Void Elf or High Elf alliance paladins?

It is the solution. Better then breaking lore. But then again your ok with that with your head canon aren’t you lore.

I bet 10 bucks you’ll get your followers in here soon to maskerade this soon. Including your biggest follower fen.

Won’t matter. This is another muted thread anyways.

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Would be craaaaaazy if in the lore was some sort of cycle between light and void were beings were able to shift between one and the other, and how external forced can alter that cycle.

Surely, such a thing could never exist.


I know right? It’s not like the game lore hasn’t already shown us Naaru, beings worshiped by the Draenei and Lightforged, can transition into a state of Void, and then transition back into a state of light


lore is not frends wit antis

Maybe if they are old Horde, and not a part of Thrall’s Horde. If it were still Warcraft I I’d agree with you. It’s been a long time since then and a lot of changes. Thrall’s Horde is a group of misfits that came together for survival and not one race.

I’m not an anti as it happens.

easy answer neither you don’t need paladins as a void elf.

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I thought they were discussing lore being anti worgen tails

Rather confusing post not sure the context


World Of Elfcraft
:woman_elf: :man_elf: :elf:

My reputation precedes me, even when it’s completely irrelevant to the thread c:

It’s just funny that we literally overload a naaru with either light or extract the void in the Priest Campaign to force the cycle.

What you want and what you need are two different things. If this game was about bare necessities, then why have races at all? we should all just play as humans.

The devs themselves have pointed to a future where every race can play every class, player choice is the maxim here. So the question is indeed what would be best, a Void analogue to the Paladin Class, or simply frame VE Paladins as being High Elves part of the Silver Hand?


Not adding the Helfs has been the most stupid decision on blizz history, also it feels like the Void mutants were added just for spiteful and childish reasons.


Eh, Void elf paladins makes 0 sense, and even if you push it as High elf paladins working with the void elves… well, Paladin’s arn’t really a high elf thing either.

The Blood Knights were unique to Blood elves and a new thing that has a pretty dark origin and happened after the divide.

Night elves have far more groundowrk for adding a new paladin race as we’ve followed the journey of a night elf preistess becoming a paldin in Elune’s name.


There are approximately five times as many High Elf paladin NPCs as there are Night Elf Paladin NPCs.

But meh. Who even cares anymore. They’re just using our “rework” to completely remove us from any kind of competitive content. I can feel the hand of a butthurt PvPer over all the changes. It’s 1.9 all over again.

Just lobby for our class sets and artifacts to all be cosmetic so we can freely reroll to Warrior, then we won’t be told what races we can play or have our Alliance themed plate held hostage by xfaction.


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Name them.

Rulen Lightsreap, Champion Isimode, Caladis Brightspear, Frostfencer Seraphi, and Arator. Now you could argue whether Arator only counts as half, or that Isimode is a joke character (RIP Troll Druids) but that’s still more than ONE.


Arator defintly dosn’t count, he’s half human and his human father is a paladin, pretty clear where that paladin influence came from in his familly.

Seraphi is a frost mage, not a paladin.

Caladis is unconfirmed but looks more like a warrior to me.

Isimode is also unconfirmed and could also be a warrior, but more likely to be a paladin than Caladis atleast…

so that leaves you with just Rulen Lightsreap who has almost no depth.

Meanwhile Delas Moonfang has a whole story arch about her becoming a paladin, setting the ground work for a Nightelf paladin order lead by her, and with a precedence of other Night elf Paladins also being established from Nerus Moonfang.

So thats actually 2 Night elf paladins to 1 (possibly 3) High elf ones.

It’s not fair to discount him just because you think he “lacks depth”. If anything Rulen should count the most because he’s a darn Paladin class trainer.

Rulen is a confirmed Paladin, as is Champion Isimode.

Caladis Brightspear has not had a class confirmed so he’s up in the air.

Frostfencer Seraphi is… weird. The wiki says he’s a frost mage but his wowhead profile for island expedtions shows his abilities as a mix of Paladin and unique frost-themed melee abilities (not any of the typical Frost Mage spells though). He does use a shield as mentioned by Lumineus below.


So what…? You think elves are born with their class or something?

OK, maybe you haven’t fought him as Horde, but he literally uses Divine Shield and Holy Light, and carries a shield… :thinking:

He has a polearm and a mana bar, and predates Monks, so Druid is the only other plausible class, which… LOL.

A 10,000+ year old ghost who probably never heard of Paladins before you dug him up


No I’m saying he’s half human and trained as a paladin by his human father in a human tradition.

That dosen’t mean much NPCs don’t follow player rules. Also Hunters had mana back then.

Who sets the foundation for Elune granting Paladin like powers long before Human paladins… Further setting the ground work for Nightelf Paladins to become a thing.