thing that happens consistently is impossible? Just because you can link to something, doesn’t mean it says what you think it does, we see people use both in lore.
As a Holy Naaru?
Every paladin in WoW lore has used the Light. They might have channeled it from different sources but the main connecting thread is the use of the Light. If void elves are to get Paladins, they have to use the Light and not have shadow-color or themed abilities. Alleria’s “explosion” when she touched the Sunwell can be accounted for. She and Turalyon showed that the Light and Shadow can be combined together in the books, so Void Elf Paladins can find a way to work.
Yes, scroll up. I’ve explained it in detail.
Gameplay/lore segregation is a thing. Confirmed by devs.
You’re free to read the original source yourself.
in written lore? where?
That’s not entirely correct. There is at least 1 example of a non-Light wielding Paladin in Hellfire Citadel. She is a Fel-corrupted Vindicator (which is the Draenei version of Paladins). She uses Fel themed Paladin abilities.
Gameplay/lore segregation just means lore doesn’t actually matter.
Its why wows story is absolutely trash. Just get rid of the asinine limitations already. Idgaf what you gotta do blizz.
Either actually respect the lore and remove class combos that shouldn’t exist or do what should have been done years ago and open up classes to all races.