Void Elf or High Elf alliance paladins?

And Delas will probably be trained by a Draenei in a Draenei tradition, and be disowned by Tyrande after having told Velen where he could stick his Naaru nonsense.

He’s an elf. He’s a paladin. Facts.

All Hunters lost their mana bars in Cataclysm, even NPCs.

What is the basis for this? Because his mission table entry has Consecration? Better not tell Whitemane she’s a DK/former priest then, cuz she has it too.

Frankly, I’m not against Night Elf paladins, but your girl was late to the party and should wait in line.


I am very doubtful anyone will have to “wait in line.” I’m fairly confident that if/when another class is proliferated, that whatever class it may be, will be proliferated to every race that doesn’t have access to that class at the same time. So it’s probably pointless to get into “X race should get it first” type arguments.

If/When Paladins get proliferated, I’d expect that Void Elves will get access at the same time as Night Elves, Orcs, Trolls, Vulpera, Worgen, Kultirans, Mag’har, Gnomes, Nightborne, Highmountain Tauren, Goblins, Undead, Mechagnomes, and Pandaren.




Honestly? Yeah.

Sure, a void based Paladin analogue order could be created, and I do think it could expand some aspects of the lore in even necessary ways.

But Paladins aren’t a High Elf thing, they are as much so as Kul Tiran Paladins are. Modern WoW high elves aren’t shown to be particularly religious, we haven’t even had one relevant Priest NPC in WoW. Sure would be cool because more class/race combos are better, but if it doesn’t happen, it really doesn’t hurt HE lore or immersion.

(Of course, if it were to happen, we do have the Highvale, a light worshiping group of High Elves, which although have not shown to be Paladins, have enough commonality to have Draenei Paladins come train with them)


While I don’t disagree with the main point of this, it should be noted that high elves seemingly have been gaining more and more paladin representation as time goes on. While they didn’t start with a culture around it or a large group of them joining, ever since the Argent Crusade on wards we’ve been seeing more and more of them among the Silver Hand and Argent Crusaders groups.

It may be more that they’re growing into the order now more than they were in the past where they seem to have had little to do with or interest in it.

Also anything to add to more Highvale Elves content is a welcome thing for me. lol


Void elves should 100% be able to be paladins!
Holy priest void elves are a thing, btw, inb4 people come in with the headcanon about void and light exploding or whatever.


I don’t think any of the arguing about this matters, because Blizz are obviously working on opening up each class for each race. It’s just a matter of time. Stuff like Pallys, Druids and Shamans might take a bit because of customization, but they’ll likely happen for everyone.


tell rhat to antis

They’ll likely read this. They probably already know that class/race options have been opening up more and more.

I think my favorite part of this whole stupid kerfuffle is that Elf paladins (of any persuasion) weren’t even a thing until incredibly recently in the lore; like the first ones near as I can tell were the Blood dragons who got to be paladins by capturing a Naaru and leaching it’s essence, so there isn’t even a basis for the High elves to be paladins, let alone the Void elves.

I really want velf paladins but did we have to make the thread where the OP craps on velfs the main thread? :sob:

Except that they’ve always worshipped the Light and had Paladins before they were attacked by Arthas and created the Blood Knights?


While there are definitely few before the Blood Knights came to be, it should be noted that they did exist. We see that with a couple unnamed characters and one or two who suggest they were paladins before Arthas’ attack.

Regardless since that time the high elves have shown up with increasing frequency among Paladin order ranks.

The SC notably have a paladin trainer which implies there were paladins to train.

The Argent Crusaders seemed to be gaining high elves among their number from Wrath onwards.

Legion order hall regularly gives you high elven paladins.

And most recently we’ve seen a new named high elven paladin added to that Order hall long after Legion was a thing.

I don’t think the Void Elves would have “light” based paladins but I would love to see the class added with an option for a void recolor for a void based order of paladins, both for void elves to make more sense within the confines of the lore, but also to just expand paladins as a group. The Cult of Forgotten Shadow would likely also come up with the concept of shadow priest + warrior make Void Knight and I think a simple recolor of abilities through either a toggle for everyone or as something Void Elves and Forsaken start with if they choose paladin (with a toggle to switch for those RPing whatever they’d like) would be amazing.


Yes because much like velf, belves, and helves in game don’t get along, the velf players, belf players, and helf players can’t get along on forums haha

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Missed this earlier but you’re welcome to talk about it in my thread. lol

Wish it didn’t always devolve into random long bouts of mud flinging sometimes. Rather like the talks about lore and concepts.


Blizzard already obliterated any chance of Lightforged class options making sense when they were given death knight. The Light leaves their body explosively as they die, so the only two options are a pile of dust you can’t raise into a DK or a regular draenei corpse.

I’m not expecting them to go out of their way to create any legitimate reason for them to get warlock, it’ll just happen at some point.


Before Warcraft lore spiraled out into this cosmic alignment chart nonsense, undead were animated with shadow magic, which would’ve been void under the current chart. “Death” magic was a vague umbrella that wasn’t really its own thing at the time and mostly fell under shadow anyway.


They may have worshipped the light but to the best of my knowledge they didn’t have paladins.

They had at least one and probably a few more based on some context.

Doubt it was culturally significant.

But nowadays you see plenty of high elf paladins.

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Are you sure they’re not Belfs?