Void Elf Paladin - This NPC Needs Fixing

I don’t want this thread to dissolve into arguments, I’m simply going to state the facts.
Void Elves can’t use the Light, when you combine Light + Void this results in the catastrophic reaction of an explosion. Alleria, without even being in her Void form, created a large explosion just from dipping her hands into the Sunwell.

I want to make it clear that I am 100% in support of giving Void Elves Paladins, and opening up the class to all races. However, this is NOT the way to do it. Void Elves should not be able to wield the Holy Light. This should have been the time for Blizzard to create a new set of assets for this unique circumstance.

Please… I beg you Blizzard… Uphold the lore that you’ve established and redo the abilities of this NPC. I’m not asking you to remove this Void Elf Paladin, I’m simply requesting her Holy Light abilities be color swapped to match the Void.

Edit: Since people seem confused and bring up Priests to “prove me wrong”, I should point out that they are incorrect. Up until now, Void Elf Priests had been canonically Shadow Priests. There were never any instances of Void Elves using the Light besides the player character. There were zero Void Elves using the Light, and that was implied to be due to them being unable to because Light + Void = explosion. Same reason we’ve NEVER seen a canon Lightforged Draenei use the Void, all of their Priests have been canonically Holy Priests. Discipline Priests aren’t an example of Light + Void =/= explosion. Discipline Priests don’t combine Light and Void. While they use both, they are used independently. A Void Elf literally can’t do that, as they are actively Void no matter what. We had only ever seen Void Elf Shadow Priests, no Void Elf Disc. Priest or Void Elf Holy Priest. Alleria being “different” was never a justified excuse. Both Alleria and the Void Elf race were both infused with Void energy. It doesn’t matter if that was via a Void Naaru or Void Ethereals pumping them with Void magic. The results are still the same, and therefore the consequences were too.


Blizzard: Uphold the WHAT?


Blizzard can’t patch properly what makes you think they can do something as simple as asset recolors?


Light and void is just what were doing now it seems


Oh boy… That’s just… That’s genuinely an abomination of the lore and factually wrong.
I am upset it’s what Blizzard decided upon.


directly opposed forces cannot merge because they annihilate each other a simple matter/anti-matter reaction but given Blizzard’s current state do you think that Lore even matters to them?


The lore used to matter to them, but this really does seem to be the end of that.


Apparently the laws of universe and physics themselves matter not. In Blizzard land we can do anything we want!

But then again it is fiction so yeah

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Lore died a long time ago (I personally believe at the end of WoD).

Bring on the Mechagnome Druids and Shamans.


This is pretty much where I see things going as well.

However, a class skin with Violet animations for us, Silvery animations for Night Elves, etc would be most welcome.


WOOHOO void elf paladins inc !!!


it is funny imagining entropic embraces proccing mid holy light lol


it IS kind of weird how so many companies seem to be at war recently with their established lore and logical consistencies.


Just call it a “Melee Disc Priest” and enjoy it.


Pretty sure last time they were asked about extending all classes to all races, their response boiled down to “It’s gonna be a while more because all we see when we hear that request is more work, and we don’t like that”

It will be a good long while, if ever, before they fix silly stuff like this.


people dont want to accept new things. its normal

we are gonna be paladins soon. thank you chris metzen and the lore team


i mean, we’ve seen night elf paladins and they never became playable, so we’ll see


Void Elf Paladins for NPCs, but not for players.


they are going to extend classes to all races eventually. at least, thats what their plan is.