Void Elf or High Elf alliance paladins?

Or just use a default visual pallet differentiator for their spells based on race flags. So that visually it’s blatantly clear they are NOT channeling the Light for anything and are channeling Void energies instead for similar effects.

It’s what the game already does for the various druid animal forms and the shaman totems between races.

And have every text/trigger use “Void Zealot” or whatever they call themselves instead of “Paladin”

Boom. problem solved in-game in a way that doesn’t break canon/lore.

Isn’t there a difference between automatic adjusting colors and literal differences in asset? The druid forms and shaman totems aren’t just different colors, they are totally different appearances.

yes. you make a set of new assets that are just the old ones with a different color pallet/small effect tweaks. Apply the racial flag to it for Void Elves the same way the various animal form and totem assets are keyed for use by the game based on race. I thought that part would be understood without having to explicitly spell it out.

I feel your pain and I’m 100% with you . It could work in many ways

  1. If Blizzard was agreeable enough to give us High Elf skin customizations, then why not unlocking some High Elf classes to roleplay as?

  2. Void Elves are basically Blood Elves who experiment on Void magic, I don’t find it too far fetched for some Blood Knights to join this new “Cult”.

  3. If Priests can use Shadow magic then why not Paladins?

  4. Light and Void could coexist (according to the Legion expansion), why is it wrong to think of a Paladin who could also use shadow/void abilities (entropic embrace)?


Looks like another bit of customization is sneaking in when 10.0.7 hits!


Naughtymoon should be happy since Humans are getting hot pink hair. Maybe that will herald pink hair options for other races as well soon.


I just seen this on Wowhead but yes, I love that and I hope that everyone gets pink hair color eventually. :heartpulse: :heartpulse: :heartpulse:


Honestly I think it’s time for every race, every class…with the possible exception of demon hunters.

DH class should be open to Void Elf and Draenei as well (with Eredar skin customizations)

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Always felt that Orc (Fel Orc Skin) and Draenei (Eredari skins) would make a great DH race setup. Wouldn’t specifically need to change much with the starting zone that way since Illidan had access to both those races.

But more likely they will add everyone to the class when they’re ready in the same way they expanded DKs.


i hope we get velf paladinos :heartpulse: :heartpulse: :heartpulse:


bump I want void elf palsfins thnx


Give us human / nelf Shamans!!!


True High Elf fans would never play a Blood Elf.


Paladin for everyone please :heart::heart::heart:


I think Paladin Kul’tirans, Void Elves, Night Elves, Gnomes, and Mechgnomes would be nice to see along with on the Horde Undead Paladins, Highmountain Tauren Paladins, Goblin Paladins, and Troll Paladins.


Blizzard teasing with Light-wielding void elves on social media:


The duality of the ren’dorei. :face_with_monocle:

Someone at blizzard validated this !

If it’s the next void elf lore, I validate too ! It will be easier to add the paladin class to them.


While it’s nice to see Blizzard showcasing this, do keep in mind that the artwork is fanart and not something produced by Blizzard. Still it’s nice to see.

-100 lore points for asking the race that is transformed by the void into near void beings to have tge light infused paladins playable.

Also cross faction guilds is coming. Just roll a BE pally.

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Cross faction guilds is an irrelevant solution. Still doesn’t allow the opposite faction to completely interact together in the open world and in cities/towns.